182 research outputs found

    Democracy and Economic Development: a Fuzzy Classification Approach

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    The aim of this work is to (1) analyse whether countries differ on political indicators (democracy, rule of law, government effectiveness and corruption) and (2) study whether countries with different political profiles are associated with different levels of economic, human development and gender-related development indicators. Using a fuzzy classification approach (fuzzy k-means algorithm), we propose a typology of 124 countries based on 10 political variables. Six segments are identified; these political groups implicate the access to different levels of economic and human development. In this study evidence of a positive but not perfect relationship between democracy and economic and human development is observed, thus presenting new insights for the understanding of the heterogeneity of behaviors relatively to political indicators.Democracy, Economic Development, Fuzzy k-means

    Fuzzy shape Classification exploiting Geometrical and Moments Descriptors

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    In the era of data intensive management and discovery, the volume of images repositories requires effective means for mining and classifying digital image collections. Recent studies have evidenced great interest in image processing by "mining" visual information for objects recognition and retrieval. Particularly, image disambiguation based on the shape produces better results than traditional features such as color or texture. On the other hand, the classification of objects extracted from images appears more intuitively formulated as a shape classification task. This work introduces an approach for 2D shapes classification, based on the combined use of geometrical and moments features extracted by a given collection of images. It achieves a shape based classification exploiting fuzzy clustering techniques, which enable also a query-by-image

    Robust techniques and applications in fuzzy clustering

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    This dissertation addresses issues central to frizzy classification. The issue of sensitivity to noise and outliers of least squares minimization based clustering techniques, such as Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) and its variants is addressed. In this work, two novel and robust clustering schemes are presented and analyzed in detail. They approach the problem of robustness from different perspectives. The first scheme scales down the FCM memberships of data points based on the distance of the points from the cluster centers. Scaling done on outliers reduces their membership in true clusters. This scheme, known as the Mega-clustering, defines a conceptual mega-cluster which is a collective cluster of all data points but views outliers and good points differently (as opposed to the concept of Dave\u27s Noise cluster). The scheme is presented and validated with experiments and similarities with Noise Clustering (NC) are also presented. The other scheme is based on the feasible solution algorithm that implements the Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) estimator. The LTS estimator is known to be resistant to noise and has a high breakdown point. The feasible solution approach also guarantees convergence of the solution set to a global optima. Experiments show the practicability of the proposed schemes in terms of computational requirements and in the attractiveness of their simplistic frameworks. The issue of validation of clustering results has often received less attention than clustering itself. Fuzzy and non-fuzzy cluster validation schemes are reviewed and a novel methodology for cluster validity using a test for random position hypothesis is developed. The random position hypothesis is tested against an alternative clustered hypothesis on every cluster produced by the partitioning algorithm. The Hopkins statistic is used as a basis to accept or reject the random position hypothesis, which is also the null hypothesis in this case. The Hopkins statistic is known to be a fair estimator of randomness in a data set. The concept is borrowed from the clustering tendency domain and its applicability to validating clusters is shown here. A unique feature selection procedure for use with large molecular conformational datasets with high dimensionality is also developed. The intelligent feature extraction scheme not only helps in reducing dimensionality of the feature space but also helps in eliminating contentious issues such as the ones associated with labeling of symmetric atoms in the molecule. The feature vector is converted to a proximity matrix, and is used as an input to the relational fuzzy clustering (FRC) algorithm with very promising results. Results are also validated using several cluster validity measures from literature. Another application of fuzzy clustering considered here is image segmentation. Image analysis on extremely noisy images is carried out as a precursor to the development of an automated real time condition state monitoring system for underground pipelines. A two-stage FCM with intelligent feature selection is implemented as the segmentation procedure and results on a test image are presented. A conceptual framework for automated condition state assessment is also developed

    Onset of an outline map to get a hold on the wildwood of clustering methods

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    The domain of cluster analysis is a meeting point for a very rich multidisciplinary encounter, with cluster-analytic methods being studied and developed in discrete mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, data analysis and data science, and computer science (including machine learning, data mining, and knowledge discovery), to name but a few. The other side of the coin, however, is that the domain suffers from a major accessibility problem as well as from the fact that it is rife with division across many pretty isolated islands. As a way out, the present paper offers an outline map for the clustering domain as a whole, which takes the form of an overarching conceptual framework and a common language. With this framework we wish to contribute to structuring the domain, to characterizing methods that have often been developed and studied in quite different contexts, to identifying links between them, and to introducing a frame of reference for optimally setting up cluster analyses in data-analytic practice.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Ligand-based design of dopamine reuptake inhibitors : fuzzy relational clustering and 2-D and 3-D QSAR modleing

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    As the three-dimensional structure of the dopamine transporter (DAT) remains undiscovered, any attempt to model the binding of drug-like ligands to this protein must necessarily include strategies that use ligand information. For flexible ligands that bind to the DAT, the identification of the binding conformation becomes an important but challenging task. In the first part of this work, the selection of a few representative structures as putative binding conformations from a large collection of conformations of a flexible GBR 12909 analogue was demonstrated by cluster analysis. Novel structurebased features that can be easily generalized to other molecules were developed and used for clustering. Since the feature space may or may not be Euclidean, a recently-developed fuzzy relational clustering algorithm capable of handling such data was used. Both superposition-dependent and superposition-independent features were used along with region-specific clustering that focused on separate pharmacophore elements in the molecule. Separate sets of representative structures were identified for the superpositiondependent and superposition-independent analyses. In the second part of this work, several QSAR models were developed for a series of analogues of methylphenidate (MP), another potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor. In a novel method, the Electrotopological-state (B-state) indices for atoms of the scaffold common to all 80 compounds were used to develop an effective test set spanning both the structure space as well as the activity space. The utility of B-state indices in modeling a series of analogues with a common scaffold was demonstrated. Several models were developed using various combinations of 2-D and 3-D descriptors in the Molconn-Z and MOE descriptor sets. The models derived from CoMFA descriptors were found to be the most predictive and explanatory. Progressive scrambling of all models indicated several stable models. The best models were used to predict the activity of the test set analogues and were found to produce reasonable residuals. Substitutions in the phenyl ring of MP, especially at the 3- and 4-positions, were found to be the most important for DATbinding. It was predicted that for better DAT-binding the substituents at these positions should be relatively bulky, electron-rich atoms or groups

    An Agent-Based Algorithm exploiting Multiple Local Dissimilarities for Clusters Mining and Knowledge Discovery

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    We propose a multi-agent algorithm able to automatically discover relevant regularities in a given dataset, determining at the same time the set of configurations of the adopted parametric dissimilarity measure yielding compact and separated clusters. Each agent operates independently by performing a Markovian random walk on a suitable weighted graph representation of the input dataset. Such a weighted graph representation is induced by the specific parameter configuration of the dissimilarity measure adopted by the agent, which searches and takes decisions autonomously for one cluster at a time. Results show that the algorithm is able to discover parameter configurations that yield a consistent and interpretable collection of clusters. Moreover, we demonstrate that our algorithm shows comparable performances with other similar state-of-the-art algorithms when facing specific clustering problems

    Meta-optimizations for Cluster Analysis

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    This dissertation thesis deals with advances in the automation of cluster analysis.This dissertation thesis deals with advances in the automation of cluster analysis

    3rd Workshop in Symbolic Data Analysis: book of abstracts

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    This workshop is the third regular meeting of researchers interested in Symbolic Data Analysis. The main aim of the event is to favor the meeting of people and the exchange of ideas from different fields - Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics, among others - that contribute to Symbolic Data Analysis
