4 research outputs found

    Gamification of Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik

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    Mrežni rječnici katkad sadržavaju multimedijske sadržaje koji mogu uključivati i igre. Igre se najčešće nalaze u dječjim leksikografskim izdanjima te se mogu nalaziti na multimedijskim diskovima koji su dodatak tiskanim knjigama. Većina multimedijskoga sadržaja trenutačno se izdaje za mrežu. Primjere obrazovnih igra za učenje rječničkoga sadržaja možemo npr. vidjeti na mrežnim stranicama rječnika Merriam-Webster, a u Hrvatskoj na multimedijskome disku uz Prvi školski rječnik, u internetskim igrama koje slijede Prvi školski pravopis te na stranicama Arhivističkoga rječnika, na kojima se nalazi poveznica na daktilografsku igru. Nažalost, većina mrežnih stranica rječnika ne sadržava zabavne obrazovne sadržaje koji bi privukli korisnike te na zabavan način pomogli djeci, ali i odraslima, da nauče određene rječničke sadržaje poput značenja riječi, oblika riječi, izgovora, pravopisa, sintaktičkih i semantičkih veza među riječima itd. Igrifikacija je proces uključivanja pravila, elemenata ili mehanika igara u određene situacije kako bismo ih učinili zabavnijima. U radu će se objasniti proces igrifikacije rječničkoga sadržaja Hrvatskoga mrežnog rječnika – Mrežnika te ponuditi model igrifikacije mrežnoga rječnika. Prikazat će se različite igre poput kvizova, pamtilica, igara povezivanja riječi i slika itd. koje se mogu implementirati u strukturu rječnika ili staviti na mrežne stranice rječnika. Objasnit će se tehnologija koja se primjenjuje za izradu tih igara. Analizirat će se i drugi mogući elementi igrifikacije koji se mogu implementirati u igre poput bodovanja i rangiranja korisnika u natjecateljskim igrama te davanja značaka (engl. badge) najboljim igračima.Web dictionaries sometimes contain multimedia such as games. Games usually accompany lexicographic works for children and can appear on special optical media. Now, most multimedia content accompanying the content of lexicographic works is published online. Examples of dictionaries that have games for learning vocabulary are Merriam-Webster dictionaries; in Croatia, games come on CD with the printed First School Dictionary, while online games accompany the First Croatian Orthography Manual. There is also a link to a typing game on the site of the Croatian Archive Dictionary. Unfortunately, most dictionary websites do not contain entertaining educational content such as games to help their users learn certain words, different forms of words, semantic and syntactic relations between words, spelling, pronunciation, etc. Gamification is a process in which gaming mechanics and elements are applied to a non-gaming situation to make it more entertaining. This paper explains the process of gamifying the dictionary content of the Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik. Gamification is conducted by using games for learning orthography, grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax), vocabulary, and culture. Many different games are implemented into the dictionary structure. These games include quizzes, memory games, crossword puzzles, drag-and-drop games etc. The technological solutions used to develop these games are explained. Other gamification elements that can be implemented into online dictionaries, such as badges for successfully finding words or leaderboards in competitive games are also presented

    Projekt Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik – ciljevi i postignuća

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    The Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik project is at the moment of writing of this paper at the end of the third year. The project goals are to compile an e-dictionary of the Croatian language that is online, free, corpus-based, monolingual, hypertext, searchable, normative, and based on the contemporary results of e-lexicography and computational linguistics. Mrežnik consists of three modules: for adult native speakers of Croatian, schoolchildren, and non-native speakers of Croatian. It will be the central meeting point of the existing language resources of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics but also of the language resources created within the project. Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik is conceived as a dynamic dictionary that can be further compiled and edited even after the end of the four-year project and the result of the project will be the model for the growing Croatian e-dictionary that will be a long-term project of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics.Projekt Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik u trenutku pisanja ovoga rada na kraju je treće projektne godine. Cilj je projekta objava slobodno dostupnoga, na korpusu utemeljenoga, hipertekstoga, pretraživoga normativnog jednojezičnog mrežnog rječnika hrvatskoga jezika utemeljenoga na postignućima suvremene e-leksikografije i računalnoga jezikoslovlja. Mrežnik uključuje tri modula: modul za odrasle govornike hrvatskoga jezika, modul za učenike nižih razreda osnovne škole te modul za osobe koje uče hrvatski kao ini jezik. Mrežnik je zamišljen kao mjesto povezivanja postojećih jezičnih izvora Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, ali u sklopu projekta bit će izrađeni i novi jezični izvori. Nakon završetka četverogodišnjega projektnog razdoblja zamišljeno je da projekt Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik postane trajni projekt Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje te da se rječnički sadržaj stalno proširuje i dopunjuje te s vremena na vrijeme objavljuju nove inačice

