5,937 research outputs found

    Brain MRI Super Resolution Using 3D Deep Densely Connected Neural Networks

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    Magnetic resonance image (MRI) in high spatial resolution provides detailed anatomical information and is often necessary for accurate quantitative analysis. However, high spatial resolution typically comes at the expense of longer scan time, less spatial coverage, and lower signal to noise ratio (SNR). Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR), a technique aimed to restore high-resolution (HR) details from one single low-resolution (LR) input image, has been improved dramatically by recent breakthroughs in deep learning. In this paper, we introduce a new neural network architecture, 3D Densely Connected Super-Resolution Networks (DCSRN) to restore HR features of structural brain MR images. Through experiments on a dataset with 1,113 subjects, we demonstrate that our network outperforms bicubic interpolation as well as other deep learning methods in restoring 4x resolution-reduced images.Comment: Accepted by ISBI'1

    Automatic 3D bi-ventricular segmentation of cardiac images by a shape-refined multi-task deep learning approach

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    Deep learning approaches have achieved state-of-the-art performance in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) image segmentation. However, most approaches have focused on learning image intensity features for segmentation, whereas the incorporation of anatomical shape priors has received less attention. In this paper, we combine a multi-task deep learning approach with atlas propagation to develop a shape-constrained bi-ventricular segmentation pipeline for short-axis CMR volumetric images. The pipeline first employs a fully convolutional network (FCN) that learns segmentation and landmark localisation tasks simultaneously. The architecture of the proposed FCN uses a 2.5D representation, thus combining the computational advantage of 2D FCNs networks and the capability of addressing 3D spatial consistency without compromising segmentation accuracy. Moreover, the refinement step is designed to explicitly enforce a shape constraint and improve segmentation quality. This step is effective for overcoming image artefacts (e.g. due to different breath-hold positions and large slice thickness), which preclude the creation of anatomically meaningful 3D cardiac shapes. The proposed pipeline is fully automated, due to network's ability to infer landmarks, which are then used downstream in the pipeline to initialise atlas propagation. We validate the pipeline on 1831 healthy subjects and 649 subjects with pulmonary hypertension. Extensive numerical experiments on the two datasets demonstrate that our proposed method is robust and capable of producing accurate, high-resolution and anatomically smooth bi-ventricular 3D models, despite the artefacts in input CMR volumes

    A Fetal Brain magnetic resonance Acquisition Numerical phantom (FaBiAN)

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    Accurate characterization of in utero human brain maturation is critical as it involves complex and interconnected structural and functional processes that may influence health later in life. Magnetic resonance imaging is a powerful tool to investigate equivocal neurological patterns during fetal development. However, the number of acquisitions of satisfactory quality available in this cohort of sensitive subjects remains scarce, thus hindering the validation of advanced image processing techniques. Numerical phantoms can mitigate these limitations by providing a controlled environment with a known ground truth. In this work, we present FaBiAN, an open-source Fetal Brain magnetic resonance Acquisition Numerical phantom that simulates clinical T2-weighted fast spin echo sequences of the fetal brain. This unique tool is based on a general, flexible and realistic setup that includes stochastic fetal movements, thus providing images of the fetal brain throughout maturation comparable to clinical acquisitions. We demonstrate its value to evaluate the robustness and optimize the accuracy of an algorithm for super-resolution fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging from simulated motion-corrupted 2D low-resolution series compared to a synthetic high-resolution reference volume. We also show that the images generated can complement clinical datasets to support data-intensive deep learning methods for fetal brain tissue segmentation

    Restauration d'images en IRM anatomique pour l'étude préclinique des marqueurs du vieillissement cérébral

