8 research outputs found

    Design of a strategy to obtain safe paths from collaborative robot teamwork

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    Documento en PDF a color.figuras, tablasThis doctoral thesis was designed and implemented using a strategy of explorer agents and a management and monitoring system to obtain the shortest and safest paths. The strategy was simulated using Matlab R2016 in 10 test environments. The comparisons were made between the results obtained by considering each robot's work and contrasting it with the results obtained by implementing the cooperative-collaborative strategy. For this purpose, were used two path planning algorithms, they are the A* and the Greedy Best First Search (GBFS). Some changes were made to these classic algorithms to improve their performance to guarantee interactions and comparisons between them, transforming them into Incremental Heuristic (IH) algorithms, which gave rise to a couple of agents with new path planners called IH-A* and IH-GBFS. The cooperative strategy was implemented with IH-A* and IH-GBFS algorithms to obtain the shortest paths. The cooperative process was used 300 times in 100 complete tests (3 times in 10 tests in each of 10 environments), which allowed determining that the strategy decreased the original path (without cooperation) in 79% of the cases. In 20.50% of cases, the author identified that the cooperative process, reduced to less than half the original path. The collaborative strategy was implemented to obtain the safer path, using a communications system that allows the interaction among the explorer agents, the test environment, and the management and monitoring system to generate early warnings and compare the risk between paths. In this work, the risk is due to hidden marks found by the explorer agents; for this reason, it is implemented a potential risk function that allows obtaining the path risk estimated. The path risk estimated metric is the one that facilitates the evaluation and comparison of risk between paths to find safer paths. The AWMRs operates using a kinematic model, a controller, a path planner, and sensors that allow them to navigate through the environment gently and safely. Simultaneously with the explorer agents, the administration and monitoring system as a user interface that facilitates the presentation and consolidation of results were implemented. Subsequently, 16 tests were carried out, implementing the complete cooperative-collaborative strategy in four different environments, which had hidden marks. When analyzing the results, it was determined that the Shortest Safest Estimated Path was found in 62.5% of the tests. A WMR and a square test stage were built. In the test scenario, 240 path tracking tests were carried out (the WMR travelled 24 different paths; the WMR travelled each path ten times). The path data were obtained using odometry with encoders onboard the robot and image processing through an external camera. The author apply a tracking error analysis on the WMR path, travelling a circumference of 3.64 m in length. When comparing the path obtained with the WMR kinematic model with the data obtained using image processing, a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 2,807% was obtained; and with the odometry data, the MAPE was 1,224%. As a general conclusion, this study has numerically identified the relevance of the implementation of the cooperative-collaborative strategy in robotic teamwork to find shortest and safest paths, a strategy applied in test environments that have obstacles and hidden marks. The cooperative-collaborative strategy can be used in different applications that involve displacement in a dangerous place or environment, such as a minefield or a region at risk of spreading COVID-19.Esta tesis doctoral fue diseñada e implementada utilizando una estrategia de agentes exploradores y un sistema de gestión y seguimiento para obtener caminos más cortos y seguros. La estrategia se simuló utilizando Matlab R2016 en 10 entornos de prueba. Las comparaciones se realizaron entre los resultados obtenidos al considerar el trabajo realizado por cada robot y contrastarlo con los resultados obtenidos al implementar la estrategia cooperativa-colaborativa. Para ello, se utilizaron dos algoritmos de planificación de rutas, que son el A* y el Greedy Best First Search (GBFS). Se realizaron algunos cambios a estos algoritmos clásicos para mejorar su rendimiento para garantizar interacciones y comparaciones entre ellos, transformándolos en algoritmos Heurísticos Incrementales (IH), lo que dio lugar a un par de agentes con nuevos planificadores de rutas denominados IH-A * e IH- GBFS. La estrategia cooperativa se implementó con algoritmos IH-A * e IH-GBFS para obtener los caminos más cortos. El proceso cooperativo se utilizó 300 veces en 100 pruebas completas (3 veces en 10 pruebas en cada uno de los 10 entornos), lo que permitió determinar que la estrategia disminuyó la trayectoria original (sin cooperación) en el 79% de los casos. En el 20,50% de los casos, el autor identificó que el proceso cooperativo, redujo la distancia entre inicio y meta a menos de la mitad del recorrido original. La estrategia colaborativa se implementó para obtener el camino más seguro, utilizando un sistema de comunicaciones que permite la interacción entre los agentes exploradores, el entorno de prueba y el sistema de gestión y monitoreo para generar alertas tempranas y comparar el riesgo entre caminos. En este trabajo, el riesgo se debe a las marcas ocultas encontradas por los agentes exploradores; por ello, se implementa una función de riesgo potencial que permite obtener el riesgo de ruta estimado. La métrica estimada de riesgo de ruta es la que facilita la evaluación y comparación de riesgo entre rutas para encontrar rutas más seguras. Los robots autónomos móviles con ruedas (en inglés AWMR) operan utilizando un modelo cinemático, un controlador, un planificador de rutas y sensores que les permiten navegar por el entorno de manera suave y segura. Simultáneamente con los agentes exploradores, el autor implementó un sistema de administración y monitoreo como interfaz de usuario que facilita la presentación y consolidación de resultados. Posteriormente, se realizaron 16 pruebas, implementando la estrategia cooperativa-colaborativa completa en cuatro entornos diferentes, que tenían marcas ocultas. Al analizar los resultados, se determinó que una ruta estimada más corta y más segura se obtenía en el 62.5% de las pruebas. Se construyeron un WMR y un escenario de prueba cuadrado. En el escenario de prueba, se llevaron a cabo 240 pruebas de seguimiento de ruta (el WMR recorrió 24 rutas diferentes; el WMR recorrió cada ruta diez veces). Los datos de la trayectoria se obtuvieron utilizando odometría con encoders a bordo del robot y procesamiento de imágenes a través de una cámara externa. El autor aplica un análisis de error de seguimiento en la ruta recorrida por el WMR, generando una circunferencia de 3,64 m de longitud. Al comparar la ruta obtenida con el modelo cinemático del WMR con los datos obtenidos usando el procesamiento de imágenesse obtuvo un error de porcentaje absoluto medio (MAPE) de 2.807%; y con los datos de odometría, el MAPE fue de 1,224%. Como conclusión general, este estudio ha identificado numéricamente la relevancia de la implementación de la estrategia cooperativa-colaborativa en el trabajo en equipo robótico para encontrar caminos más cortos y seguros, estrategia aplicada en entornos de prueba que poseen obstáculos y marcas ocultas. La estrategia cooperativa-colaborativa puede ser utilizada en diferentes aplicaciones que involucran el desplazamiento en un lugar o entorno peligroso, como pueden ser un campo minado o una región en riesgo de propagación de COVID-19.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería - Ingeniería Automátic

