5 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Logic Approach for Routing in Internet of Things Network

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    A performance of network is evaluated by considering different parameters. The network lifetime depends on many factors Residual energy, Link lifetime and Delay. The Major Challenge in IoT is to the increased lifetime of low power and lossy network (RPL).The process considering input and output to evaluate Network performance by considering the above factors. The proposed system makes use of FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) for selecting the best path to maximize network lifetime. The outcome obtained by using MATLAB and Network performance is increased. The excellent route is selected if Residual Energy is 194, Link quality is 51.2 and Delay is 1.05 then excellent route quality is 73.4%


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    Recently, different applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the industry fields using different data transfer protocols has been developed. As the energy of sensor nodes is limited, prolonging network lifetime in WSNs considered a significant occurrence. To develop network permanence, researchers had considered energy consuming in routing protocols of WSNs by using modified Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. This article presents a developed effective transfer protocols for autonomic WSNs. An efficient routing scheme for wireless sensor network regarded as significant components of electronic devices is proposed. An optimal election probability of a node to be cluster head has being presented. In addition, this article uses a Voronoi diagram, which decomposes the nodes into zone around each node. This diagram used in management architecture for WSNs

    An Efficient Routing Algorithm for Optimizing Energy Conservation and Improved Scalability in WSN

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a familiar technique to develop various real-world applications through sensor nodes on wireless networks. Energy efficiency and scalability are the important challenges in WSN, along withsome other parameters such as reliability, availability, and security. The nodes’ path and communication network have been decided based on routing techniques among the network nodes. Classical routing algorithms have improved the efficiency and accuracy of WSN nodes, but it works only in the limited range. The number of nodes is increased in WSN, and security of data transmitted has a lot of limitations in routing. This problem has been considered for a long time, but the level of improvement is only within a short range, not for larger networks and high-volume nodes. This problem has been overcome by an efficient routing algorithm SEERA (Scalable Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm). Familiar routing protocol techniques such as LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), Multi-LEACH, CELL-LEACH when compared with this algorithm shows that SEERA provides better security, energy efficiency and scalability. Also, the proposed algorithm uses hybrid MAC protocols along with the clusters communicated in Intra mode on the network. This research paper summarizes the results of SEERA withmore scalable nodes on WSN and also improved their energy efficiency among all nodes

    Routing Protocol Wireless Sensor Network dengan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno

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    Bencana alam seperti banjir, tanah longsor dan angin puting beliung merupakan beberapa kejadian alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia,dan penanganan bencana yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah selalu terkendala dengan waktu, dana, dan akses lokasi kejadian. Pemerintah sendiri bergerak berdasarkan informasi yang didapatkan dari wilayah sekitar yang terkait dan daerah dimana bencana tersebut terjadi. Karena cakupan wilayah Indonesia sangat luas maka kecepatan dan ketepatan dalam pengumpulan informasi sangatlah penting untuk penanganan bencana, salah satu solusi yang ada adalah dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet, terkhusus dengan Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Penelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan routing protocol WSN yang menerakpan metode Fuzzy Sugeno dalam simulasi berbasis aplikasi Matlab dengan mensimulasikan sejumlah node pada wilayah tertentu. Pertama, dengan routing protocol indicator-based setiap node menyusun indikatornya masing-masing untuk membantu prosen routing. Kemudian dengan menerapkan fungsi keanggotaan, setiap node dapat menentukan Cluster Head (CH) nya masing-masing sesuai hasil pembobotannya. Kedua, dengan metode Fuzzy Sugeno, setiap node akan menentukan rute pengiriman data paling efisien untuk dapat menghemat daya dan waktu sehingga sampai pada sink. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah dengan 50 node bercakupan 200 m2 yang tersebar dalam wilayah 500 m2, jumlah cycle maksimum adalah 1000 cycle, dan sink berada di tengah area. Seluruh packet informasi diterima saat putaran ke-282 atau dalam wahtu 4 menit 42 detik. Rata-rata maksimal penggunaan daya setiap node adalah 13 mAh (dengan asumsi setiap node berkapasitas 100mAh) dan berkurang seiring putaran yang terjdi karena semakin sedikit node yang aktif dalam sistem