3,025 research outputs found

    A Multi-objective Perspective for Operator Scheduling using Fine-grained DVS Architecture

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    The stringent power budget of fine grained power managed digital integrated circuits have driven chip designers to optimize power at the cost of area and delay, which were the traditional cost criteria for circuit optimization. The emerging scenario motivates us to revisit the classical operator scheduling problem under the availability of DVFS enabled functional units that can trade-off cycles with power. We study the design space defined due to this trade-off and present a branch-and-bound(B/B) algorithm to explore this state space and report the pareto-optimal front with respect to area and power. The scheduling also aims at maximum resource sharing and is able to attain sufficient area and power gains for complex benchmarks when timing constraints are relaxed by sufficient amount. Experimental results show that the algorithm that operates without any user constraint(area/power) is able to solve the problem for most available benchmarks, and the use of power budget or area budget constraints leads to significant performance gain.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS

    Resource Management Algorithms for Computing Hardware Design and Operations: From Circuits to Systems

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    The complexity of computation hardware has increased at an unprecedented rate for the last few decades. On the computer chip level, we have entered the era of multi/many-core processors made of billions of transistors. With transistor budget of this scale, many functions are integrated into a single chip. As such, chips today consist of many heterogeneous cores with intensive interaction among these cores. On the circuit level, with the end of Dennard scaling, continuously shrinking process technology has imposed a grand challenge on power density. The variation of circuit further exacerbated the problem by consuming a substantial time margin. On the system level, the rise of Warehouse Scale Computers and Data Centers have put resource management into new perspective. The ability of dynamically provision computation resource in these gigantic systems is crucial to their performance. In this thesis, three different resource management algorithms are discussed. The first algorithm assigns adaptivity resource to circuit blocks with a constraint on the overhead. The adaptivity improves resilience of the circuit to variation in a cost-effective way. The second algorithm manages the link bandwidth resource in application specific Networks-on-Chip. Quality-of-Service is guaranteed for time-critical traffic in the algorithm with an emphasis on power. The third algorithm manages the computation resource of the data center with precaution on the ill states of the system. Q-learning is employed to meet the dynamic nature of the system and Linear Temporal Logic is leveraged as a tool to describe temporal constraints. All three algorithms are evaluated by various experiments. The experimental results are compared to several previous work and show the advantage of our methods

    Enhancing Power Efficient Design Techniques in Deep Submicron Era

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    Excessive power dissipation has been one of the major bottlenecks for design and manufacture in the past couple of decades. Power efficient design has become more and more challenging when technology scales down to the deep submicron era that features the dominance of leakage, the manufacture variation, the on-chip temperature variation and higher reliability requirements, among others. Most of the computer aided design (CAD) tools and algorithms currently used in industry were developed in the pre deep submicron era and did not consider the new features explicitly and adequately. Recent research advances in deep submicron design, such as the mechanisms of leakage, the source and characterization of manufacture variation, the cause and models of on-chip temperature variation, provide us the opportunity to incorporate these important issues in power efficient design. We explore this opportunity in this dissertation by demonstrating that significant power reduction can be achieved with only minor modification to the existing CAD tools and algorithms. First, we consider peak current, which has become critical for circuit's reliability in deep submicron design. Traditional low power design techniques focus on the reduction of average power. We propose to reduce peak current while keeping the overhead on average power as small as possible. Second, dual Vt technique and gate sizing have been used simultaneously for leakage savings. However, this approach becomes less effective in deep submicron design. We propose to use the newly developed process-induced mechanical stress to enhance its performance. Finally, in deep submicron design, the impact of on-chip temperature variation on leakage and performance becomes more and more significant. We propose a temperature-aware dual Vt approach to alleviate hot spots and achieve further leakage reduction. We also consider this leakage-temperature dependency in the dynamic voltage scaling approach and discover that a commonly accepted result is incorrect for the current technology. We conduct extensive experiments with popular design benchmarks, using the latest industry CAD tools and design libraries. The results show that our proposed enhancements are promising in power saving and are practical to solve the low power design challenges in deep submicron era

    Scheduling and partitioning Vlsi circuit operating at multiple supply voltages

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    With today\u27s increasingly large and complex digital integrated circuit (IC) and system-on-chip designs, power dissipation has emerged as a primary design consideration. Reduction of power consumption in VLSI designs can be achieved at various levels of the design hierarchy, ranging from processing technology, circuit, logic, architectural and algorithmic (behavioral) levels, up to system level. It has also been long recognized that the most dramatic power saving is achievable at the algorithm and architecture levels, where computations are normally described using data/control flow graph. Thus, in this thesis, a multiple supply voltage IC is synthesized at the behavior level; There are, however, a number of practical problems that must be overcome before use of multiple supply voltage becomes prevalent. In particular, lower power is achieved along with an expensive routing cost. Therefore, unlike the existing methods where only scheduling is considered, our synthesis scheme considers both scheduling and partitioning to reduce power consumption due to the functional units as well as the routing cost; The concerned problem is subsequently referred as the multiple voltage scheduling and partitioning problem (MVSP). The MVSP problem is proved to be NP-complete and three behavioral level synthesis algorithms are proposed to minimize power consumption with resources operating at multiple voltages. One is the polynomial time algorithm. The others are heuristic algorithms, which are tabu search algorithm (TS), and simulated annealing algorithm (SA); In the polynomial time algorithm, synthesis is based on the following three-step process. First, one particular supply voltage (selected from a finite and known number of supply voltage levels) is to be determined for each operation in a data flow graph. Then various operations are scheduled so that the power consumption under given time and/or resource constraints can be minimized. Finally, operations are partitioned into different regions running in different supply voltages to minimize the interconnection costs; In TS and SA algorithms, synthesis schemes are performed to minimize the power consumed by resources and interconnections. In particular, we have configured our solutions with a three-tuple vector to account for both the resource assignment and the partition of operation nodes. Special move operation is designed that allows the scheduling and the partitioning to be performed simultaneously; Experiments with a number of digital signal processing benchmarks show that the proposed algorithms achieve the power reduction at different percentage