    Development Schemes of Electric Vehicle Charging Protocols and Implementation of Algorithms for Fast Charging under Dynamic Environments Leading towards Grid-to-Vehicle Integration

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    This thesis focuses on the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging protocols under a dynamic environment using artificial intelligence (AI), to achieve Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) integration and promote automobile electrification. The proposed framework comprises three major complementary steps. Firstly, the DC fast charging scheme is developed under different ambient conditions such as temperature and relative humidity. Subsequently, the transient performance of the controller is improved while implementing the proposed DC fast charging scheme. Finally, various novel techno-economic scenarios and case studies are proposed to integrate EVs with the utility grid. The proposed novel scheme is composed of hierarchical stages; In the first stage, an investigation of the temperature or/and relative humidity impact on the charging process is implemented using the constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) protocol. Where the relative humidity impact on the charging process was not investigated or mentioned in the literature survey. This was followed by the feedforward backpropagation neural network (FFBP-NN) classification algorithm supported by the statistical analysis of an instant charging current sample of only 10 seconds at any ambient condition. Then the FFBP-NN perfectly estimated the EV’s battery terminal voltage, charging current, and charging interval time with an error of 1% at the corresponding temperature and relative humidity. Then, a nonlinear identification model of the lithium-polymer ion battery dynamic behaviour is introduced based on the Hammerstein-Wiener (HW) model with an experimental error of 1.1876%. Compared with the CC-CV fast charging protocol, intelligent novel techniques based on the multistage charging current protocol (MSCC) are proposed using the Cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA). COA is applied to the Hierarchical technique (HT) and the Conditional random technique (CRT). Compared with the CC-CV charging protocol, an improvement in the charging efficiency of 8% and 14.1% was obtained by the HT and the CRT, respectively, in addition to a reduction in energy losses of 7.783% and 10.408% and a reduction in charging interval time of 18.1% and 22.45%, respectively. The stated charging protocols have been implemented throughout a smart charger. The charger comprises a DC-DC buck converter controlled by an artificial neural network predictive controller (NNPC), trained and supported by the long short-term memory neural network (LSTM). The LSTM network model was utilized in the offline forecasting of the PV output power, which was fed to the NNPC as the training data. The NNPC–LSTM controller was compared with the fuzzy logic (FL) and the conventional PID controllers and perfectly ensured that the optimum transient performance with a minimum battery terminal voltage ripple reached 1 mV with a very high-speed response of 1 ms in reaching the predetermined charging current stages. Finally, to alleviate the power demand pressure of the proposed EV charging framework on the utility grid, a novel smart techno-economic operation of an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) in Egypt controlled by the aggregator is suggested based on a hierarchical model of multiple scenarios. The deterministic charging scheduling of the EVs is the upper stage of the model to balance the generated and consumed power of the station. Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) is used to solve the first stage, where the EV charging peak demand value is reduced by 3.31% (4.5 kW). The second challenging stage is to maximize the EVCS profit whilst minimizing the EV charging tariff. In this stage, MILP and Markov Decision Process Reinforcement Learning (MDP-RL) resulted in an increase in EVCS revenue by 28.88% and 20.10%, respectively. Furthermore, the grid-to-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies are applied to the stochastic EV parking across the day, controlled by the aggregator to alleviate the utility grid load demand. The aggregator determined the number of EVs that would participate in the electric power trade and sets the charging/discharging capacity level for each EV. The proposed model minimized the battery degradation cost while maximizing the revenue of the EV owner and minimizing the utility grid load demand based on the genetic algorithm (GA). The implemented procedure reduced the degradation cost by an average of 40.9256%, increased the EV SOC by 27%, and ensured an effective grid stabilization service by shaving the load demand to reach a predetermined grid average power across the day where the grid load demand decreased by 26.5% (371 kW)

