320,507 research outputs found

    Pressure induced Raman and fluorescence singularities in LiYF4LiYF_4

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    The pressure effect on the fluoride scheelite laser host LiYF4LiYF_4 is studied at room temperature up to 26 GPa by Raman scattering and up to 40 GPa by P3+P^{3+} fluorescence of doped sample. The Raman spectra exhibit three singularities at the vicinity of 6 GPa, 10-12 GPa and 16-17 GPa. The samples pressurized to 21 GPa or higher do not recover the original phase after being released, giving more Raman lines than original samples. The luminescence spectra of P3+P^{3+} are collected in the energy range corresponding to following transitions 3P0,1−−3H4,5,6^3P_{0,1}--^3H_{4,5,6}, 1D2−−3H4^1D_2--^3H_4 and 3P0−−3F2^3P_0--^3F_2. Singularities are observed in the vicinity of 6 GPa, 10 GPa, 16 GPa, 23 GPa in agreement with the Raman study. Moreover, an irreversible transition occurs at 23 GPa. The samples pressurized to above 26 GPa become amorphous when released and all the sharp lines disappear. Above 31 GPa, the spectra at high pressures show only some broad bands corresponding to transitions between two multiplets of the 4F2^4F_2 configuration of Pr3+Pr^{3+}. These singularities suggest possible phase transformations leading to lowering of the lattice symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 2 table, LaTe

    Studies on the Weak Itinerant Ferromagnet SrRuO3 under High Pressure to 34 GPa

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    The dependence of the Curie temperature Tc on nearly hydrostatic pressure has been determined to 17.2 GPa for the weak itinerant ferromagnetic SrRuO3 in both polycrystalline and single-crystalline form. Tc is found to decrease under pressure from 162 K to 42.7 K at 17.2 GPa in nearly linear fashion at the rate dTc/dP = -6.8 K/GPa. No superconductivity was found above 4 K in the pressure range 17 to 34 GPa. Room-temperature X-ray diffraction studies to 25.3 GPa reveal no structural phase transition but indicate that the average Ru-O-Ru bond angle passes through a minimum near 15 GPa. The bulk modulus and its pressure derivative were determined to be B =192(3) GPa and B' = 5.0(3), respectively. Parallel ac susceptibility studies on polycrystalline CaRuO3 at 6 and 8 GPa pressure found no evidence for either ferromagnetism or superconductivity above 4 K

    Tin-selenium compounds at ambient and high pressures

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    SnxSey crystalline compounds consisting of Sn and Se atoms of varying composition are systematically investigated at pressures from 0 to 100 GPa using the first-principles evolutionary crystal structure search method based on density functional theory (DFT). All known experimental phases of SnSe and SnSe2 are found without any prior input. A second order polymorphic phase transition from SnSe-Pnma phase to SnSe-Cmcm phase is predicted at 2.5 GPa. Initially being semiconducting, this phase becomes metallic at 7.3 GPa. Upon further increase of pressure up to 36.6 GPa, SnSe-Cmcm phase is transformed to CsCl-type SnSe-Pm3m phase, which remains stable at even higher pressures. A metallic compound with different stoichiometry, Sn3Se4-I43d, is found to be thermodynamically stable from 18 GPa to 70 GPa. Known semiconductor tin diselenide SnSe2-P3m1 phase is found to be thermodynamically stable from ambient pressure up to 18 GPa. Initially being semiconducting, it experiences metalization at pressures above 8 GPa

    Studies of superconductivity and structure for CaC6 to pressures above 15 GPa

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    The dependence of the superconducting transition temperature Tc of CaC6 has been determined as a function of hydrostatic pressure in both helium-loaded gas and diamond-anvil cells to 0.6 and 32 GPa, respectively. Following an initial increase at the rate +0.39(1) K/GPa, Tc drops abruptly from 15 K to 4 K at 10 GPa. Synchrotron x-ray measurements to 15 GPa point to a structural transition near 10 GPa from a rhombohedral to a higher symmetry phase

    Post-spinel transformations and equation of state in ZnGa2O4: Determination at high-pressure by in situ x-ray diffraction

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    Room temperature angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction measurements on spinel ZnGa2O4 up to 56 GPa show evidence of two structural phase transformations. At 31.2 GPa, ZnGa2O4 undergoes a transition from the cubic spinel structure to a tetragonal spinel structure similar to that of ZnMn2O4. At 55 GPa, a second transition to the orthorhombic marokite structure (CaMn2O4-type) takes place. The equation of state of cubic spinel ZnGa2O4 is determined: V0 = 580.1(9) A3, B0 = 233(8) GPa, B0'= 8.3(4), and B0''= -0.1145 GPa-1 (implied value); showing that ZnGa2O4 is one of the less compressible spinels studied to date. For the tetragonal structure an equation of state is also determined: V0 = 257.8(9) A3, B0 = 257(11) GPa, B0'= 7.5(6), and B0''= -0.0764 GPa-1 (implied value). The reported structural sequence coincides with that found in NiMn2O4 and MgMn2O4.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 2 Table

    Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of MgB2 on Pressure to 20 GPa

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    The dependence of Tc on nearly hydrostatic pressure has been measured for an isotopically pure (11B) MgB2 sample in a helium-loaded diamond-anvil-cell to nearly 20 GPa. Tc decreases monotonically with pressure from 39.1 K at ambient pressure to 20.9 K at 19.2 GPa. The initial dependence is the same as that obtained earlier (dTc/dP = -1.11(2) K/GPa) on the same sample in a He-gas apparatus to 0.7 GPa. The observed pressure dependence Tc(P) to 20 GPa can be readily described in terms of simple lattice stiffening within standard phonon-mediated BCS superconductivity.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
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