4 research outputs found

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    An examination of the use of virtual reality in neonatal resuscitation learning and continuing education

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    Virtual Reality (VR) is an Extended Reality (XR) technology used in many fields, like education and healthcare. One area where VR shows promise is in Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) training. VR provides a lifelike and interactive environment where healthcare providers can practice resuscitation skills, especially if they work in rural or remote areas with limited access to hands-on training. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the impact of two Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, VR simulation and 360â—‹ videos, as instructional tools for the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP). There were 15 participants randomly assigned to each condition, with a total of 30 participants. The study focused on assessing participant perceptions, experiences, and satisfaction with each technology, as well as their impact on learning outcomes. The methodology involved a robust data analysis, which entailed descriptive statistics, Chi-Square analysis, and/or T-test for within-group score comparisons. The results indicate that both VR technologies were positively viewed by healthcare professionals for NRP training. However, VR simulation provided a significantly enhanced sense of presence and immersion, leading to improved experiential learning outcomes. Participants using VR simulation reported higher confidence in certain NRP skills, such as proper mask placement and newborn response evaluation. Despite these benefits, no significant improvement was noted in other NRP skills. In conclusion, VR technologies hold significant potential for enhancing healthcare education, including NRP training, and future studies may explore the combined use of VR simulation and 360â—‹ video, as well as their application in other areas such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and advanced cardiovascular life support training (ACLS). This research represents a step forward in understanding how VR technologies can contribute to effective and immersive medical education, with potential implications for remote and rural healthcare providers

    Développement et évaluation d'avatars personnalisés dans un environnement immersif transmédiatique : effets sur l'anxiété et la douleur

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    La gestion de l’anxiété et de la douleur est un enjeu important dans les services d’hémato-oncologie pédiatriques. Les outils développés et les ressources actuellement disponibles ne sont pas suffisants pour offrir aux patients et à leur famille une gestion optimale de l’anxiété et de la douleur. Les nouvelles technologies, telles que la réalité virtuelle et les contenus vidéoludiques, permettent de créer des outils de distraction thérapeutique adaptés au contexte hospitalier et personnalisés en fonction de la condition des patients. Bien que leur efficacité ait été démontrée, le processus de conception et de développement de ces outils est souvent omis, ce qui rend difficile d’évaluer ces projets dans leur ensemble. L’objectif de cette thèse était tout d’abord de développer et de tester une application multiplateforme basée sur un avatar personnalisé, dans le but de réduire l’anxiété et la douleur chronique chez des enfants hospitalisés dans un service d’hémato-oncologie pédiatrique. Ce projet de recherche visait à étudier et évaluer la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité d’une telle intervention, à comprendre ses effets sur la douleur et l’anxiété des patients, ainsi qu‘à évaluer la satisfaction des patients, de leurs parents et des professionnels de la santé impliqués dans leurs soins. Dans cette perspective, une application multi-plateforme, disponible sur mobile et en réalité virtuelle, a été développée en utilisant un processus de Design Thinking (processus de création centré sur l’utilisateur). À la suite du prototypage et grâce à une approche Co-design, un atelier de dessin a été réalisé avec chaque enfant participant (n=5) afin de créer un avatar personnalisé intégré à chaque application. Par la suite, une approche qualitative recherche-action a été suivie afin de comprendre les effets de notre intervention et ses enjeux logistiques et sociaux auprès des enfants, de leurs parents et des professionnels de la santé. Cette étude a été réalisée grâce à des entrevues parents-enfants, la tenue d’un journal d’utilisation, un questionnaire ouvert pour les professionnels de la santé, ainsi que des questionnaires de satisfaction pour les trois groupes de participants. Les résultats démontrent un effet positif sur l’anxiété et la douleur, mais également sur l’isolement social et l’humeur des enfants. Plusieurs pistes d’améliorations logistiques et vidéoludiques ont été identifiées