3,898 research outputs found

    Applying fuzzy analytic network process in quality function deployment model

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    In this paper, we propose an empirical study of QFD implementation when fuzzy numbers are used to handle the uncertainty associated with different components of the proposed model. We implement fuzzy analytical network to find the relative importance of various criteria and using fuzzy numbers we calculate the relative importance of these factors. The proposed model of this paper uses fuzzy matrix and house of quality to study the products development in QFD and also the second phase i.e. part deployment. In most researches, the primary objective is only on CRs to implement the quality function deployment and some other criteria such as production costs, manufacturing costs etc were disregarded. The results of using fuzzy analysis network process based on the QFD model in Daroupat packaging company to develop PVDC show that the most important indexes are being waterproof, resistant pill packages, and production cost. In addition, the PVDC coating is the most important index in terms of company experts’ point of view

    Manufacturing Quality Function Deployment: Literature Review and Future Trends

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    A comprehensive review of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) literature is made using extensive survey as a methodology. The most important results of the study are: (i) QFD modelling and applications are one-sided; prioritisation of technical attributes only maximise customer satisfaction without considering cost incurred (ii) we are still missing considerable knowledge about neural networks for predicting improvement measures in customer satisfaction (iii) further exploration of the subsequent phases (process planning and production planning) of QFD is needed (iv) more decision support systems are needed to automate QFD (v) feedbacks from customers are not accounted for in current studies

    A state-of-art survey on TQM applications using MCDM techniques

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    In today’s competitive economy, quality plays an essential role for the success business units and there are considerable efforts made to control and to improve quality characteristics in order to satisfy customers’ requirements. However, improving quality is normally involved with various criteria and we need to use Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) to handle such cases. In this state-of the-art literature survey, 45 articles focused on solving quality problems by MCDM methods are investigated. These articles were published between 1994 and 2013.Seven areas were selected for categorization: (1) AHP, Fuzzy AHP, ANP and Fuzzy ANP, (2) DEMATEL and Fuzzy DEMATEL, (3) GRA, (4) Vikor and Fuzzy Vikor, (5) TOPSIS, Fuzzy TOPSIS and combination of TOPSIS and AHP, (6) Fuzzy and (7) Less frequent and hybrid procedures. According to our survey, Fuzzy based methods were the most popular technique with about 40% usage among procedures. Also AHP and ANP were almost 20% of functional methods. This survey ends with giving recommendation for future researches

    A Group Decision-Making Framework with Various Rating Attitudes using Fuzzy Set Theory to Prioritize Design Requirements in Quality Function Deployment

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    A structured method is called quality function deployment (QFD) that translates the voice of the customer into both of the product and service development. The architecture of QFD is composed of a set of matrices that is often referred to as the house of quality (HOQ). HOQ is regarded as a part of the QFD process. The matrices of HOQ include the importance of customer requirements and the relationship between customer requirements and design requirements collected by the decision-making process of a group of people with ambiguousness and fuzziness. Besides, a group of people make decisions to evaluate fuzzy information with different rating or risk-taking attitudes such as optimistic, neutral, and conservative attitudes. Therefore, a group decision-making framework with various rating attitudes using fuzzy set theory can be used in QFD to identify the importance of each design requirement. Furthermore, a numerical example is solved to show that this group decision-making framework with risk-taking attitudes using fuzzy set theory can be accurately and convincingly applied in QFD for prioritizing design requirements with diverse rating attitudes to help the companies increase customer satisfaction and market share

    Ranking of Performance Assessment Measures at Tehran Hotel by Combining DEMATEL, ANP, and SERVQUAL Models under Fuzzy Condition

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    An effective hybrid model has been proposed by combining ANP, SERVQUAL, and DEMATEL techniques. This model aims to meet different purposes of the hotels and diverse needs of customers at different stages, that is, reservation, reception, accommodation, catering, and check-out. High quality services are ensured when customer expectations have been provided at the expectation level of the customers or beyond that. SERVQUAL model is used to assess the performance of the organizations in terms of five dimensions: responsiveness, empathy, reliability, assurance, and tangibles. Super matrix calculations and pair comparisons required in ANP model have been carried out using DEMATEL model in order to measure the influence of performance assessment measures on each other. In this paper, SERVQUAL model parameters have been considered as the expectations of the hotel clients. Then these customer expectations have been analyzed using DEMATEL model and finally have been ranked using ANP model. Parameters of SERVQUAL model are comprised of verbal and vague criteria in terms of the responses provided by the organizations and customers. This has led to fuzzy conditions in this research. The hybrid model provided better results compared with each individual model, in terms of meeting customer satisfaction and the organization’s objectives