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    Les maladies neurovasculaires et neurodégénératives liées à l'âge sont en forte augmentation. Alors que ces changements pathologiques montrent des effets sur le cerveau avant l'apparition de symptômes cliniques, une meilleure compréhension du processus de vieillissement normal du cerveau aidera à distinguer l'impact des pathologies connues sur la structure régionale du cerveau. En outre, la connaissance des schémas de rétrécissement du cerveau dans le vieillissement normal pourrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension de ses causes et peut-être à des interventions réduisant la perte de fonctions cérébrales associée à l'atrophie cérébrale. Par conséquent, ce projet de thèse vise à détecter les biomarqueurs du vieillissement normal et pathologique du cerveau dans un modèle de primate non humain, le singe marmouset (Callithrix Jacchus), qui possède des caractéristiques anatomiques plus proches de celles des humains que de celles des rongeurs. Cependant, les changements structurels (par exemple, de volumes, d'épaisseur corticale) qui peuvent se produire au cours de leur vie adulte peuvent être minimes à l'échelle de l'observation. Dans ce contexte, il est essentiel de disposer de techniques d'observation offrant un contraste et une résolution spatiale suffisamment élevés et permettant des évaluations détaillées des changements morphométriques du cerveau associé au vieillissement. Cependant, l'imagerie de petits cerveaux dans une plateforme IRM 3T dédiée à l'homme est une tâche difficile car la résolution spatiale et le contraste obtenus sont insuffisants par rapport à la taille des structures anatomiques observées et à l'échelle des modifications attendues. Cette thèse vise à développer des méthodes de restauration d'image pour les images IRM précliniques qui amélioreront la robustesse des algorithmes de segmentation. L'amélioration de la résolution spatiale des images à un rapport signal/bruit constant limitera les effets de volume partiel dans les voxels situés à la frontière entre deux structures et permettra une meilleure segmentation tout en augmentant la reproductibilité des résultats. Cette étape d'imagerie computationnelle est cruciale pour une analyse morphométrique longitudinale fiable basée sur les voxels et l'identification de marqueurs anatomiques du vieillissement cérébral en suivant les changements de volume dans la matière grise, la matière blanche et le liquide cérébral.Age-related neurovascular and neurodegenerative diseases are increasing significantly. While such pathological changes show effects on the brain before clinical symptoms appear, a better understanding of the normal aging brain process will help distinguish known pathologies' impact on regional brain structure. Furthermore, knowledge of the patterns of brain shrinkage in normal aging could lead to a better understanding of its causes and perhaps to interventions reducing the loss of brain functions. Therefore, this thesis project aims to detect normal and pathological brain aging biomarkers in a non-human primate model, the marmoset monkey (Callithrix Jacchus) which possesses anatomical characteristics more similar to humans than rodents. However, structural changes (e.g., volumes, cortical thickness) that may occur during their adult life may be minimal with respect to the scale of observation. In this context, it is essential to have observation techniques that offer sufficiently high contrast and spatial resolution and allow detailed assessments of the morphometric brain changes associated with aging. However, imaging small brains in a 3T MRI platform dedicated to humans is a challenging task because the spatial resolution and the contrast obtained are insufficient compared to the size of the anatomical structures observed and the scale of the xpected changes with age. This thesis aims to develop image restoration methods for preclinical MR images that will improve the robustness of the segmentation algorithms. Improving the resolution of the images at a constant signal-to-noise ratio will limit the effects of partial volume in voxels located at the border between two structures and allow a better segmentation while increasing the results' reproducibility. This computational imaging step is crucial for a reliable longitudinal voxel-based morphometric analysis and for the identification of anatomical markers of brain aging by following the volume changes in gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid

    Highly automatic quantification of myocardial oedema in patients with acute myocardial infarction using bright blood T2-weighted CMR

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    <p>Background: T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is clinically-useful for imaging the ischemic area-at-risk and amount of salvageable myocardium in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). However, to date, quantification of oedema is user-defined and potentially subjective.</p> <p>Methods: We describe a highly automatic framework for quantifying myocardial oedema from bright blood T2-weighted CMR in patients with acute MI. Our approach retains user input (i.e. clinical judgment) to confirm the presence of oedema on an image which is then subjected to an automatic analysis. The new method was tested on 25 consecutive acute MI patients who had a CMR within 48 hours of hospital admission. Left ventricular wall boundaries were delineated automatically by variational level set methods followed by automatic detection of myocardial oedema by fitting a Rayleigh-Gaussian mixture statistical model. These data were compared with results from manual segmentation of the left ventricular wall and oedema, the current standard approach.</p> <p>Results: The mean perpendicular distances between automatically detected left ventricular boundaries and corresponding manual delineated boundaries were in the range of 1-2 mm. Dice similarity coefficients for agreement (0=no agreement, 1=perfect agreement) between manual delineation and automatic segmentation of the left ventricular wall boundaries and oedema regions were 0.86 and 0.74, respectively.</p&gt

    Generative Models for Preprocessing of Hospital Brain Scans

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    I will in this thesis present novel computational methods for processing routine clinical brain scans. Such scans were originally acquired for qualitative assessment by trained radiologists, and present a number of difficulties for computational models, such as those within common neuroimaging analysis software. The overarching objective of this work is to enable efficient and fully automated analysis of large neuroimaging datasets, of the type currently present in many hospitals worldwide. The methods presented are based on probabilistic, generative models of the observed imaging data, and therefore rely on informative priors and realistic forward models. The first part of the thesis will present a model for image quality improvement, whose key component is a novel prior for multimodal datasets. I will demonstrate its effectiveness for super-resolving thick-sliced clinical MR scans and for denoising CT images and MR-based, multi-parametric mapping acquisitions. I will then show how the same prior can be used for within-subject, intermodal image registration, for more robustly registering large numbers of clinical scans. The second part of the thesis focusses on improved, automatic segmentation and spatial normalisation of routine clinical brain scans. I propose two extensions to a widely used segmentation technique. First, a method for this model to handle missing data, which allows me to predict entirely missing modalities from one, or a few, MR contrasts. Second, a principled way of combining the strengths of probabilistic, generative models with the unprecedented discriminative capability of deep learning. By introducing a convolutional neural network as a Markov random field prior, I can model nonlinear class interactions and learn these using backpropagation. I show that this model is robust to sequence and scanner variability. Finally, I show examples of fitting a population-level, generative model to various neuroimaging data, which can model, e.g., CT scans with haemorrhagic lesions