4 research outputs found

    STTAR: A Traffic- and Thermal-Aware Adaptive Routing for 3D Network-on-Chip Systems

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    Since the three-dimensional Network on Chip (3D NoC) uses through-silicon via technology to connect the chips, each silicon layer is conducted through heterogeneous thermal, and 3D NoC system suffers from thermal problems. To alleviate the seriousness of the thermal problem, the distribution of data packets usually relies on traffic information or historical temperature information. However, thermal problems in 3D NoC cannot be solved only based on traffic or temperature information. Therefore, we propose a Score-Based Traffic- and Thermal-Aware Adaptive Routing (STTAR) that applies traffic load and temperature information to routing. First, the STTAR dynamically adjusts the input and output buffer lengths of each router with traffic load information to limit routing resources in overheated areas and control the rate of temperature rise. Second, STTAR adopts a scoring strategy based on temperature and the number of free slots in the buffer to avoid data packets being transmitted to high-temperature areas and congested areas and to improve the rationality of selecting routing output nodes. In our experiments, the proposed scoring Score-Based Traffic- and Thermal-Aware Adaptive Routing (STTAR) scheme can increase the throughput by about 14.98% to 47.90% and reduce the delay by about 10.80% to 35.36% compared with the previous works

    A Survey of Software-Defined Networks-on-Chip: Motivations, Challenges and Opportunities

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    Current computing platforms encourage the integration of thousands of processing cores, and their interconnections, into a single chip. Mobile smartphones, IoT, embedded devices, desktops, and data centers use Many-Core Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) to exploit their compute power and parallelism to meet the dynamic workload requirements. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) lead to scalable connectivity for diverse applications with distinct traffic patterns and data dependencies. However, when the system executes various applications in traditional NoCs—optimized and fixed at synthesis time—the interconnection nonconformity with the different applications’ requirements generates limitations in the performance. In the literature, NoC designs embraced the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) strategy to evolve into an adaptable interconnection solution for future chips. However, the works surveyed implement a partial Software-Defined Network-on-Chip (SDNoC) approach, leaving aside the SDN layered architecture that brings interoperability in conventional networking. This paper explores the SDNoC literature and classifies it regarding the desired SDN features that each work presents. Then, we described the challenges and opportunities detected from the literature survey. Moreover, we explain the motivation for an SDNoC approach, and we expose both SDN and SDNoC concepts and architectures. We observe that works in the literature employed an uncomplete layered SDNoC approach. This fact creates various fertile areas in the SDNoC architecture where researchers may contribute to Many-Core SoCs designs.Las plataformas informáticas actuales fomentan la integración de miles de núcleos de procesamiento y sus interconexiones, en un solo chip. Los smartphones móviles, el IoT, los dispositivos embebidos, los ordenadores de sobremesa y los centros de datos utilizan sistemas en chip (SoC) de muchos núcleos para explotar su potencia de cálculo y paralelismo para satisfacer los requisitos de las cargas de trabajo dinámicas. Las redes en chip (NoC) conducen a una conectividad escalable para diversas aplicaciones con distintos patrones de tráfico y dependencias de datos. Sin embargo, cuando el sistema ejecuta varias aplicaciones en las NoC tradicionales -optimizadas y fijadas en el momento de síntesis, la disconformidad de la interconexión con los requisitos de las distintas aplicaciones genera limitaciones en el rendimiento. En la literatura, los diseños de NoC adoptaron la estrategia de redes definidas por software (SDN) para evolucionar hacia una solución de interconexión adaptable para los futuros chips. Sin embargo, los trabajos estudiados implementan un enfoque parcial de red definida por software en el chip (SDNoC) de SDN, dejando de lado la arquitectura en capas de SDN que aporta interoperabilidad en la red convencional. Este artículo explora la literatura sobre SDNoC y la clasifica en función de las características SDN que presenta cada trabajo. A continuación, describimos los retos y oportunidades detectados a partir del estudio de la literatura. Además, explicamos la motivación para un enfoque SDNoC, y exponemos los conceptos y arquitecturas de SDN y SDNoC. Observamos que los trabajos en la literatura emplean un enfoque SDNoC por capas no completo. Este hecho crea varias áreas fértiles en la arquitectura SDNoC en las que los investigadores pueden contribuir a los diseños de SoCs de muchos núcleos

    Game-Based Thermal-Delay-Aware Adaptive Routing (GTDAR) for Temperature-Aware 3D Network-on-Chip Systems

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