1,597 research outputs found

    A step towards Advancing Digital Phenotyping In Mental Healthcare

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    Smartphones and wrist-wearable devices have infiltrated our lives in recent years. According to published statistics, nearly 84% of the world’s population owns a smartphone, and almost 10% own a wearable device today (2022). These devices continuously generate various data sources from multiple sensors and apps, creating our digital phenotypes. This opens new research opportunities, particularly in mental health care, which has previously relied almost exclusively on self-reports of mental health symptoms. Unobtrusive monitoring using patients’ devices may result in clinically valuable markers that can improve diagnostic processes, tailor treatment choices, provide continuous insights into their condition for actionable outcomes, such as early signs of relapse, and develop new intervention models. However, these data sources must be translated into meaningful, actionable features related to mental health to achieve their full potential. In the mental health field, there is a great need and much to be gained from defining a way to continuously assess the evolution of patients’ mental states, ideally in their everyday environment, to support the monitoring and treatments by health care providers. A smartphone-based approach may be valuable in gathering long-term objective data, aside from the usually used self-ratings, to predict clinical state changes and investigate causal inferences about state changes in patients (e.g., those with affective disorders). Being objective does not imply that passive data collection is also perfect. It has several challenges: some sensors generate vast volumes of data, and others cause significant battery drain. Furthermore, the analysis of raw passive data is complicated, and collecting certain types of data may interfere with the phenotype of interest. Nonetheless, machine learning is predisposed to address these matters and advance psychiatry’s era of personalised medicine. This work aimed to advance the research efforts on mobile and wearable sensors for mental health monitoring. We applied supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods to model and understand mental disease evolution based on the digital phenotype of patients and clinician assessments at the follow-up visits, which provide ground truths. We needed to cope with regularly and irregularly sampled, high-dimensional, and heterogeneous time series data susceptible to distortion and missingness. Hence, the developed methods must be robust to these limitations and handle missing data properly. Throughout the various projects presented here, we used probabilistic latent variable models for data imputation and feature extraction, namely, mixture models (MM) and hidden Markov models (HMM). These unsupervised models can learn even in the presence of missing data by marginalising the missing values in the function of the present observations. Once the generative models are trained on the data set with missing values, they can be used to generate samples for imputation. First, the most probable component/state has to be found for each sample. Then, sampling from the most probable distribution yields valid and robust parameter estimates and explicit imputed values for variables that can be analysed as outcomes or predictors. The imputation process can be repeated several times, creating multiple datasets, thereby accounting for the uncertainty in the imputed values and implicitly augmenting the data. Moreover, they are robust to moderate deviations of the observed data from the assumed underlying distribution and provide accurate estimates even when missingness is high. Depending on the properties of the data at hand, we employed feature extraction methods combined with classical machine learning algorithms or deep learning-based techniques for temporal modelling to predict various mental health outcomes - emotional state, World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) functionality scores and Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) scores, of psychiatric outpatients. We mainly focused on one-size-fits-all models, as the labelled sample size per patient was limited; however, in the mood prediction case, it was possible to apply personalised models. Integrating machines and algorithms into the clinical workflow require interpretability to increase acceptance. Therefore, we also analysed feature importance by computing Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) values. SHAP values provide an overview of essential features in the machine learning models by designating the weight of predictability of each feature positively or negatively to the target variable. The provided solutions, as such, are proof of concept, which require further clinical validation to be deployable in the clinical workflow. Still, the results are promising and lay some foundations for future research and collaboration among clinicians, patients, and computer scientists. They set the paths to advance future research prospects in technology-based mental healthcare.En los últimos años, los smartphones y los dispositivos y pulseras inteligentes, comúnmente conocidos como wearables, se han infiltrado en nuestras vidas. Según las estadísticas publicadas a día de hoy (2022), cerca del 84% de la población tiene un smartphone y aproximadamente un 10% también posee un wearable. Estos dispositivos generan datos de forma continua en base a distintos sensores y aplicaciones, creando así nuestro fenotipo digital. Estos datos abren nuevas vías de investigación, particularmente en el área de salud mental, dónde las fuentes de datos han sido casi exclusivamente autoevaluaciones de síntomas de salud mental. Monitorizar de forma no intrusiva a los pacientes mediante sus dispositivos puede dar lugar a marcadores valiosos en aplicación clínica. Esto permite