20 research outputs found

    Jolt: Recovering TLS Signing Keys via Rowhammer Faults

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    Digital Signature Schemes such as DSA, ECDSA, and RSA are widely deployed to protect the integrity of security protocols such as TLS, SSH, and IPSec. In TLS, for instance, RSA and (EC)DSA are used to sign the state of the agreed upon protocol parameters during the handshake phase. Naturally, RSA and (EC)DSA implementations have become the target of numerous attacks, including powerful side-channel attacks. Hence, cryptographic libraries were patched repeatedly over the years. Here we introduce Jolt, a novel attack targeting signature scheme implementations. Our attack exploits faulty signatures gained by injecting faults during signature generation. By using the signature verification primitive, we correct faulty signatures and, in the process deduce bits of the secret signing key. Compared to recent attacks that exploit single bit biases in the nonce that require 2452^{45} signatures, our attack requires less than a thousand faulty signatures for a 256256-bit (EC)DSA. The performance improvement is due to the fact that our attack targets the secret signing key, which does not change across signing sessions. We show that the proposed attack also works on Schnorr and RSA signatures with minor modifications. We demonstrate the viability of Jolt by running experiments targeting TLS handshakes in common cryptographic libraries such as WolfSSL, OpenSSL, Microsoft SymCrypt, LibreSSL, and Amazon s2n. On our target platform, the online phase takes less than 2 hours to recover 192192 bits of a 256256-bit ECDSA key, which is sufficient for full key recovery. We note that while RSA signatures are protected in popular cryptographic libraries, OpenSSL remains vulnerable to double fault injection. We have also reviewed their Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) hardened versions which are slightly less efficient but still vulnerable to our attack. We found that (EC)DSA signatures remain largely unprotected against software-only faults, posing a threat to real-life deployments such as TLS, and potentially other security protocols such as SSH and IPSec. This highlights the need for a thorough review and implementation of faults checking in security protocol implementations

    Safe-Errors on SPA Protected implementations with the Atomicity Technique

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    ECDSA is one of the most important public-key signature scheme, however it is vulnerable to lattice attack once a few bits of the nonces are leaked. To protect Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) against Simple Power Analysis, many countermeasures have been proposed. Doubling and Additions of points on the given elliptic curve require several additions and multiplications in the base field and this number is not the same for the two operations. The idea of the atomicity protection is to use a fixed pattern, i.e. a small number of instructions and rewrite the two basic operations of ECC using this pattern. Dummy operations are introduced so that the different elliptic curve operations might be written with the same atomic pattern. In an adversary point of view, the attacker only sees a succession of patterns and is no longer able to distinguish which one corresponds to addition and doubling. Chevallier-Mames, Ciet and Joye were the first to introduce such countermeasure. In this paper, we are interested in studying this countermeasure and we show a new vulnerability since the ECDSA implementation succumbs now to C Safe-Error attacks. Then, we propose an effective solution to prevent against C Safe-Error attacks when using the Side-Channel Atomicity. The dummy operations are used in such a way that if a fault is introduced on one of them, it can be detected. Finally, our countermeasure method is generic, meaning that it can be adapted to all formulae. We apply our methods to different formulae presented for side-channel Atomicity

    Estimating the Effectiveness of Lattice Attacks

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    Lattice attacks are threats to (EC)DSA and have been used in cryptanalysis. In lattice attacks, a few bits of nonce leaks in multiple signatures are sufficient to recover the secret key. Currently, the BKZ algorithm is frequently used as a lattice reduction algorithm for lattice attacks, and there are many reports on the conditions for successful attacks. However, experimental attacks using the BKZ algorithm have only shown results for specific key lengths, and it is not clear how the conditions change as the key length changes. In this study, we conducted some experiments to simulate lattice attacks on P256, P384, and P521 and confirmed that attacks on P256 with 3 bits nonce leak, P384 with 4 bits nonce leak, and P521 with 5 bits nonce leak are feasible. The result for P521 is a new record. We also investigated in detail the reasons for the failure of the attacks and proposed a model to estimate the feasibility of lattice attacks using the BKZ algorithm. We believe that this model can be used to estimate the effectiveness of lattice attacks when the key length is changed

    On Bounded Distance Decoding with Predicate:Breaking the "Lattice Barrier" for the Hidden Number Problem

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    Lattice-based algorithms in cryptanalysis often search for a target vector satisfying integer linear constraints as a shortest or closest vector in some lattice. In this work, we observe that these formulations may discard non-linear information from the underlying application that can be used to distinguish the target vector even when it is far from being uniquely close or short. We formalize lattice problems augmented with a predicate distinguishing a target vector and give algorithms for solving instances of these problems. We apply our techniques to lattice-based approaches for solving the Hidden Number Problem, a popular technique for recovering secret DSA or ECDSA keys in side-channel attacks, and demonstrate that our algorithms succeed in recovering the signing key for instances that were previously believed to be unsolvable using lattice approaches. We carried out extensive experiments using our estimation and solving framework, which we also make available with this work

