997 research outputs found

    A New Converter Station Topology to Improve the Overall Performance of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Energy Conversion System

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    This thesis presents a reliable and cost effective technique that calls for reconfiguration of the existing converters of a typical Doubly Fed Induction Generator to include a coil of low internal resistance. A coil within the DC link is the only hardware component required to implement this technique. With a proper control scheme, activated during fault conditions, this coil can provide the same degree of performance as a superconducting magnetic energy storage unit during fault conditions

    Modeling and control strategies of fuzzy logic controlled inverter system for grid interconnected variable speed wind generator

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    Today, variable speed operation of a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is becoming popular in the wind power industry (PI). A variable speed wind turbine (VSWT)-driven PMSG, in general, is connected to the grid using a fully controlled frequency converter (FC). Along with the generator side converter, the FC necessitates the grid side inverter system that has a great impact on the stability issue of the VSWT-PMSG, especially in the case of network disturbance. The well-known cascaded-controlled inverter system has widely been reported in much of the literature, where multiple PI controllers are used in inner and outer loops. However, a fuzzy logic controller deals well with the nonlinearity of the power system, compared to a PI controller. This paper presents a simple fuzzy logic controlled inverter system for the control of a grid side inverter system, which suits well for VSWT-PMSG operation in a wide operating range. This is one of the salient features of this paper. Detailed modeling and control strategies of the overall system are demonstrated. Both dynamic and transient performances of VSWT-driven PMSG are analyzed to show the effectiveness of the control strategy, where simulation has been done using PSCAD/EMTDC

    Rotor Current Control Design for DFIG-based Wind Turbine Using PI, FLC and Fuzzy PI Controllers

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    Due to the rising demand for electricity with increasing world population, maximizing renewable energy capture through efficient control systems is gaining attention in literature. Wind energy, in particular, is considered the world’s fastest-growing energy source it is one of the most efficient, reliable and affordable renewable energy sources. Subsequently, well-designed control systems are required to maximize the benefits, represented by power capture, of wind turbines. In this thesis, a 2.0-MW Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) wind turbine is presented along with new controllers designed to maximize the wind power capturer. The proposed designs mainly focus on controlling the DFIG rotor current in order to allow the system to operate at a certain current value that maximizes the energy capture at different wind speeds. The simulated model consists of a single two-mass wind turbine connected directly to the power grid. A general model consisting of aerodynamic, mechanical, electrical, and control systems are simulated using Matlab/Simulink. An indirect speed controller is designed to force the aerodynamic torque to follow the maximum power curve in response to wind variations, while a vector controller for current loops is designed to control the rotor side converter. The control system design techniques considered in this work are Proportional-Integral (PI), fuzzy logic, and fuzzy-PI controllers. The obtained results show that the fuzzy-PI controller meets the required specifications by exhibiting the best steady-state response, in terms of steady-state error and settling time, for some DFIG parameters such as rotor speed, rotor currents and electromagnetic torque. Although the fuzzy logic controller exhibits smaller peak overshoot and undershoot values when compared to the fuzzy-PI, the peak value difference is very small, which can be compensated using protection equipment such as circuit breakers and resistor banks. On the other hand, the PI controller shows the highest overshoot, undershoot and settling time values, while the fuzzy logic controller does not meet the requirements as it exhibits large, steady-state error values

    Power Quality Improvement and Low Voltage Ride through Capability in Hybrid Wind-PV Farms Grid-Connected Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer

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    © 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.This paper proposes the application of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) to enhance the power quality and improve the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of a three-phase medium-voltage network connected to a hybrid distribution generation system. In this system, the photovoltaic (PV) plant and the wind turbine generator (WTG) are connected to the same point of common coupling (PCC) with a sensitive load. The WTG consists of a DFIG generator connected to the network via a step-up transformer. The PV system is connected to the PCC via a two-stage energy conversion (dc-dc converter and dc-ac inverter). This topology allows, first, the extraction of maximum power based on the incremental inductance technique. Second, it allows the connection of the PV system to the public grid through a step-up transformer. In addition, the DVR based on fuzzy logic controller is connected to the same PCC. Different fault condition scenarios are tested for improving the efficiency and the quality of the power supply and compliance with the requirements of the LVRT grid code. The results of the LVRT capability, voltage stability, active power, reactive power, injected current, and dc link voltage, speed of turbine, and power factor at the PCC are presented with and without the contribution of the DVR system.Peer reviewe

    A Review of Control Techniques for Wind Energy Conversion System

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    Wind energy is the most efficient and advanced form of renewable energy (RE) in recent decades, and an effective controller is required to regulate the power generated by wind energy. This study provides an overview of state-of-the-art control strategies for wind energy conversion systems (WECS). Studies on the pitch angle controller, the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller, the machine side controller (MSC), and the grid side controller (GSC) are reviewed and discussed. Related works are analyzed, including evolution, software used, input and output parameters, specifications, merits, and limitations of different control techniques. The analysis shows that better performance can be obtained by the adaptive and soft-computing based pitch angle controller and MPPT controller, the field-oriented control for MSC, and the voltage-oriented control for GSC. This study provides an appropriate benchmark for further wind energy research

