4 research outputs found

    Comida típica como referente de identidad cultural del cantón Jipijapa

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    It is important to highlight that the gastronomy of the Jipijapa canton is based on the interest of its visitors, who are the fundamental pillar by which this tradition is maintained, which is why it is part of the cultural heritage and tradition of its communities. Its values ​​are intangible and are determined by the use and feeling that the residents appreciate for their gastronomic customs. Through this background, we worked under the object of study of "Analyzing gastronomy as a reference for the cultural identity of Jipijapa, Manabí." mixed approach type methodology, using qualitative and quantitative criteria, which allowed, through the techniques of dish inventory sheets and surveys, to obtain first-order information in the study area. After collecting information, the results were 12 sheets of typical dishes that are part of the gastronomy of Jipijapa, in its cantonal capital, in the same way the motivations of the visitors were analyzed, obtaining that there are several criteria that are part of the motivations of the tourist, but among the most representative are fulfillment and satisfaction as a fundamental part when traveling, in the same way 80% of the visitors surveyed affirm that they make their trip when they come to visit their homeland considering that 63% of Visitors are of local origin, that is, people from the Jipijapa canton and now spend the night outside for work or other activities that take them away from their homeland. Finally, it was possible to conclude that this type of studies should continue to be carried out to analyze the preferences of visitors in reference to their tastes in gastronomy.Es importante destacar que la gastronomía del cantón Jipijapa está en función del interés de sus visitantes, que son el pilar fundamental por el cual se mantiene esta tradición, es por esto que forma parte del acervo y tradición cultural de sus comunidades. Sus valores son intangibles y están determinados por el uso y sentir que los pobladores aprecian por sus costumbres gastronómicas, Mediante este antecedente se trabajó bajo el objeto de estudio de “Analizar la gastronomía como referente de identidad cultural de Jipijapa, Manabí.”, Mediante la metodología de tipo de enfoque mixto, utilizando criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos, que permitieron mediante las técnicas de ficha de inventario de platos y encuestas obtener información de primer orden en el área de estudio. Posterior al levantamiento de información se obtuvo como resultados 12 fichas de platos típicos que forman parte de la gastronomía de Jipijapa, en su cabecera cantonal, de igual manera se analizó las motivaciones de los visitantes obteniendo que existen varios criterios que forman parte de las motivaciones del turista, pero entre los más representativas están la realización y satisfacción como parte fundamental al momento de viajar, de igual manera un 80% de los visitantes encuestados afirman que realizan su viaje cuando vienen de visita a su tierra natal considerando que el 63% de los visitantes son de origen local, es decir personas procedentes del cantón Jipijapa y ahora pernoctan fuera por trabajo o por otras actividades que lo alejan de su tierra natal. Finalmente se logró obtener como conclusión que se debe de seguir realizando este tipo de estudios que permiten analizar las preferencias de los visitantes en referencia a sus gustos en la gastronomía. &nbsp

    Estudio de las motivaciones y satisfacción de la demanda turística en torno a la gastronomía. Caso Manta, Ecuador

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    The study of motivations and satisfaction of the gastronomyallows to know better the visitor to adapt the offer ofa destination. The present study was conducted in situ in thecity of Manta in Ecuador, a destination that has a varied gastronomytypical of the coast region, where a questionnairewas taken using univariate and bivariate techniques served toobtain the results. The findings show that the main reasonsfor eating at a restaurant in Manta are “because I enjoy eatingat the beach,” “eating a typical dish” and “because I like seafood.” The most valued aspects of service were “the varietyof dishes “and “the service and courtesy of the employees“The average degree of satisfaction is high which confirmsthat gastronomy is an important attraction in this destinationwith international potential.El estudio de motivaciones y satisfacción de la gastronomíapermite conocer mejor al visitante para adaptar la ofertade un destino. El presente estudio se realizó in situ en la ciudadde Manta en Ecuador, destino que cuenta con una variadagastronomía típica de la región costa, donde se tomó uncuestionario que utilizando técnicas univariantes y bivariantessirvió para obtener los resultados. Los hallazgos muestranque los principales motivos para comer en un restaurante enManta son “porque me agrada comer en la playa”, “por consumirun plato típico” y “porque me gusta la comida del mar”Los aspectos del servicio más valorados fueron “la variedadde los platos” y “el servicio y cortesía de los empleados” Elgrado de satisfacción general es alto lo que ratifica que la gastronomíaes un atractivo importante en este destino con potencialinternacional

    O comportamento do turista estrangeiro no consumo da gastronomia portuguesa

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Desenvolvimento em Turism

    Gastronomy Motivations as Predictors of Satisfaction at Coastal Destinations

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    Local gastronomy is a strategic vector for the sustainability of coastal destinations. The present study had the following objectives: first, to establish the motivational dimensions based on the gastronomic demand in a coastal destination; and second, to identify the motivational dimensions that predicted satisfaction with gastronomy. The study was carried out in the city of General Villamil Playas, a sustainable seaside destination characterized by its gastronomy based on fish and shellfish. It is part of Ecuador’s National System of Protected Areas. The results showed three motivational dimensions: cultural, physical, and social. Physical motivation was the main factor that predicted satisfaction with the gastronomic experience, followed by social motivation. The findings will contribute to the academic literature on coastal gastronomy. They will be helpful for food and beverage service providers to improve tourist satisfaction and stays