    Attacking ECDSA with Nonce Leakage by Lattice Sieving: Bridging the Gap with Fourier Analysis-based Attacks

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    The Hidden Number Problem (HNP) has found extensive applications in side-channel attacks against cryptographic schemes, such as ECDSA and Diffie-Hellman. There are two primary algorithmic approaches to solving the HNP: lattice-based attacks and Fourier analysis-based attacks. Lattice-based attacks exhibit better efficiency and require fewer samples when sufficiently long substrings of the nonces are known. However, they face significant challenges when only a small fraction of the nonce is leaked, such as 1-bit leakage, and their performance degrades in the presence of errors. In this paper, we address an open question by introducing an algorithmic tradeoff that significantly bridges the gap between these two approaches. By introducing a parameter xx to modify Albrecht and Heninger\u27s lattice, the lattice dimension is reduced by approximately (log2x)/l(\log_2{x})/ l, where ll represents the number of leaked bits. We present a series of new methods, including the interval reduction algorithm, several predicates, and the pre-screening technique. Furthermore, we extend our algorithms to solve the HNP with erroneous input. Our attack outperforms existing state-of-the-art lattice-based attacks against ECDSA. We break several records including 1-bit and less than 1-bit leakage on a 160-bit curve, while the best previous lattice-based attack for 1-bit leakage was conducted only on a 112-bit curve

    Recovering Secrets From Prefix-Dependent Leakage

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    We discuss how to recover a secret bitstring given partial information obtained during a computation over that string, assuming the computation is a deterministic algorithm processing the secret bits sequentially. That abstract situation models certain types of side-channel attacks against discrete logarithm and RSA-based cryptosystems, where the adversary obtains information not on the secret exponent directly, but instead on the group or ring element that varies at each step of the exponentiation algorithm. Our main result shows that for a leakage of a single bit per iteration, under suitable statistical independence assumptions, one can recover the whole secret bitstring in polynomial time. We also discuss how to cope with imperfect leakage, extend the model to kk-bit leaks, and show how our algorithm yields attacks on popular cryptosystems such as (EC)DSA

    Efficient and Secure ECDSA Algorithm and its Applications: A Survey

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    Public-key cryptography algorithms, especially elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) have been attracting attention frommany researchers in different institutions because these algorithms provide security andhigh performance when being used in many areas such as electronic-healthcare, electronicbanking,electronic-commerce, electronic-vehicular, and electronic-governance. These algorithmsheighten security against various attacks and the same time improve performanceto obtain efficiencies (time, memory, reduced computation complexity, and energy saving)in an environment of constrained source and large systems. This paper presents detailedand a comprehensive survey of an update of the ECDSA algorithm in terms of performance,security, and applications

    Cache-Timing Techniques: Exploiting the DSA Algorithm

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    Side-channel information is any type of information leaked through unexpected channels due to physical features of a system dealing with data. The memory cache can be used as a side-channel, leakage and exploitation of side-channel information from the executing processes is possible, leading to the recovery of secret information. Cache-based side-channel attacks represent a serious threat to implementations of several cryptographic primitives, especially in shared libraries. This work explains some of the cache-timing techniques commonly used to exploit vulnerable software. Using a particular combination of techniques and exploiting a vulnerability found in the implementation of the DSA signature scheme in the OpenSSL shared library, a cache-timing attack is performed against the DSA’s sliding window exponentiation algorithm. Moreover, the attack is expanded to show that it is possible to perform cache-timing attacks against protocols relying on the DSA signature scheme. SSH and TLS are attacked, leading to a key-recovery attack: 260 SSH-2 handshakes to extract a 1024/160-bit DSA hostkey from an OpenSSH server, and 580 TLS 1.2 handshakes to extract a 2048/256-bit DSA key from an stunnel server

    A New Sieving Approach for Solving the HNP with One Bit of Nonce by Using Built-in Modulo Arithmetic

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    The Hidden Number Problem (HNP) has been extensively used in the side-channel attacks against (EC)DSA and Diffie-Hellman. The lattice approach is a primary method of solving the HNP. In EUROCRYPT 2021, Albrecht and Heninger constructed a new lattice to solve the HNP, which converts the HNP to the SVP. After that, their approach became the state-of-the-art lattice method of solving the HNP. But Albrecht and Heninger\u27s approach has a high failure rate for solving the HNP with one bit of nonce (11-bit HNP) because there are enormous vectors related to the modulus qq shorter than the target vector in Albrecht and Heninger\u27s Lattice. To decrease the number of vectors that are shorter than the target vector and avoid the duplicated reduction, we introduce the modulo-qq lattice, a residue class ring of the general lattice modulo qq, where qq is the modulus of the HNP. We present a new sieving algorithm to search for the shortest vectors in the modulo-qq lattice. Our algorithm uses built-in modulo qq arithmetic and many optimization techniques. As a result, we can solve a general 1-bit HNP (q=2120q=2^{120}) within 5 days and solve a general 1-bit HNP (q=2128q=2^{128}) within 17 days