218 research outputs found

    A Distributed SON-Based User-Centric Backhaul Provisioning Scheme

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    5G definition and standardization projects are well underway, and governing characteristics and major challenges have been identified. A critical network element impacting the potential performance of 5G networks is the backhaul, which is expected to expand in length and breadth to cater to the exponential growth of small cells while offering high throughput in the order of gigabit per second and less than 1 ms latency with high resilience and energy efficiency. Such performance may only be possible with direct optical fiber connections that are often not available country-wide and are cumbersome and expensive to deploy. On the other hand, a prime 5G characteristic is diversity, which describes the radio access network, the backhaul, and also the types of user applications and devices. Thus, we propose a novel, distributed, self-optimized, end-to-end user-cell-backhaul association scheme that intelligently associates users with candidate cells based on corresponding dynamic radio and backhaul conditions while abiding by users' requirements. Radio cells broadcast multiple bias factors, each reflecting a dynamic performance indicator (DPI) of the end-to-end network performance such as capacity, latency, resilience, energy consumption, and so on. A given user would employ these factors to derive a user-centric cell ranking that motivates it to select the cell with radio and backhaul performance that conforms to the user requirements. Reinforcement learning is used at the radio cells to optimise the bias factors for each DPI in a way that maximise the system throughput while minimising the gap between the users' achievable and required end-to-end quality of experience (QoE). Preliminary results show considerable improvement in users' QoE and cumulative system throughput when compared with the state-of-the-art user-cell association schemes

    Memory-Based User-Centric Backhaul-Aware User Cell Association Scheme

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    Ultra-dense small cell networks represent a key future network solution that can help meet the exponentially rising traffic requirements of modern wireless networks. Backhauling these small cells are an emerging challenge to the extent that various cells are likely to have different backhaul constraints. The user-centric backhaul scheme has been proposed in the literature to jointly exploit the diversity in users' requirement and backhaul constraints. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme, termed the memory-based hybrid scheme, which additionally also exploits the predictability in a user's mobility. We compare the novel scheme to two variants of memory-less user-centric backhaul implementations and show significant gains in convergence time (15%), user-centric KPIs (51% and 82%) at the negligible cost 2% loss in cumulative throughput. The novel scheme requires additional memory in user-devices to store learned values, which is nonetheless well justified in view of the considerable gains achieved

    Self-organization for 5G and beyond mobile networks using reinforcement learning

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    The next generations of mobile networks 5G and beyond, must overcome current networks limitations as well as improve network performance. Some of the requirements envisioned for future mobile networks are: addressing the massive growth required in coverage, capacity and traffic; providing better quality of service and experience to end users; supporting ultra high data rates and reliability; ensuring latency as low as one millisecond, among others. Thus, in order for future networks to enable all of these stringent requirements, a promising concept has emerged, self organising networks (SONs). SONs consist of making mobile networks more adaptive and autonomous and are divided in three main branches, depending on their use-cases, namely: self-configuration, self-optimisation, and self-healing. SON is a very promising and broad concept, and in order to enable it, more intelligence needs to be embedded in the mobile network. As such, one possible solution is the utilisation of machine learning (ML) algorithms. ML has many branches, such as supervised, unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning (RL), and all can be used in different SON use-cases. The objectives of this thesis are to explore different RL techniques in the context of SONs, more specifically in self-optimization use-cases. First, the use-case of user-cell association in future heterogeneous networks is analysed and optimised. This scenario considers not only Radio Access Network (RAN) constraints, but also in terms of the backhaul. Based on this, a distributed solution utilizing RL is proposed and compared with other state-of-the-art methods. Results show that the proposed RL algorithm outperforms current ones and is able to achieve better user satisfaction, while minimizing the number of users in outage. Another objective of this thesis is the evaluation of Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAVs) to optimize cellular networks. It is envisioned that UAVs can be utilized in different SON use-cases and integrated with RL algorithms to determine their optimal 3D positions in space according to network constraints. As such, two different mobile network scenarios are analysed, one emergency and a pop-up network. The emergency scenario considers that a major natural disaster destroyed most of the ground network infrastructure and the goal is to provide coverage to the highest number of users possible using UAVs as access points. The second scenario simulates an event happening in a city and, because of the ground network congestion, network capacity needs to be enhanced by the deployment of aerial base stations. For both scenarios different types of RL algorithms are considered and their complexity and convergence are analysed. In both cases it is shown that UAVs coupled with RL are capable of solving network issues in an efficient and quick manner. Thus, due to its ability to learn from interaction with an environment and from previous experience, without knowing the dynamics of the environment, or relying on previously collected data, RL is considered as a promising solution to enable SON

    Coordinated Multi-Point Clustering Schemes: A Survey

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    A survey of online data-driven proactive 5G network optimisation using machine learning

