20,014 research outputs found

    Affine Registration of label maps in Label Space

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    Two key aspects of coupled multi-object shape\ud analysis and atlas generation are the choice of representation\ud and subsequent registration methods used to align the sample\ud set. For example, a typical brain image can be labeled into\ud three structures: grey matter, white matter and cerebrospinal\ud fluid. Many manipulations such as interpolation, transformation,\ud smoothing, or registration need to be performed on these images\ud before they can be used in further analysis. Current techniques\ud for such analysis tend to trade off performance between the two\ud tasks, performing well for one task but developing problems when\ud used for the other.\ud This article proposes to use a representation that is both\ud flexible and well suited for both tasks. We propose to map object\ud labels to vertices of a regular simplex, e.g. the unit interval for\ud two labels, a triangle for three labels, a tetrahedron for four\ud labels, etc. This representation, which is routinely used in fuzzy\ud classification, is ideally suited for representing and registering\ud multiple shapes. On closer examination, this representation\ud reveals several desirable properties: algebraic operations may\ud be done directly, label uncertainty is expressed as a weighted\ud mixture of labels (probabilistic interpretation), interpolation is\ud unbiased toward any label or the background, and registration\ud may be performed directly.\ud We demonstrate these properties by using label space in a gradient\ud descent based registration scheme to obtain a probabilistic\ud atlas. While straightforward, this iterative method is very slow,\ud could get stuck in local minima, and depends heavily on the initial\ud conditions. To address these issues, two fast methods are proposed\ud which serve as coarse registration schemes following which the\ud iterative descent method can be used to refine the results. Further,\ud we derive an analytical formulation for direct computation of the\ud "group mean" from the parameters of pairwise registration of all\ud the images in the sample set. We show results on richly labeled\ud 2D and 3D data sets

    A symbolic sensor for an Antilock brake system of a commercial aircraft

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    The design of a symbolic sensor that identifies thecondition of the runway surface (dry, wet, icy, etc.) during the braking of a commercial aircraft is discussed. The purpose of such a sensor is to generate a qualitative, real-time information about the runway surface to be integrated into a future aircraft Antilock Braking System (ABS). It can be expected that this information can significantly improve the performance of ABS. For the design of the symbolic sensor different classification techniques based upon fuzzy set theory and neural networks are proposed. To develop and to verify theses classification algorithms data recorded from recent braking tests have been used. The results show that the symbolic sensor is able to correctly identify the surface condition. Overall, the application example considered in this paper demonstrates that symbolic information processing using fuzzy logic and neural networks has the potential to provide new functions in control system design. This paper is part of a common research project between E.N.S.I.C.A. and Aerospatiale in France to study the role of the fuzzy set theory for potential applications in future aircraft control systems

    Cost-efficient modeling of antenna structures using Gradient Enhanced Kriging

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    Reliable yet fast surrogate models are indispensable in the design of contemporary antenna structures. Data-driven models, e.g., based on Gaussian Processes or support-vector regression, offer sufficient flexibility and speed, however, their setup cost is large and grows very quickly with the dimensionality of the design space. In this paper, we propose cost-efficient modeling of antenna structures using Gradient-Enhanced Kriging. In our approach, the training data set contains, apart from the EM-simulation responses of the structure at hand, also derivative data at the respective training locations obtained at little extra cost using adjoint sensitivity techniques. We demonstrate that introduction of the derivative information into the model allows for considerable reduction of the model setup cost (in terms of the number of training points required) without compromising its predictive power. The Gradient-Enhanced Kriging technique is illustrated using a dielectric resonator antenna structure. Comparison with conventional Kriging interpolation is also provided
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