mejorar los procesos de diagnóstico, adaptar tratamientos, e incluso proporcionar información continua sobre el estado de los pacientes, como signos tempranos de recaída, y hasta desarrollar nuevos modelos de intervención. Aun así, estos datos en crudo han de ser traducidos a datos interpretables relacionados con la salud mental para conseguir un máximo rendimiento de los mismos. En salud mental existe una gran necesidad, y además hay mucho que ganar, de definir cómo evaluar de forma continuada la evolución del estado mental de los pacientes en su entorno cotidiano para ayudar en el tratamiento y seguimiento de los mismos por parte de los profesionales sanitarios. En este ámbito, un enfoque basado en datos recopilados desde sus smartphones puede ser valioso para recoger datos objetivos a largo plazo al mismo tiempo que se acompaña de las autoevaluaciones utilizadas habitualmente. La combinación de ambos tipos de datos puede ayudar a predecir los cambios en el estado clínico de estos pacientes e investigar las relaciones causales sobre estos cambios (por ejemplo, en aquellos que padecen trastornos afectivos). Aunque la recogida de datos de forma pasiva tiene la ventaja de ser objetiva, también implica varios retos. Por un lado, ciertos sensores generan grandes volúmenes de datos, provocando un importante consumo de batería. Además, el análisis de los datos pasivos en crudo es complicado, y la recogida de ciertos tipos de datos puede interferir con el fenotipo que se quiera analizar. No obstante, el machine learning o aprendizaje automático, está predispuesto a resolver estas cuestiones y aportar avances en la medicina personalizada aplicada a psiquiatría. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo avanzar en la investigación de los datos recogidos por sensores de smartphones y wearables para la monitorización en salud mental. Para ello, aplicamos métodos de aprendizaje automático supervisado y no supervisado para modelar y comprender la evolución de las enfermedades mentales basándonos en el fenotipo digital de los pacientes. Estos resultados se comparan con las evaluaciones de los médicos en las visitas de seguimiento, que proporcionan las etiquetas reales. Para aplicar estos métodos hemos lidiado con datos provenientes de series temporales con alta dimensionalidad, muestreados de forma regular e irregular, heterogéneos y, además, susceptibles a presentar patrones de datos perdidos y/o distorsionados. Por lo tanto, los métodos desarrollados deben ser resistentes a estas limitaciones y manejar adecuadamente los datos perdidos. A lo largo de los distintos proyectos presentados en este trabajo, hemos utilizado modelos probabilísticos de variables latentes para la imputación de datos y la extracción de características, como por ejemplo, Mixture Models (MM) y hidden Markov Models (HMM). Estos modelos no supervisados pueden aprender incluso en presencia de datos perdidos, marginalizando estos valores en función de las datos que sí han sido observados. Una vez entrenados los modelos generativos en el conjunto de datos con valores perdidos, pueden utilizarse para imputar dichos valores generando muestras. En primer lugar, hay que encontrar el componente/estado más probable para cada muestra. Luego, se muestrea de la distirbución más probable resultando en estimaciones de parámetros robustos y válidos. Además, genera imputaciones explícitas que pueden ser tratadas como resultados. Este proceso de imputación puede repetirse varias veces, creando múltiples conjuntos de datos, con lo que se tiene en cuenta la incertidumbre de los valores imputados y aumentándose así, implícitamente, los datos. Además, estas imputaciones son resistentes a desviaciones que puedan existir en los datos observados con respecto a la distribución subyacente asumida y proporcionan estimaciones precisas incluso cuando la falta de datos es elevada. Dependiendo de las propiedades de los datos en cuestión, hemos usado métodos de extracción de características combinados con algoritmos clásicos de aprendizaje automático o técnicas basadas en deep learning o aprendizaje profundo para el modelado temporal. La finalidad de ambas opciones es ser capaces de predecir varios resultados de salud mental/estado emocional, como la puntuación sobre el World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0), o las puntuaciones del generalised anxiety disorder-7 (GAD-7) de pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatorios. Nos centramos principalmente en modelos generalizados, es decir, no personalizados para cada paciente sino explicativos para la mayoría, ya que el tamaño de muestras etiquetada por paciente es limitado; sin embargo, en el caso de la predicción del estado de ánimo, puidmos aplicar modelos personalizados. Para que la integración de las máquinas y algoritmos dentro del flujo de trabajo clínico sea aceptada, se requiere que los resultados sean interpretables. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo también analizamos la importancia de las características sacadas por cada algoritmo en base a los valores de las explicaciones aditivas de Shapley (SHAP). Estos valores proporcionan una visión general de las características esenciales en los modelos de aprendizaje automático designando el peso, positivo o negativo, de cada característica en su predictibilidad sobre la variable objetivo. Las soluciones aportadas en esta tesis, como tales, son pruebas de concepto, que requieren una mayor validación clínica para poder ser desplegadas en el flujo de trabajo clínico. Aun así, los resultados son prometedores y sientan base para futuras investigaciones y colaboraciones entre clínicos, pacientes y científicos de datos. Éstas establecen las guías para avanzar en las perspectivas de investigación futuras en la atención sanitaria mental basada en la tecnología.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: David Ramírez García.- Secretario: Alfredo Nazábal Rentería.- Vocal: María Luisa Barrigón Estéve