    Appropriate Wisdom, Technology, and Management toward Environmental Sustainability for Development

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    The protection and maintenance of environmental resources for future generations require responsible interaction between humans and the environment in order to avoid wasting natural resources. According to an ancient Native American proverb, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” This indigenous wisdom has the potential to play a significant role in defining environmental sustainability. Recent technological advances could sustain humankind and allow for comfortable living. However, not all of these advancements have the potential to protect the environment for future generations. Developing societies and maintaining the sustainability of the ecosystem require appropriate wisdom, technology, and management collaboration. This book is a collection of 19 important articles (15 research articles, 3 review papers, and 1 editorial) that were published in the Special Issue of the journal Sustainability entitled “Appropriate Wisdom, Technology, and Management toward Environmental Sustainability for Development” during 2021-2022.addresses the policymakers and decision-makers who are willing to develop societies that practice environmental sustainability, by collecting the most recent contributions on the appropriate wisdom, technology, and management regarding the different aspects of a community that can retain environmental sustainability

    2019 EC3 July 10-12, 2019 Chania, Crete, Greece

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    Towards a Conceptual Design of an Intelligent Material Transport Based on Machine Learning and Axiomatic Design Theory

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    Reliable and efficient material transport is one of the basic requirements that affect productivity in sheet metal industry. This paper presents a methodology for conceptual design of intelligent material transport using mobile robot, based on axiomatic design theory, graph theory and artificial intelligence. Developed control algorithm was implemented and tested on the mobile robot system Khepera II within the laboratory model of manufacturing environment. Matlab© software package was used for manufacturing process simulation, implementation of search algorithms and neural network training. Experimental results clearly show that intelligent mobile robot can learn and predict optimal material transport flows thanks to the use of artificial neural networks. Achieved positioning error of mobile robot indicates that conceptual design approach can be used for material transport and handling tasks in intelligent manufacturing systems

    Friction Force Microscopy of Deep Drawing Made Surfaces

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    Aim of this paper is to contribute to micro-tribology understanding and friction in micro-scale interpretation in case of metal beverage production, particularly the deep drawing process of cans. In order to bridging the gap between engineering and trial-and-error principles, an experimental AFM-based micro-tribological approach is adopted. For that purpose, the can’s surfaces are imaged with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the frictional force signal is measured with frictional force microscopy (FFM). In both techniques, the sample surface is scanned with a stylus attached to a cantilever. Vertical motion of the cantilever is recorded in AFM and horizontal motion is recorded in FFM. The presented work evaluates friction over a micro-scale on various samples gathered from cylindrical, bottom and round parts of cans, made of same the material but with different deep drawing process parameters. The main idea is to link the experimental observation with the manufacturing process. Results presented here can advance the knowledge in order to comprehend the tribological phenomena at the contact scales, too small for conventional tribology

    Towards a Conceptual Design of an Intelligent Material Transport Based on Machine Learning and Axiomatic Design Theory

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    Reliable and efficient material transport is one of the basic requirements that affect productivity in sheet metal industry. This paper presents a methodology for conceptual design of intelligent material transport using mobile robot, based on axiomatic design theory, graph theory and artificial intelligence. Developed control algorithm was implemented and tested on the mobile robot system Khepera II within the laboratory model of manufacturing environment. Matlab© software package was used for manufacturing process simulation, implementation of search algorithms and neural network training. Experimental results clearly show that intelligent mobile robot can learn and predict optimal material transport flows thanks to the use of artificial neural networks. Achieved positioning error of mobile robot indicates that conceptual design approach can be used for material transport and handling tasks in intelligent manufacturing systems