5 research outputs found

    Aspectus : développement d’une plateforme collaborative en ligne d’analyse des données 3D pour l’archéologie et le patrimoine

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    Le projet Aspectus a été engagé en 2016 afin de répondre à des besoins récurrents émanant de programmes de recherche en archéologie. En effet, la place croissante des données numériques nous oblige à élaborer de nouvelles stratégies pour gérer, intégrer et disséminer un volume exponentiel d’informations complexes, multimodales et multirésolution, en direction d’utilisateurs aux attentes et aux compétences variées. Paradoxalement, ces données deviennent de plus en plus difficiles à exploiter par des non-spécialistes. Notre objectif est donc de faciliter le partage de ces données entre tous les acteurs scientifiques en leur donnant les moyens de les visualiser, de les analyser et de les interpréter sans que cela exige une maîtrise technique avancée. Aspectus prend la forme d’un outil en ligne fondé sur des technologies open-source et rend accessibles des données 3D complexes à l’aide d’un navigateur web. Le système s’appuie pour cela sur une interface communautaire qui promeut le partage, la collaboration et l’expertise à distance. Suite au vif intérêt suscité par la présentation d’un « proof of concept » au salon Innovative SHS 2017, il semble désormais opportun de poursuivre le développement de l’outil sous la forme d’un prototype. Dans cette perspective, le projet a maintenant pour cadre le groupe de travail réuni par le projet « Bibracte numérique » qui vise à développer une chaîne de traitement numérique de l’information appliquée aux métiers de l’archéologie.The Aspectus project was born out of necessity some years ago, during a post-excavation season. In recent years, we have seen a tenfold increase in the volumes of digital data acquired. This phenomenon of increasing digitisation in the field of archaeology, and of cultural heritage more generally, requires strategies for managing an inordinate quantity of 3D data and making it available to a broad array of researchers and an even broader public audience. Beyond the sheer quantity of data, multimodal and multiresolution data exploitation has become another common challenge. The Aspectus project aims to facilitate access to complex three-dimensional data and to promote collaborative work and remote expert assessment. Aspectus takes advantage of available open-source solutions to produce a comprehensive software solution that encompasses multiple complementary approaches: high quality 3D web visualisation, data analysis and annotation tools, online workplace platform, in other words, making complex 3D data accessible and available for analysis in a collaborative environment. Our first trial concept generated much interest at the Innovative SHS 2017 exhibition and we are now developing a prototype of Aspectus as part of the “Bibracte Numérique” project


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    The paper proposes a method able to describe, classify and organize information assets concerned with Architectural Heritage, through the use of integrated survey procedures, mainly based on Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS). The point clouds are then imported into the Building Information Modeling (BIM) software to start with the modeling phase. With regard to this issue, in the last period Building Information Modeling is emerging as the most reliable method to manage architectural design and building processes. Literature supplies both theoretical approaches and several practical applications. However, very little researches are devoted to BIM applied to historical architecture, even if some initial results indicate the actual HBIM (Historic/Heritage BIM) as a possible instrument for the design of an intervention aimed at the conservation of the Cultural Heritage. The focus of the research is the creation of parametric objects representing the preservation status of materials and building components: 3D modeling of decays in the BIM platform ensures to enrich the related database with graphic, geometric and alphanumeric data that can be effectively used to design and manage future interventions. The added value consists in its capability to associate new parameters that describe both the state of conservation of the materials and the detailed description of interventions needed to restore the building. The analyzed case study belongs to Ferrovie dello Stato (the main Italian Railways company) and it is part of the maintenance area, which was originally constituted by a roundhouse containing 51 sheltered railroad tracks and two big sheds


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    Balancing performance and effort in deep learning via the fusion of real and synthetic cultural heritage photogrammetry training sets

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    Cultural heritage presents both challenges and opportunities for the adoption and use of deep learning in 3D digitisation and digitalisation endeavours. While unique features in terms of the identity of artefacts are important factors that can contribute to training performance in deep learning algorithms, challenges remain with regards to the laborious efforts in our ability to obtain adequate datasets that would both provide for the diversity of imageries, and across the range of multi-facet images for each object in use. One solution, and perhaps an important step towards the broader applicability of deep learning in the field of digital heritage is the fusion of both real and virtual datasets via the automated creation of diverse datasets that covers multiple views of individual objects over a range of diversified objects in the training pipeline, all facilitated by closerange photogrammetry generated 3D objects. The question is the ratio of the combination of real and synthetic imageries in which an inflection point occurs whereby performance is reduced. In this research, we attempt to reduce the need for manual labour by leveraging the flexibility provided for in automated data generation via close-range photogrammetry models with a view for future deep learning facilitated cultural heritage activities, such as digital identification, sorting, asset management and categorisation

    Aspectus: A flexible collaboration tool for multimodal and multiscalar 3D data exploitation.

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    High density remote survey technologies have become widespread practices. In recent years, we have seen a tenfold increase in volume of digital data acquired. Beyond this sheer amount of data, multimodal three-dimensional data exploitation has become another common challenge for specialists. The Aspectus project aims to ease the access to complex three-dimensional data and to promote collaborative work and remote expert assessment. Thus, we can get past the problem of distance and availability of the “object of expertise”, ranging from cultural heritage sites to artefacts. By extension, it enables us to circumvent the ever-present problem of destruction. Aspectus takes advantage of available open source solutions to produce a flexible web-based visualization and collaboration tool. After an overview of the theoretical framework and its technical implementation, we will discuss a practical application as part of the “Bibracte Numérique” project