3 research outputs found

    An overview of recent distributed algorithms for learning fuzzy models in Big Data classification

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    AbstractNowadays, a huge amount of data are generated, often in very short time intervals and in various formats, by a number of different heterogeneous sources such as social networks and media, mobile devices, internet transactions, networked devices and sensors. These data, identified as Big Data in the literature, are characterized by the popular Vs features, such as Value, Veracity, Variety, Velocity and Volume. In particular, Value focuses on the useful knowledge that may be mined from data. Thus, in the last years, a number of data mining and machine learning algorithms have been proposed to extract knowledge from Big Data. These algorithms have been generally implemented by using ad-hoc programming paradigms, such as MapReduce, on specific distributed computing frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. In the context of Big Data, fuzzy models are currently playing a significant role, thanks to their capability of handling vague and imprecise data and their innate characteristic to be interpretable. In this work, we give an overview of the most recent distributed learning algorithms for generating fuzzy classification models for Big Data. In particular, we first show some design and implementation details of these learning algorithms. Thereafter, we compare them in terms of accuracy and interpretability. Finally, we argue about their scalability

    Coevolutionary fuzzy attribute order reduction with complete attribute-value space tree

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    Since big data sets are structurally complex, high-dimensional, and their attributes exhibit some redundant and irrelevant information, the selection, evaluation, and combination of those large-scale attributes pose huge challenges to traditional methods. Fuzzy rough sets have emerged as a powerful vehicle to deal with uncertain and fuzzy attributes in big data problems that involve a very large number of variables to be analyzed in a very short time. In order to further overcome the inefficiency of traditional algorithms in the uncertain and fuzzy big data, in this paper we present a new coevolutionary fuzzy attribute order reduction algorithm (CFAOR) based on a complete attribute-value space tree. A complete attribute-value space tree model of decision table is designed in the attribute space to adaptively prune and optimize the attribute order tree. The fuzzy similarity of multimodality attributes can be extracted to satisfy the needs of users with the better convergence speed and classification performance. Then, the decision rule sets generate a series of rule chains to form an efficient cascade attribute order reduction and classification with a rough entropy threshold. Finally, the performance of CFAOR is assessed with a set of benchmark problems that contain complex high dimensional datasets with noise. The experimental results demonstrate that CFAOR can achieve the higher average computational efficiency and classification accuracy, compared with the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, CFAOR is applied to extract different tissues surfaces of dynamical changing infant cerebral cortex and it achieves a satisfying consistency with those of medical experts, which shows its potential significance for the disorder prediction of infant cerebrum

    Fuzzy Consensus Clustering with Applications on Big Data

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