196 research outputs found

    Gait Design for a Snake Robot by Connecting Curve Segments and Experimental Demonstration

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    This paper presents a method for designing the gait of a snake robot that moves in a complicated environment. We propose a method for expressing the target form of a snake robot by connecting curve segments whose curvature and torsion are already known. Because the characteristics of each combined shape are clear, we can design the target form intuitively and approximate a snake robot configuration to this form with low computational cost. In addition, we propose two novel gaits for the snake robot as a design example of the proposed method. The first gait is aimed at moving over a flange on a pipe, while the other is the crawler gait aimed at moving over rough terrain. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the two gaits on a pipe and rough terrain in experiments

    Shape-based compliance control for snake robots

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    I serpenti robot sono una classe di meccanismi iper-ridondanti che appartiene alla robotica modulare. Grazie alla loro forma snella ed allungata e all'alto grado di ridondanza possono muoversi in ambienti complessi con elevata agilità. L'abilità di spostarsi, manipolare e adattarsi efficientemente ad una grande varietà di terreni li rende ideali per diverse applicazioni, come ad esempio attività di ricerca e soccorso, ispezione o ricognizione. I robot serpenti si muovono nello spazio modificando la propria forma, senza necessità di ulteriori dispositivi quali ruote od arti. Tali deformazioni, che consistono in movimenti ondulatori ciclici che generano uno spostamento dell'intero meccanismo, vengono definiti andature. La maggior parte di esse sono ispirate al mondo naturale, come lo strisciamento, il movimento laterale o il movimento a concertina, mentre altre sono create per applicazioni specifiche, come il rotolamento o l'arrampicamento. Un serpente robot con molti gradi di libertà deve essere capace di coordinare i propri giunti e reagire ad ostacoli in tempo reale per riuscire a muoversi efficacemente in ambienti complessi o non strutturati. Inoltre, aumentare la semplicità e ridurre il numero di controllori necessari alla locomozione alleggerise una struttura di controllo che potrebbe richiedere complessità per ulteriori attività specifiche. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è ottenere un comportamento autonomo cedevole che si adatti alla conformazione dell'ambiente in cui il robot si sta spostando, accrescendo le capacità di locomozione del serpente robot. Sfruttando la cedevolezza intrinseca del serpente robot utilizzato in questo lavoro, il SEA Snake, e utilizzando un controllo che combina cedevolezza attiva ad una struttura di coordinazione che ammette una decentralizzazione variabile del robot, si dimostra come tre andature possano essere modificate per ottenere una locomozione efficiente in ambienti complessi non noti a priori o non modellabili

    Unified Approach to the Motion Design for a Snake Robot Negotiating Complicated Pipe Structures

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    A unified method for designing the motion of a snake robot negotiating complicated pipe structures is presented. Such robots moving inside pipes must deal with various “obstacles,” such as junctions, bends, diameter changes, shears, and blockages. To surmount these obstacles, we propose a method that enables the robot to adapt to multiple pipe structures in a unified way. This method also applies to motion that is necessary to pass between the inside and the outside of a pipe. We designed the target form of the snake robot using two helices connected by an arbitrary shape. This method can be applied to various obstacles by designing a part of the target form specifically for given obstacles. The robot negotiates obstacles under shift control by employing a rolling motion. Considering the slip between the robot and the pipe, the model expands the method to cover cases where two helices have different properties. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in various experiments

    In silico case studies of compliant robots: AMARSI deliverable 3.3

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    In the deliverable 3.2 we presented how the morphological computing ap- proach can significantly facilitate the control strategy in several scenarios, e.g. quadruped locomotion, bipedal locomotion and reaching. In particular, the Kitty experimental platform is an example of the use of morphological computation to allow quadruped locomotion. In this deliverable we continue with the simulation studies on the application of the different morphological computation strategies to control a robotic system

    Design and Analysis of Exaggerated Rectilinear Gait-Based Snake-Inspired Robots

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    Snake-inspired locomotion is much more maneuverable compared to conventional locomotion concepts and it enables a robot to navigate through rough terrain. A rectilinear gait is quite flexible and has the following benefits: functionality on a wide variety of terrains, enables a highly stable robot platform, and provides pure undulatory motion without passive wheels. These benefits make rectilinear gaits especially suitable for search and rescue applications. However, previous robot designs utilizing rectilinear gaits were slow in speed and required considerable vertical motion. This dissertation will explore the development and implementation of a new exaggerated rectilinear gait that which will enable high speed locomotion and more efficient operation in a snake-inspired robot platform. The exaggerated rectilinear gait will emulate the natural snake's rectilinear gait to gain the benefit a snake's terrain adaptability, but the sequence and range of joint motion will be greatly exaggerated to achieve higher velocities to support robot speeds within the range of human walking speed. The following issues will be investigated in this dissertation. First, this dissertation will address the challenge of developing a snake-inspired robot capable of executing exaggerated rectilinear gaits. To successfully execute the exaggerated rectilinear gait, a snake-inspired robot platform must be able to perform high speed linear expansion/contraction and pivoting motions between segments. In addition to high speed joint motion, the new mechanical architecture much also incorporate a method for providing positive traction during gait execution. Second, a new exaggerated gait dynamics model will be developed using well established kinematics and dynamics analysis techniques. In addition to the exaggerated rectilinear gaits which emphasize high speed, a set of exaggerated rectilinear gaits which emphasize high traction will also be developed for application on difficult terrain types. Finally, an exaggerated rectilinear that emphasizes energy efficiency is defined and analyzed. This dissertation provides the foundations for realizing a high speed limbless locomotion capable of meeting the needs of the search, rescue, and recovery applications


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    京都大学新制・課程博士博士(工学)甲第23505号工博第4917号新制||工||1768(附属図書館)京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻(主査)教授 松野 文俊, 教授 泉田 啓, 教授 小森 雅晴学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)Kyoto UniversityDGA

    Development and Control of Articulated Mobile Robot for Climbing Steep Stairs

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    In this paper, we develop an articulated mobile robot that can climb stairs, and also move in narrow spaces and on 3-D terrain. This paper presents two control methods for this robot. The first is a 3-D steering method that is used to adapt the robot to the surrounding terrain. In this method, the robot relaxes its joints, allowing it to adapt to the terrain using its own weight, and then, resumes its motion employing the follow-the-leader method. The second control method is the semi-autonomous stair climbing method. In this method, the robot connects with the treads of the stairs using a body called a connecting part, and then shifts the connecting part from its head to its tail. The robot then uses the sensor information to shift the connecting part with appropriate timing. The robot can climb stairs using this method even if the stairs are steep, and the sizes of the riser and the tread of the stairs are unknown. Experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the developed robot