66 research outputs found


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    GPU-based Private Information Retrieval for On-Device Machine Learning Inference

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    On-device machine learning (ML) inference can enable the use of private user data on user devices without revealing them to remote servers. However, a pure on-device solution to private ML inference is impractical for many applications that rely on embedding tables that are too large to be stored on-device. In particular, recommendation models typically use multiple embedding tables each on the order of 1-10 GBs of data, making them impractical to store on-device. To overcome this barrier, we propose the use of private information retrieval (PIR) to efficiently and privately retrieve embeddings from servers without sharing any private information. As off-the-shelf PIR algorithms are usually too computationally intensive to directly use for latency-sensitive inference tasks, we 1) propose novel GPU-based acceleration of PIR, and 2) co-design PIR with the downstream ML application to obtain further speedup. Our GPU acceleration strategy improves system throughput by more than 20×20 \times over an optimized CPU PIR implementation, and our PIR-ML co-design provides an over 5×5 \times additional throughput improvement at fixed model quality. Together, for various on-device ML applications such as recommendation and language modeling, our system on a single V100 GPU can serve up to 100,000100,000 queries per second -- a >100×>100 \times throughput improvement over a CPU-based baseline -- while maintaining model accuracy

    GraphSC: Parallel secure computation made easy

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    Abstract-We propose introducing modern parallel programming paradigms to secure computation, enabling their secure execution on large datasets. To address this challenge, we present GraphSC, a framework that (i) provides a programming paradigm that allows non-cryptography experts to write secure code; (ii) brings parallelism to such secure implementations; and (iii) meets the needs for obliviousness, thereby not leaking any private information. Using GraphSC, developers can efficiently implement an oblivious version of graph-based algorithms (including sophisticated data mining and machine learning algorithms) that execute in parallel with minimal communication overhead. Importantly, our secure version of graph-based algorithms incurs a small logarithmic overhead in comparison with the non-secure parallel version. We build GraphSC and demonstrate, using several algorithms as examples, that secure computation can be brought into the realm of practicality for big data analysis. Our secure matrix factorization implementation can process 1 million ratings in 13 hours, which is a multiple order-of-magnitude improvement over the only other existing attempt, which requires 3 hours to process 16K ratings

    REDsec: Running Encrypted Discretized Neural Networks in Seconds

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    Machine learning as a service (MLaaS) has risen to become a prominent technology due to the large development time, amount of data, hardware costs, and level of expertise required to develop a machine learning model. However, privacy concerns prevent the adoption of MLaaS for applications with sensitive data. A promising privacy preserving solution is to use fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) to perform the ML computations. Recent advancements have lowered computational costs by several orders of magnitude, opening doors for secure practical applications to be developed. In this work we introduce the REDsec framework that optimizes FHE-based private machine learning inference by leveraging ternary neural networks. Such neural networks, whose weights are constrained to {-1,0,1}, have special properties that we exploit to operate efficiently in the homomorphic domain. REDsec introduces novel features, including a new data re-use scheme that enables bidirectional bridging between the integer and binary domains for the first time in FHE. This enables us to implement very efficient binary operations for multiplication and activations, as well as efficient integer domain additions. Our approach is complemented by a new GPU acceleration library, dubbed (RED)cuFHE, which supports both binary and integer operations on multiple GPUs. REDsec brings unique benefits by supporting user-defined models as input (bring-your-own-network), automation of plaintext training, and efficient evaluation of private inference leveraging TFHE. In our analysis, we perform inference experiments with the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet datasets and report performance improvements compared to related works

    GPS: Integration of Graphene, PALISADE, and SGX for Large-scale Aggregations of Distributed Data

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    Secure computing methods such as fully homomorphic encryption and hardware solutions such as Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX) have been applied to provide security for user input in privacy-oriented computation outsourcing. Fully homomorphic encryption is amenable to parallelization and hardware acceleration to improve its scalability and latency, but is limited in the complexity of functions it can efficiently evaluate. SGX is capable of arbitrarily complex calculations, but due to expensive memory paging and context switches, computations in SGX are bound by practical limits. These limitations make either of fully homomorphic encryption or SGX alone unsuitable for large-scale multi-user computations with complex intermediate calculations. In this paper, we present GPS, a novel framework integrating the Graphene, PALISADE, and SGX technologies. GPS combines the scalability of homomorphic encryption with the arbitrary computational abilities of SGX, forming a more functional and efficient system for outsourced secure computations with large numbers of users. We implement GPS using linear regression training as an instantiation, and our experimental results indicate a base speedup of 1.03x to 8.69x (depending on computation parameters) over an SGX-only linear regression training without multithreading or hardware acceleration. Experiments and projections show improvements over the SGX-only training of 3.28x to 10.43x using multithreading and 4.99x to 12.67 with GPU acceleration

    LLMs Can Understand Encrypted Prompt: Towards Privacy-Computing Friendly Transformers

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    Prior works have attempted to build private inference frameworks for transformer-based large language models (LLMs) in a server-client setting, where the server holds the model parameters and the client inputs the private data for inference. However, these frameworks impose significant overhead when the private inputs are forward propagated through the original LLMs. In this paper, we show that substituting the computation- and communication-heavy operators in the transformer architecture with privacy-computing friendly approximations can greatly reduce the private inference costs with minor impact on model performance. Compared to the state-of-the-art Iron (NeurIPS 2022), our privacy-computing friendly model inference pipeline achieves a 5×5\times acceleration in computation and an 80\% reduction in communication overhead, while retaining nearly identical accuracy