    A Review of Control Techniques Future Trends in Wind Energy Turbine Systems with Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG)

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    تعتبر طاقة الرياح حاليا واحدة من أكثر مصادر الطاقة الخضراء النظيفة الملاءمة على نطاق واسع في العالم. تم تطوير العديد من مبادئ توربينات الرياح بستخدام  المولدات المختلفة لتحويل طاقة الرياح المتاحة إلى طاقة كهربائية. يعد نظام المولد الحثي ذي التغذية المزدوجة DFIG لتوربينات الرياح ذات السرعة المتغيرة نسبيا (VSWT) هو الأكثر ملاءمة لطاقة توربينات الرياح بسبب فوائده العديدة مقارنة بتوربينات الرياح ذات السرعة الثابتة نسبيا (FSWT). تقدم هذه الورقة مراجعة و مقارنة عن طاقة توربينات الرياح المختلفة وملخصًا قيمًا للعمل الأخير المتعلقة بأنظمة طاقة الرياح المختلفة (WECS) لنمذجة DFIG وأقصى نقطة طاقة MPP وأحدث نظام تحكم للتشغيل. ومن ناحية أخرى تم في الدراسة الحالية تقديم مقارنات ومناقشات بين توربينات الرياح المختلفة لتكون مفيدة للدراسات البحثية.Wind energy is currently widely regarded as one of the most favorable green clean sources of energy. Several wind turbine principles with various generator architectures have been evolved to exchange the available wind energy into electric power. The DFIG partial Variable-Speed Wind Turbine (VSWT) system is most proper for wind turbine energy because of its numerous benefits over Fixed-Speed Wind Turbines (FSWT). This paper introduces a comparative review of the different wind turbine conversion energy and a valuable summary of the recent work in the literature on different Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) of a DFIG modeling, Maximum Power Point (MPP), and the latest control system for operation. On the other side, comparisons and discussions between different wind turbines have been presented in the current study to be beneficial for research studies

    Robusno neizrazito prilagođavanje pojačanja RST regulatora za WECS dvostruko napajani asinkroni generator

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    This paper proposes a new robust fuzzy gain scheduling of RST controller for a Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). First, a designed fuzzy gain scheduling of RST controller is investigated, in which fuzzy rules are utilized on-line to adapt the RST controller parameters based on the error and its first time derivative. The aim of the work is to apply and compare the dynamic performances of two types of controllers (namely, Polynomial RST and Fuzzy-RST) for the WECS. A vector control with stator flux orientation of the DFIG is also presented in order to achieve control of active and reactive power of the wind turbine transmitted to the grid and to make the wind turbine adaptable to different constraints. The results obtained by simulation prove the effectiveness of the proposed controller in terms of decoupling, robustness and dynamic performance for different operating conditions.U radu je predloženo novo robusno prilagođavanje pojačanja RST regulatora za sustav za pretvorbu energije vjetra (WECS) s dvostruko napajanim asinkronim generatorom (DFIG). Prije svega istražena je sinteza neizrazitog prilagođavanja pojačanja RST regulatora u kojem su neizrazita pravila iskorištena on-line za adaptaciju parametara RST regulatora koji koristi signal pogreške i njegovu prvu vremensku derivaciju. Cilj rada primjena je i usporedba dinamičkih svojstava dva tipa regulatora (polinomski RST i neizraziti RST) za WECS. Također je prikazano vektorsko upravljanje s orijentacijom statorskog toka DFIG-a za postizanje upravljanja aktivnom i reaktivnom snagom vjetroagregata koja se predaje mreži te za prilagodbu vjetroagregata za različita ograničenja. Rezultati prikupljeni provedenim simulacijama pokazuju efektivnost predloženog regulatora kroz rasrpegnutost, robusnost i dinamičke performanse za različite uvjete rada

    A Novel Inter Connection of DFIG with Grid in Separate Excitation SMES System with Fuzzy Logic Control

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    The use of doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) in wind turbines has become quite common over the last few years. DFIG wind turbine is an integrated part of distributed generation system. This paper presents a Fuzzy based controller SMES unit in DFIG for improving the ac output on grid side. The excitation system is composed of the rotor-side converter, the grid-side converter, the dc chopper and the superconducting magnet. The superconducting magnet is connected with the dc side of the two converters, which can handle the active power transfer with the rotor of DFIG and the power grid independently, even thou Sutton small fluctuations are occur in active power on AC side. For smoothening the AC output power waveform a Fuzzy based controller is introduced in SMES controller unit, which implemented using simulation developed in MATLAB/ SIMULINK 7.2 version. The model of the FUZZY controlled SMES based excitation system for DFIG is established, and the simulation tests are performed to evaluate the system performance