    Adaptive Integrated Circuit Design for Variation Resilience and Security

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    The past few decades witness the burgeoning development of integrated circuit in terms of process technology scaling. Along with the tremendous benefits coming from the scaling, challenges are also presented in various stages. During the design time, the complexity of developing a circuit with millions to billions of smaller size transistors is extended after the variations are taken into account. The difficulty of analyzing these nondeterministic properties makes the allocation scheme of redundant resource hardly work in a cost-efficient way. Besides fabrication variations, analog circuits are suffered from severe performance degradations owing to their physical attributes which are vulnerable to aging effects. As such, the post-silicon calibration approach gains increasing attentions to compensate the performance mismatch. For the user-end applications, additional system failures result from the pirated and counterfeited devices provided by the untrusted semiconductor supply chain. Again analog circuits show their weakness to this threat due to the shortage of piracy avoidance techniques. In this dissertation, we propose three adaptive integrated circuit designs to overcome these challenges respectively. The first one investigates the variability-aware gate implementation with the consideration of the overhead control of adaptivity assignment. This design improves the variation resilience typically for digital circuits while optimizing the power consumption and timing yield. The second design is implemented as a self-validation system for the calibration of diverse analog circuits. The system is completely integrated on chip to enhance the convenience without external assistance. In the last design, a classic analog component is further studied to establish the configurable locking mechanism for analog circuits. The use of Satisfiability Modulo Theories addresses the difficulty of searching the unique unlocking pattern of non-Boolean variables

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    Reliability and security in low power circuits and systems

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    With the massive deployment of mobile devices in sensitive areas such as healthcare and defense, hardware reliability and security have become hot research topics in recent years. These topics, although different in definition, are usually correlated. This dissertation offers an in-depth treatment on enhancing the reliability and security of low power circuits and systems. The first part of the dissertation deals with the reliability of sub-threshold designs, which use supply voltage lower than the threshold voltage (Vth) of transistors to reduce power. The exponential relationship between delay and Vth significantly jeopardizes their reliability due to process variation induced timing violations. In order to address this problem, this dissertation proposes a novel selective body biasing scheme. In the first work, the selective body biasing problem is formulated as a linearly constrained statistical optimization model, and the adaptive filtering concept is borrowed from the signal processing community to develop an efficient solution. However, since the adaptive filtering algorithm lacks theoretical justification and guaranteed convergence rate, in the second work, a new approach based on semi-infinite programming with incremental hypercubic sampling is proposed, which demonstrates better solution quality with shorter runtime. The second work deals with the security of low power crypto-processors, equipped with Random Dynamic Voltage Scaling (RDVS), in the presence of Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attacks. This dissertation firstly demonstrates that the resistance of RDVS to CPA can be undermined by lowering power supply voltage. Then, an alarm circuit is proposed to resist this attack. However, the alarm circuit will lead to potential denial-of-service due to noise-triggered false alarms. A non-zero sum game model is then formulated and the Nash Equilibria is analyzed --Abstract, page iii

    Multiple voltage scheme with frequency variation for power minimization of pipelined circuits at high-level synthesis

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is defined as a translation process from a behavioral description into structural description. The high-level synthesis process consists of three interdependent phases: scheduling, allocation and binDing The order of the three phases varies depending on the design flow. There are three important quality measures used to support design decision, namely size, performance and power consumption. Recently, with the increase in portability, the power consumption has become a very dominant factor in the design of circuits. The aim of low-power high-level synthesis is to schedule operations to minimize switching activity and select low power modules while satisfying timing constraints. This thesis presents a heuristic that helps minimize power consumption by operating the functional units at multiple voltages and varied clock frequencies. The algorithm presented here deals with pipelined operations where multiple instance of the same operation are carried out. The algorithm was implemented using C++, on LINUX platform

    An Improved Lagrangian Relaxation Method for VLSI Combinational Circuit Optimization

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    Gate sizing and threshold voltage (Vt) assignment are very popular and useful techniques in current very large scale integration (VLSI) design flow for timing and power optimization. Lagrangian relaxation (LR) is a common method for handling multi-objectives and proven to reach optimal solution under continuous solution space. However, it is more complex to use Lagrangian relaxation under discrete solution space. The Lagrangian dual problem is non-convex and previously a sub-gradient method was used to solve it. The sub-gradient method is a greedy approach for substituting gradient method in the deepest descent method, and has room for further improvement. In addition, Lagrangian sub-problem cannot be solved directly by mathematical approaches under discrete solution space. Here we propose a new Lagrangian relaxation-based method for simultaneous gate sizing and Vt assignment under discrete solution space. In this work, some new approaches are provided to solve the Lagrangian dual problem considering not only slack but also the relationship between Lagrangian multipliers and circuit timing. We want to solve the Lagrangian dual problem more precisely than did previous methods, such as the sub-gradient method. In addition, a table-lookup method is provided to replace mathematical approaches for solving the Lagrangian sub-problem under discrete size and Vt options. The experimental results show that our method can lead to about 50 percent and 58 percent power reduction subject to the same timing constraints compared with a Lagrangian relaxation method using sub-gradient method and a state-of-the-art previous work. These two methods are implemented by us for comparison. Our method also results in better circuit timing subject to tight timing constraints
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