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    In the fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks, proactive network optimisation plays an important role in meeting the exponential traffic growth, more stringent service requirements, and to reduce capitaland operational expenditure. Proactive network optimisation is widely acknowledged as on e of the most promising ways to transform the 5G network based on big data analysis and cloud-fog-edge computing, but there are many challenges. Proactive algorithms will require accurate forecasting of highly contextualised traffic demand and quantifying the uncertainty to drive decision making with performance guarantees. Context in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) is often challenging to uncover, unfolds over time, and even more difficult to quantify and integrate into decision making. The first part of the review focuses on mining and inferring CPSS context from heterogeneous data sources, such as online user-generated-content. It will examine the state-of-the-art methods currently employed to infer location, social behaviour, and traffic demand through a cloud-edge computing framework; combining them to form the input to proactive algorithms. The second part of the review focuses on exploiting and integrating the demand knowledge for a range of proactive optimisation techniques, including the key aspects of load balancing, mobile edge caching, and interference management. In both parts, appropriate state-of-the-art machine learning techniques (including probabilistic uncertainty cascades in proactive optimisation), complexity-performance trade-offs, and demonstrative examples are presented to inspire readers. This survey couples the potential of online big data analytics, cloud-edge computing, statistical machine learning, and proactive network optimisation in a common cross-layer wireless framework. The wider impact of this survey includes better cross-fertilising the academic fields of data analytics, mobile edge computing, AI, CPSS, and wireless communications, as well as informing the industry of the promising potentials in this area

    User mobility prediction and management using machine learning

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    The next generation mobile networks (NGMNs) are envisioned to overcome current user mobility limitations while improving the network performance. Some of the limitations envisioned for mobility management in the future mobile networks are: addressing the massive traffic growth bottlenecks; providing better quality and experience to end users; supporting ultra high data rates; ensuring ultra low latency, seamless handover (HOs) from one base station (BS) to another, etc. Thus, in order for future networks to manage users mobility through all of the stringent limitations mentioned, artificial intelligence (AI) is deemed to play a key role automating end-to-end process through machine learning (ML). The objectives of this thesis are to explore user mobility predictions and management use-cases using ML. First, background and literature review is presented which covers, current mobile networks overview, and ML-driven applications to enable user’s mobility and management. Followed by the use-cases of mobility prediction in dense mobile networks are analysed and optimised with the use of ML algorithms. The overall framework test accuracy of 91.17% was obtained in comparison to all other mobility prediction algorithms through artificial neural network (ANN). Furthermore, a concept of mobility prediction-based energy consumption is discussed to automate and classify user’s mobility and reduce carbon emissions under smart city transportation achieving 98.82% with k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier as an optimal result along with 31.83% energy savings gain. Finally, context-aware handover (HO) skipping scenario is analysed in order to improve over all quality of service (QoS) as a framework of mobility management in next generation networks (NGNs). The framework relies on passenger mobility, trains trajectory, travelling time and frequency, network load and signal ratio data in cardinal directions i.e, North, East, West, and South (NEWS) achieving optimum result of 94.51% through support vector machine (SVM) classifier. These results were fed into HO skipping techniques to analyse, coverage probability, throughput, and HO cost. This work is extended by blockchain-enabled privacy preservation mechanism to provide end-to-end secure platform throughout train passengers mobility