    Collocations in the Croatian Web Dictionary - Mrežnik

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    The Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik project aims to create a free, monolingual, easily searchable, hypertext, born-digital, corpus-based dictionary of the Croatian standard language. Collocations play an important role in Mrežnik. At the outset of the Mrežnik project, the concept of collocations and their presentation was modelled after the elexiko project. However, this concept was modified during the project on the basis of corpus analysis. This paper will outline the presentation of collocations of headwords of different word classes. Some important issues connected with collocations in Mrežnik are collocation extraction methods, collocations as a means of differentiating meanings and extracting new meanings, the use of stylistic and terminological labels in collocations, and the relationship of collocations with normative and pragmatic notes, definitions, and subentries

    Jogos para o ensino de línguas de sinais/línguas orais escritas para surdos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    This study carries out a survey about pieces of research which deal with games aiming at the teaching of sign languages and written oral languages to deaf people with the goal of identifying and characterizing the games which have been used for educational contexts. The researchers carried out a systematic review of literature using the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web Science and Scopus database inserting the following terminologies in the wordsearch tool: ‘game’, ‘deaf’ and ‘sign language’. At first, a total of 530 studies were found, and based on a series of criteria, 31 papers were selected as a result of the search. The majority of the games dealt with in the papers are digital and one third of those utilize an electronic device for gesture recognition or sensor of some sort. Games in sign language or bilingual teaching represent most of the selected studies, even though it was observed that a good deal of those games teach only the manual alphabet or isolated sign from the respective sign languages. Furthermore, only a handful of those games make use of sign language in situations which simulate a real communicative context.Este estudio realiza una encuesta sobre investigaciones que abordan los juegos destinados a la enseñanza de lenguas de signos o lenguas orales escritos para sordos con el fin de mapear y caracterizar los juegos que se han utilizado en contextos educativos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sistemática en las bases de datos Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science y Scopus, utilizando como términos de búsqueda las palabras: game, deaf e sign language. En la primera búsqueda se encontraron un total de 530 artículos. La selección está basada en los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, que resultó en el análisis de 31 artículos. La mayoría de los juegos utilizados en las obras, son digitales y un tercio de ellos, utiliza algún dispositivo electrónico para reconocer gestos o sensores. Los juegos para la enseñanza de la lengua de signos o bilingües, representan la mayoría de los estudios seleccionados, sin embargo observamos que una buena parte enseña solo el alfabeto manual o signos aislados de las lenguas de signos. Pocos juegos han hecho uso de lenguas de signos en situaciones que simulan un contexto de comunicación real.Este estudo realiza um levantamento sobre pesquisas que abordam jogos voltados para o ensino de línguas de sinais ou de línguas orais escritas para surdos com objetivo de mapear e caracterizar os jogos que têm sido utilizados em contextos educacionais. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science e Scopus, utilizando como termos de busca as palavras: game, deaf e sign language. Na primeira busca, foram encontrados um total de 530 artigos. A seleção com base nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão resultou na análise de 31 trabalhos. A maioria dos jogos utilizados nos trabalhos são digitais, e um terço deles faz uso de algum dispositivo eletrônico para reconhecimento de gestos ou sensores. Os jogos para ensino de língua de sinais ou bilíngues representam a maioria dos estudos selecionados, porém observamos que boa parte ensina apenas o alfabeto manual ou sinais isolados das línguas de sinais. Poucos jogos fizeram o uso das línguas de sinais em situações que simulem um contexto real de comunicação