    Technical importance ratings in fuzzy QFD by integrating fuzzy normalization and fuzzy weighted average

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    AbstractFuzzy quality function deployment (QFD) has been extensively used for translating customer requirements (CRs) into product design requirements (DRs) in fuzzy environments. Existing approaches, however, for rating technical importance of DRs in fuzzy environments are found problematic, either incorrect or inappropriate. This paper investigates how the technical importance of DRs can be correctly rated in fuzzy environments. A pair of nonlinear programming models and two equivalent pairs of linear programming models are developed, respectively, to rate the technical importance of DRs. The developed models are examined and illustrated with two numerical examples

    Investigation on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods Application in Sustainable Product Design

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    Background: Integrating sustainability development' aspects in the design process is becoming, a growth area in companies. Consequently, sustainable product design has to consider the different aspects of sustainability throughout its life cycle phases in addition of other requirements. This integration is becoming more complicated due the difficulty of managing the constraints and alternatives related to the product and stakeholders needs. This study aims to highlights the most used Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) tools and methods used in sustainable product design process. Contribution: Product design process involves interesting decisional tasks such as the choice of materials, standard parts, technical solutions. Hence, the contribution of this work is to help designer to adopt relevant MCDM tools and methods that can be integrated to other tools to facilitate and to justify their decisional tasks. Method: Several methods have been affected to solve the problems related to this complexity such as MCDM. A literature review was conducted based on Siencedirect and GoogleScholar articles databases. After filtering more than 200 articles only 62 articles were considered to analyze the correlation between sustainable product design and MCDM. Results: Classified MCDM use according to the type of choices to achieve SPD goals. This paper allowed us to find matches between MCDM methods and SPD problem. The majority of case studies result show that a large portion of sustainable design methods, techniques, and tools are applied to the sustainable product’ along its different life cycle phases Conclusion: It is noticed that the use of MCDM methods are an important outcome in the sustainable product design process and deeply helps designers to make suitable choices. Also, several matches relating MCDM, other methods and sustainable product design sphere are discusse

    Bibliometric analysis of quality function deployment with fuzzy systems

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    Research on quality function deployment (QFD) with fuzzy systems has increased since the 2000s. The growing number of QFD applications with fuzzy systems indicates worldwide attention on this field of research. Then, two research questions arise: Are there some trends? And, are there some research gaps? This paper presents bibliometric analysis to answer those questions, performed on data from Scopus database, in a total output of 598 documents. Only articles and reviews were searched. China is the leading country in publication and international collaboration (207 published documents, more than a third of total). The main finding of analysis is the trend of QFD integration with fuzzy and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. This could be observed with different applications as new product development, quality management, service quality, and supply chain management, to name a few.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(undefined

    A methodology for project portfolio selection under criteria prioritisation, uncertainty and projects interdependency – combination of fuzzy QFD and DEA

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Resources of an organisation (people, time, money, equipment, etc) are never endless. As such, a constant and continuous challenge for decision makers is to decide which projects should be given priority in terms of receiving critical resources in a way that the organisation's productivity and profitability is best guaranteed. Previous literature has already developed a plenitude of project portfolio selection methodologies ranging from simple scoring to complex mathematical models. However, most of them too often fail to propose one integrated and seamless method that can simultaneously take into account three important elements: (1) prioritisation of selection criteria over each other, (2) uncertainty in decision-making, and (3) projects interdependencies. This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing an integrated method that can simultaneously address all these three aspects. The proposed method combines Quality Function Development (QFD), fuzzy logic, and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to accounts for prioritisation, uncertainty and interdependency. We then apply this method in a numerical example from a real world case to illustrate the applicability and efficacy of the proposed methodology
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