    Joint access-backhaul mechanisms in 5G cell-less architectures

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    Older generations of wireless networks, such as 1G and 2G were deployed using leased line, copper or fibre line as backhaul. Later, in 3G and 4G, microwave wireless links have also worked as backhaul links while the backbone of the network was still wireline-based. However, due to multiple different use cases and deployment scenarios of 5G, solo wireline based backhaul network is not a cost-efficient option for the operators anymore. For cost-efficient and fast deployment, wireless backhaul options are very attractive. As drawbacks, wireless backhaul links have capacity and distance limitations. To take the advantages of both the solutions, i.e., wired and wireless, 5G transport networks are anticipated to be a heterogeneous, complex, and with stringent performance requirements. To address the aforementioned challenges, wireless backhaul options are providing more attractive solutions, and hence, technologies using the same resources (e.g., frequency channels) may be used by both access and backhaul networks. In this scenario, blurring the separation line between access and backhaul networks allows resource sharing and cooperation between both the networks and minimizes the network deployment and maintenance cost significantly. Therefore, in 5G, the access and backhaul networks cannot be seen as separate entities; rather, we seek to integrate them together to ensure the best use of resources. In this thesis, firstly, we investigate the challenges and potential technologies of 5G transport network. Later, to address these challenges, we identify and present different approaches to perform joint access-backhaul mechanism. An initial performance evaluation of access-aware backhaul optimization is presented, where backhaul network is dynamically assigned with the required resources to serve the dynamic requirements of a 5G access network. The evaluation results and discussions manifest the resource efficiency of joint access-backhaul mechanisms. Functional splits in different layers of the access network comes as an intelligent solution to reduce the enormous capacity requirements of the transport network in a centralized radio access network approach, which tends to centralize almost all the functionalities into a central unit, leaving only radio frequency functions at the access points. From the joint access-backhaul mechanism perspective, we propose a novel technique, which takes the benefit of functional splits at physical layer, to design a heterogeneous transport network in an economical budget-limited and capacity-limited scenario. Till today, the limited capacity of the wireless backhaul links remains a challenge, and hence, frequency spectrum becomes scarce, and requires efficient utilization. To address this challenge, a joint spectrum sharing technique to implement joint accessbackhaul mechanism is presented. Evaluation results show that our proposed joint spectrum sharing technique, where spectrum allocation in the backhaul network follows the access network's traffic load, is fair and efficient in terms of spectrum utilization. We also propose a machine learning technique, which analyses data from a real network and estimates access network's traffic pattern, and subsequently, assigns bandwidth in the access network according to the traffic estimations. Presented evaluation results show that a well-trained machine learning model can be very efficient to obtain an efficient utilization of frequency spectrum.Las primeras generaciones de redes móviles, se implementaron utilizando líneas de cobre o fibra para la conexión entre la red de acceso y el núcleo de la red (conexión backhaul). Más tarde, los enlaces inalámbricos también han funcionado como backhaul mientras que la columna vertebral de la red seguía basada en cable. Sin embargo, debido a los múltiples escenarios de implementación de 5G, una red de backhaul basada solamente en cable ya no es una opción rentable para los operadores. Para una implementación rentable y rápida, las opciones de backhaul inalámbrico son muy atractivas. Como inconvenientes, los enlaces backhaul inalámbricos tienen limitaciones de capacidad y distancia. Para aprovechar las ventajas de ambas soluciones, es decir, cableadas e inalámbricas, se prevé que las redes de transporte 5G sean heterogéneas, complejas y con estrictos requisitos de rendimiento. Para abordar los desafíos antes mencionados, las opciones de backhaul inalámbrico brindan soluciones más atractivas y, por lo tanto, las tecnologías que usan los mismos recursos (por ejemplo, canales de frecuencia) pueden usarse tanto en las redes de acceso como en las de backhaul. En este escenario, desdibujar la línea de separación entre las redes de acceso y backhaul permite el intercambio de recursos y la cooperación entre ambas redes, y minimiza significativamente los costes de implementación y mantenimiento de la red. Por lo tanto, en 5G las redes de acceso y backhaul no pueden verse como entidades separadas; más bien consideraremos su integración para asegurar el mejor uso de los recursos. En esta tesis, en primer lugar, investigamos los desafíos y las tecnologías potenciales para la implementación de la red de backhaul 5G. Más tarde, para abordar dichos desafíos, identificamos diferentes enfoques para un mecanismo conjunto de gestión de la red de acceso y backhaul. Se presenta una evaluación de rendimiento inicial para la optimización de backhaul que tiene en cuenta el estado de la red de acceso, donde la red de backhaul se equipa dinámicamente con los recursos necesarios para cumplir con los requisitos de la red de acceso 5G. Los resultados de la evaluación manifiestan la mayor eficiencia de los mecanismos de gestión de recursos que consideran redes de acceso y backhaul conjuntamente. Las divisiones funcionales en diferentes capas de la red de acceso (functional splits) se presentan como una solución inteligente para reducir los enormes requisitos de capacidad de la red de transporte en un enfoque de red de acceso, que tiende a centralizar casi todas las funcionalidades en una unidad central, dejando solo las funciones más relacionadas con la transmisión/recepción de señales en los puntos de acceso. Desde la perspectiva del mecanismo conjunto de red de acceso y backhaul, proponemos una técnica novedosa, que aprovecha las divisiones funcionales en la capa física para diseñar una red de transporte heterogénea con un presupuesto económico y un escenario de capacidad limitada. Hasta el día de hoy, la capacidad limitada de los enlaces inalámbricos sigue siendo un desafío, dado que el espectro de frecuencias es escaso y requiere una utilización eficiente. Para hacer frente a este desafío, se presenta una técnica de gestión de recursos espectrales compartidos entre red de acceso y backhaul. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran que nuestra propuesta, donde la asignación de espectro en la red de backhaul se hace de acuerdo a la carga de tráfico de la red de acceso, es justa y eficiente. También proponemos una técnica de aprendizaje automático, que analiza datos de una red real y estima el patrón de tráfico de la red de acceso para, posteriormente, asignar ancho de banda en la red de acceso de acuerdo con dichas estimaciones. Los resultados de la evaluación presentados muestran que un modelo de aprendizaje automático bien entrenado puede ser una herramienta muy útil a la hora de obtener una utilización eficiente del espectro de frecuencias.Postprint (published version