277 research outputs found

    Torii-HLMAC: A distributed, fault-tolerant, zero configuration fat tree data center architecture with multiple tree-based addressing and forwarding

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    Proceedings of: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2012). Anaheim, California, USA. December 03-07, 2012.This paper describes Torii-HLMAC, a scalable, fault-tolerant, zero-configuration data center network fabric architecture protocol as a fully distributed alternative to PortLand for similar multiple tree network topologies. It uses multiple, fixed, tree-based positional MAC addresses for multiple path and table-free forwarding. Addresses are assigned by a simple extension of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. Torii-HLMAC enhances the PortLand protocol advantages of scalability, zero configuration and high performance and adds instant path recovery, fully distributed routing and address assignment. ARP Proxy may be used to avoid ARP broadcast messages.This work was supported in part by grants from Comunidad de Madrid and Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha through Projects MEDIANET-CM (S-2009/TIC-1468) and EMARECE (PII1I09-0204-4319).Publicad

    Energy Efficient Relay-Assisted Cellular Network Model using Base Station Switching

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    Cellular network planning strategies have tended to focus on peak traffic scenarios rather than energy efficiency. By exploiting the dynamic nature of traffic load profiles, the prospect for greener communications in cellular access networks is evolving. For example, powering down base stations (BS) and applying cell zooming can significantly reduce energy consumption, with the overriding design priority still being to uphold a minimum quality of service (QoS). Switching off cells completely can lead to both coverage holes and performance degradation in terms of increased outage probability, greater transmit power dissipation in the up and downlinks, and complex interference management, even at low traffic loads. In this paper, a cellular network model is presented where certain BS rather than being turned off, are switched to low-powered relay stations (RS) during zero-to-medium traffic periods. Neighbouring BS still retain all the baseband signal processing and transmit signals to corresponding RS via backhaul connections, under the assumption that the RS covers the whole cell. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of this new BS-RS Switching technique from both an energy saving and QoS perspective, in the up and downlinks

    On the Performance of Millimeter Wave-based RF-FSO Links with HARQ Feedback

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    This paper studies the performance of hybrid radio-frequency (RF) and free-space optical (FSO) links in the cases with and without hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). Considering millimeter wave (mmwave) characteristics in the RF link and pointing errors in the FSO link, we derive closed-form expressions for the message decoding probabilities as well as the throughput and the outage probability of the RF-FSO setups. We also evaluate the effect of various parameters such as power amplifiers efficiency, different transmission techniques in the FSO link, pointing errors in the FSO link as well as different coherence times/symbol rates of the RF and the FSO links on the throughput and outage probability. The results show the efficiency of the RF-FSO links in different conditions. Moreover, the HARQ can effectively improve the outage probability/energy efficiency, and compensate the effect of hardware impairments in RF-FSO links.Comment: Under review in PIMRC'201

    Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency of OFDM Systems: Impact of Power Amplifiers and Countermeasures

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    In wireless communication systems, the nonlinear effect and inefficiency of power amplifier (PA) have posed practical challenges for system designs to achieve high spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE). In this paper, we analyze the impact of PA on the SE-EE tradeoff of orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) systems. An ideal PA that is always linear and incurs no additional power consumption can be shown to yield a decreasing convex function in the SE-EE tradeoff. In contrast, we show that a practical PA has an SE-EE tradeoff that has a turning point and decreases sharply after its maximum EE point. In other words, the Pareto-optimal tradeoff boundary of the SE-EE curve is very narrow. A wide range of SE-EE tradeoff, however, is desired for future wireless communications that have dynamic demand depending on the traffic loads, channel conditions, and system applications, e.g., high-SE-with-low-EE for rate-limited systems and high-EE-with-low-SE for energy-limited systems. For the SE-EE tradeoff improvement, we propose a PA switching (PAS) technique. In a PAS transmitter, one or more PAs are switched on intermittently to maximize the EE and deliver an overall required SE. As a consequence, a high EE over a wide range SE can be achieved, which is verified by numerical evaluations: with 15% SE reduction for low SE demand, the PAS between a low power PA and a high power PA can improve EE by 323%, while a single high power PA transmitter improves EE by only 68%.Comment: to be published, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commu

    Delay Reduction in Multi-Hop Device-to-Device Communication using Network Coding

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    This paper considers the problem of reducing the broadcast decoding delay of wireless networks using instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) based device-to-device (D2D) communications. In a D2D configuration, devices in the network can help hasten the recovery of the lost packets of other devices in their transmission range by sending network coded packets. Unlike previous works that assumed fully connected network, this paper proposes a partially connected configuration in which the decision should be made not only on the packet combinations but also on the set of transmitting devices. First, the different events occurring at each device are identified so as to derive an expression for the probability distribution of the decoding delay. The joint optimization problem over the set of transmitting devices and the packet combinations of each is, then, formulated. The optimal solution of the joint optimization problem is derived using a graph theory approach by introducing the cooperation graph and reformulating the problem as a maximum weight clique problem in which the weight of each vertex is the contribution of the device identified by the vertex. Through extensive simulations, the decoding delay experienced by all devices in the Point to Multi-Point (PMP) configuration, the fully connected D2D (FC-D2D) configuration and the more practical partially connected D2D (PC-D2D) configuration are compared. Numerical results suggest that the PC-D2D outperforms the FC-D2D and provides appreciable gain especially for poorly connected networks

    Solar energy for self-contained power supply

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    Solar energy relevance in self-contained utility system as well as economic feasibility for each class of consumers considered. The article will outline utilising features of self-contained photovoltaic stations in Middle East and Northern Africa

    On the Performance of Millimeter Wave-based RF-FSO Multi-hop and Mesh Networks

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    This paper studies the performance of multi-hop and mesh networks composed of millimeter wave (MMW)-based radio frequency (RF) and free-space optical (FSO) links. The results are obtained in cases with and without hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). Taking the MMW characteristics of the RF links into account, we derive closed-form expressions for the networks' outage probability and ergodic achievable rates. We also evaluate the effect of various parameters such as power amplifiers efficiency, number of antennas as well as different coherence times of the RF and the FSO links on the system performance. Finally, we determine the minimum number of the transmit antennas in the RF link such that the same rate is supported in the RF- and the FSO-based hops. The results show the efficiency of the RF-FSO setups in different conditions. Moreover, HARQ can effectively improve the outage probability/energy efficiency, and compensate for the effect of hardware impairments in RF-FSO networks. For common parameter settings of the RF-FSO dual-hop networks, outage probability of 10^{-4} and code rate of 3 nats-per-channel-use, the implementation of HARQ with a maximum of 2 and 3 retransmissions reduces the required power, compared to cases with open-loop communication, by 13 and 17 dB, respectively.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication