4 research outputs found

    Conditionals in interaction

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    There are several issues with the standard approach to the relationship between conditionals and assertions, particularly when the antecedent of a conditional is (or may be) false. One prominent alternative is to say that conditionals do not express propositions, but rather make conditional assertions that may generate categorical assertions of the consequent in certain circumstances. However, this view has consequences that jar with standard interpretations of the relationship between proofs and assertion. Here, I analyse this relationship, and say that, on at least one understanding of proof, conditional assertions may reflect the dynamics of proving, which (sometimes) generate categorical assertions. In particular, when we think about the relationship between assertion and proof as rooted in a dialogical approach to both, the distinction between conditional and categorical assertions is quite natural

    Polylogical fallacies: Are there any?

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    Dialectical fallacies are typically defined as breaches of the rules of a regulated discussion between two participants (di-logue). What if discussions become more complex and involve multiple parties with distinct positions to argue for (poly-logues)? Are there distinct argumentation norms of polylogues? If so, can their violations be conceptualized as polylogical fallacies? I will argue for such an approach and analyze two candidates for argumentative breaches of multi-party rationality: false dilemma and collateral straw man

    Peirce's Account of Assertion

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    One usually makes assertions by means of uttering indicative sentences like ā€œIt is rainingā€. However, not every utterance of an indicative sentence is an assertion. For example, in uttering ā€œI will be back tomorrowā€, one might be making a promise. What is to make an assertion? C.S. Peirce held the view that ā€œto assert a proposition is to make oneself responsible for its truthā€ (CP 5.543). In this thesis, I interpret Peirceā€™s view of assertion and I evaluate Peirceā€™s reasons for holding it. I begin by reconstructing and assessing Peirceā€™s case for such view as it appears in (EP 2.140, 1903), (EP 2.312-313, 1904), and (CP 5.546, 1908). Then, I continue by elaborating on three aspects of Peirceā€™s view of assertion, namely, assertion as an act involving a certain kind of responsibility, the proposition as what is asserted, and responsibility for truth as a responsibility to give reasons. With respect to these three aspects, I argue for the following claims: (1) Peirce construed the responsibility involved in asserting as a moral responsibility; (2) Peirce held that propositions are types; and (3) Peirce was committed to a dialogical interpretation of ā€œresponsibility to give reasonsā€. Finally, I end by presenting two objections to Peirceā€™s view of assertion and its corresponding replies. I conclude that Peirceā€™s account of assertion is a valuable contribution to the philosophical debate on assertion

    Platon : thĆ©Ć¢tre et philosophie : fondements, nature et visĆ©e de la mĆ©thode dialectique

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    Afin de comprendre le processus dā€™acquisition de connaissance chez Platon, nous proposons une eĢtude de la dialectique selon un spectre large, en se focalisant principalement sur la nature dramatique des textes du corpus. AĢ€ partir dā€™une analyse des fondement eĢleĢates de la meĢthode antilogique, nous tenterons par le biais de la dialogique (ou seĢmantique des jeux) de comprendre le caracteĢ€re agonistique de la meĢthode proposeĢe par Platon dans ses dialogues. Nous taĢ‚cherons par la suite de faire le lien entre les conclusions intermeĢdiaires et la structure geĢneĢrale de la meĢtaphysique platonicienne afin de ne pas perdre la coheĢrence du systeĢ€me pris dans sa globaliteĢ. Nous eĢvaluerons la qualiteĢ de lā€™outil interpreĢtatif obtenu aĢ€ travers une lecture du Gorgias.Abstract : In order to understand Platoā€™s knowledge acquisition process, we suggest a wide-range study of the dialectic, mainly focusing on the theatrical nature of his texts. From an analysis of the eleatic foundations of the antilogical method, we will try to understand the agonistic feature of the method given by Plato in his dialogs by using the dialogical logic (or game semantic). Then, we will bind our mid-conclusions and the general structure of Platoā€™s metaphysic; in order not to loose the coherence of the whole system. We will evaluate the quality of our interpretative tool through a reading of the Gorgias