    Use of automated coding methods to assess motivational behaviour in education

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    Teachers’ motivational behaviour is related to important student outcomes. Assessing teachers’ motivational behaviour has been helpful to improve teaching quality and enhance student outcomes. However, researchers in educational psychology have relied on self-report or observer ratings. These methods face limitations on accurately and reliably assessing teachers’ motivational behaviour; thus restricting the pace and scale of conducting research. One potential method to overcome these restrictions is automated coding methods. These methods are capable of analysing behaviour at a large scale with less time and at low costs. In this thesis, I conducted three studies to examine the applications of an automated coding method to assess teacher motivational behaviours. First, I systematically reviewed the applications of automated coding methods used to analyse helping professionals’ interpersonal interactions using their verbal behaviour. The findings showed that automated coding methods were used in psychotherapy to predict the codes of a well-developed behavioural coding measure, in medical settings to predict conversation patterns or topics, and in education to predict simple concepts, such as the number of open/closed questions or class activity type (e.g., group work or teacher lecturing). In certain circumstances, these models achieved near human level performance. However, few studies adhered to best-practice machine learning guidelines. Second, I developed a dictionary of teachers’ motivational phrases and used it to automatically assess teachers’ motivating and de-motivating behaviours. Results showed that the dictionary ratings of teacher need support achieved a strong correlation with observer ratings of need support (rfull dictionary = .73). Third, I developed a classification of teachers’ motivational behaviour that would enable more advanced automated coding of teacher behaviours at each utterance level. In this study, I created a classification that includes 57 teacher motivating and de-motivating behaviours that are consistent with self-determination theory. Automatically assessing teachers’ motivational behaviour with automatic coding methods can provide accurate, fast pace, and large scale analysis of teacher motivational behaviour. This could allow for immediate feedback and also development of theoretical frameworks. The findings in this thesis can lead to the improvement of student motivation and other consequent student outcomes

    Delusions in Context

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    Delusions in Context

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    This open access book offers an exploration of delusions—unusual beliefs that can significantly disrupt people’s lives. Experts from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including lived experience, clinical psychiatry, philosophy, clinical psychology, and cognitive neuroscience, discuss how delusions emerge, why it is so difficult to give them up, what their effects are, how they are managed, and what we can do to reduce the stigma associated with them. Taken as a whole, the book proposes that there is continuity between delusions and everyday beliefs. It is essential reading for researchers working on delusions and mental health more generally, and will also appeal to anybody who wants to gain a better understanding of what happens when the way we experience and interpret the world is different from that of the people around us

    Mapping of machine learning approaches for description, prediction, and causal inference in the social and health sciences

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    Machine learning (ML) methodology used in the social and health sciences needs to fit the intended research purposes of description, prediction, or causal inference. This paper provides a comprehensive, systematic meta-mapping of research questions in the social and health sciences to appropriate ML approaches by incorporating the necessary requirements to statistical analysis in these disciplines. We map the established classification into description, prediction, counterfactual prediction, and causal structural learning to common research goals, such as estimating prevalence of adverse social or health outcomes, predicting the risk of an event, and identifying risk factors or causes of adverse outcomes, and explain common ML performance metrics. Such mapping may help to fully exploit the benefits of ML while considering domain-specific aspects relevant to the social and health sciences and hopefully contribute to the acceleration of the uptake of ML applications to advance both basic and applied social and health sciences research

    Delusions in Context

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    Personalized face and gesture analysis using hierarchical neural networks

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    The video-based computational analyses of human face and gesture signals encompass a myriad of challenging research problems involving computer vision, machine learning and human computer interaction. In this thesis, we focus on the following challenges: a) the classification of hand and body gestures along with the temporal localization of their occurrence in a continuous stream, b) the recognition of facial expressivity levels in people with Parkinson's Disease using multimodal feature representations, c) the prediction of student learning outcomes in intelligent tutoring systems using affect signals, and d) the personalization of machine learning models, which can adapt to subject and group-specific nuances in facial and gestural behavior. Specifically, we first conduct a quantitative comparison of two approaches to the problem of segmenting and classifying gestures on two benchmark gesture datasets: a method that simultaneously segments and classifies gestures versus a cascaded method that performs the tasks sequentially. Second, we introduce a framework that computationally predicts an accurate score for facial expressivity and validate it on a dataset of interview videos of people with Parkinson's disease. Third, based on a unique dataset of videos of students interacting with MathSpring, an intelligent tutoring system, collected by our collaborative research team, we build models to predict learning outcomes from their facial affect signals. Finally, we propose a novel solution to a relatively unexplored area in automatic face and gesture analysis research: personalization of models to individuals and groups. We develop hierarchical Bayesian neural networks to overcome the challenges posed by group or subject-specific variations in face and gesture signals. We successfully validate our formulation on the problems of personalized subject-specific gesture classification, context-specific facial expressivity recognition and student-specific learning outcome prediction. We demonstrate the flexibility of our hierarchical framework by validating the utility of both fully connected and recurrent neural architectures

    Towards Cognizant Hearing Aids: Modeling of Content, Affect and Attention

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