9 research outputs found

    Hate Speech Detection for Indonesia Tweets Using Word Embedding And Gated Recurrent Unit

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    Social media has changed the people mindset to express thoughts and moods. As the activity of social media users increases, it does not rule out the possibility of crimes of spreading hate speech can spread quickly and widely. So that it is not possible to detect hate speech manually. GRU is one of the deep learning methods that has the ability to learn information relations from the previous time to the present time. In this research feature extraction used is word2vec, because it has the ability to learn semantics between words. In this research the GRU performance will be compared with other supervision methods such as support vector machine, naive bayes, decision tree and logistic regression. The results obtained show that the best accuracy is 92.96% by the GRU model with word2vec feature extraction. The use of word2vec in the comparison supervision method is not good enough from tf and tf-idf

    Deep recurrent neural networks with attention mechanisms for respiratory anomaly classification.

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    In recent years, a variety of deep learning techniques and methods have been adopted to provide AI solutions to issues within the medical field, with one specific area being audio-based classification of medical datasets. This research aims to create a novel deep learning architecture for this purpose, with a variety of different layer structures implemented for undertaking audio classification. Specifically, bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) networks in conjunction with an attention mechanism, are implemented in this research for chronic and non-chronic lung disease and COVID-19 diagnosis. We employ two audio datasets, i.e. the Respiratory Sound and the Coswara datasets, to evaluate the proposed model architectures pertaining to lung disease classification. The Respiratory Sound Database contains audio data with respect to lung conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma, while the Coswara dataset contains coughing audio samples associated with COVID-19. After a comprehensive evaluation and experimentation process, as the most performant architecture, the proposed attention BiLSTM network (A-BiLSTM) achieves accuracy rates of 96.2% and 96.8% for the Respiratory Sound and the Coswara datasets, respectively. Our research indicates that the implementation of the BiLSTM and attention mechanism was effective in improving performance for undertaking audio classification with respect to various lung condition diagnoses

    Significance of handcrafted features in human activity recognition with attention-based RNN models

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    Sensors incorporated in devices are a source of temporal data that can be interpreted to learn the context of a user. The smartphone accelerometer sensor generates data streams that form distinct patterns in response to user activities. The human context can be predicted using deep learning models built from raw sensor data or features retrieved from raw data. This study analyzes data streams from the UCI-HAR public dataset for activity recognition to determine 31 handcrafted features in the temporal and frequency domain. Various stacked and combination RNN models, trained with attention mechanisms, are designed to work with computed features. Attention gave the models a good fit. When trained with all features, the two-stacked GRU model performed best with 99% accuracy. Selecting the most promising features helps reduce training time without compromising accuracy. The ranking supplied by the permutation feature importance measure and Shapley values are utilized to identify the best features from the highly correlated features. Models trained using optimal features, as determined by the importance measures, had a 96% accuracy rate. Misclassification in attention-based classifiers occurs in the prediction of dynamic activities, such as walking upstairs and walking downstairs, and in sedentary activities, such as sitting and standing, due to the similar range of each activity’s axis values. Our research emphasizes the design of streamlined neural network architectures, characterized by fewer layers and a reduced number of neurons when compared to existing models in the field, to design lightweight models to be implemented in resource-constraint gadgets

    Advancements in Personality Detection: Unleashing the Power of Transformer-Based Models and Deep Learning with Static Embeddings on English Personality Quotes

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    Personality detection has garnered significant attention in recent years, with applications ranging from personalized user experiences to psychological analysis. This paper presents advancements in personality detection, focusing on the utilization of Transformer-based models and deep learning models with static embeddings to analyse English personality quotes. The research highlights the capabilities of advanced models such as ELECTRA and META OPT in comprehending contextual dependencies within text. Concurrently, it examines the significance of deep learning and embeddings in capturing semantic information and hidden personality traits. Leveraging the power of modern natural language processing techniques, the study explores the potential of these models in extracting latent personality traits from textual data. A diverse dataset of English quotes with personality dimension along the introversion-extroversion spectrum, supplemented by the concept of ambiverts is curated for training and evaluation, and the model's performance is assessed using accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The results reveal that the Transformer-based models significantly enhances personality detection accuracy compared to conventional methods. By exploiting these advanced techniques, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of individual personalities through their textual expressions, bridging the gap between human cognition and artificial intelligence to revolutionize personalized interactions

    An enhanced gated recurrent unit with auto-encoder for solving text classification problems

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    Classification has become an important task for categorizing documents automatically based on their respective groups. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is a type of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and a deep learning algorithm that contains update gate and reset gate. It is considered as one of the most efficient text classification techniques, specifically on sequential datasets. However, GRU suffered from three major issues when it is applied for solving the text classification problems. The first drawback is the failure in data dimensionality reduction, which leads to low quality solution for the classification problems. Secondly, GRU still has difficulty in training procedure due to redundancy between update and reset gates. The reset gate creates complexity and require high processing time. Thirdly, GRU also has a problem with informative features loss in each recurrence during the training phase and high computational cost. The reason behind this failure is due to a random selection of features from datasets (or previous outputs), when applied in its standard form. Therefore, in this research, a new model namely Encoder Simplified GRU (ES-GRU) is proposed to reduce dimension of data using an Auto-Encoder (AE). Accordingly, the reset gate is replaced with an update gate in order to reduce the redundancy and complexity in the standard GRU. Finally, a Batch Normalization method is incorporated in the GRU and AE for improving the performance of the proposed ES-GRU model. The proposed model has been evaluated on seven benchmark text datasets and compared with six baselines well-known multiclass text classification approaches included standard GRU, AE, Long Short Term Memory, Convolutional Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, and Naïve Bayes. Based on various types of performance evaluation parameters, a considerable amount of improvement has been observed in the performance of the proposed model as compared to other standard classification techniques, and showed better effectiveness and efficiency of the developed model


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    During the lifecycle of mega engineering projects such as: energy facilities, infrastructure projects, or data centers, executives in charge should take into account the potential opportunities and threats that could affect the execution of such projects. These opportunities and threats can arise from different domains; including for example: geopolitical, economic or financial, and can have an impact on different entities, such as, countries, cities or companies. The goal of this research is to provide a new approach to identify and predict opportunities and threats using large and diverse data sets, and ensemble Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network models to inform domain specific foresights. In addition to predicting the opportunities and threats, this research proposes new techniques to help decision-makers for deduction and reasoning purposes. The proposed models and results provide structured output to inform the executive decision-making process concerning large engineering projects (LEPs). This research proposes new techniques that not only provide reliable timeseries predictions but uncertainty quantification to help make more informed decisions. The proposed ensemble framework consists of the following components: first, processed domain knowledge is used to extract a set of entity-domain features; second, structured learning based on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), to learn similarity between sequences and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA), is used to determine which features are relevant for a given prediction problem; and finally, an automated decision based on the input and structured learning from the DTW-HCA is used to build a training data-set which is fed into a deep LSTM neural network for time-series predictions. A set of deeper ensemble programs are proposed such as Monte Carlo Simulations and Time Label Assignment to offer a controlled setting for assessing the impact of external shocks and a temporal alert system, respectively. The developed model can be used to inform decision makers about the set of opportunities and threats that their entities and assets face as a result of being engaged in an LEP accounting for epistemic uncertainty