10 research outputs found

    Medical Diagnosis with Multimodal Image Fusion Techniques

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    Image Fusion is an effective approach utilized to draw out all the significant information from the source images, which supports experts in evaluation and quick decision making. Multi modal medical image fusion produces a composite fused image utilizing various sources to improve quality and extract complementary information. It is extremely challenging to gather every piece of information needed using just one imaging method. Therefore, images obtained from different modalities are fused Additional clinical information can be gleaned through the fusion of several types of medical image pairings. This study's main aim is to present a thorough review of medical image fusion techniques which also covers steps in fusion process, levels of fusion, various imaging modalities with their pros and cons, and  the major scientific difficulties encountered in the area of medical image fusion. This paper also summarizes the quality assessments fusion metrics. The various approaches used by image fusion algorithms that are presently available in the literature are classified into four broad categories i) Spatial fusion methods ii) Multiscale Decomposition based methods iii) Neural Network based methods and iv) Fuzzy Logic based methods. the benefits and pitfalls of the existing literature are explored and Future insights are suggested. Moreover, this study is anticipated to create a solid platform for the development of better fusion techniques in medical applications

    GIS and Remote Sensing for Renewable Energy Assessment and Maps

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    This book aims at providing the state-of-the-art on all of the aforementioned tools in different energy applications and at different scales, i.e., urban, regional, national, and even continental for renewable scenarios planning and policy making

    Detection of Macula and Recognition of Aged-Related Macular Degeneration in Retinal Fundus Images

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    In aged people, the central vision is affected by Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). From the digital retinal fundus images, AMD can be recognized because of the existence of Drusen, Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV), and Geographic Atrophy (GA). It is time-consuming and costly for the ophthalmologists to monitor fundus images. A monitoring system for automated digital fundus photography can reduce these problems. In this paper, we propose a new macula detection system based on contrast enhancement, top-hat transformation, and the modified Kirsch template method. Firstly, the retinal fundus image is processed through an image enhancement method so that the intensity distribution is improved for finer visualization. The contrast-enhanced image is further improved using the top-hat transformation function to make the intensities level differentiable between the macula and different sections of images. The retinal vessel is enhanced by employing the modified Kirsch's template method. It enhances the vasculature structures and suppresses the blob-like structures. Furthermore, the OTSU thresholding is used to segment out the dark regions and separate the vessel to extract the candidate regions. The dark region and the background estimated image are subtracted from the extracted blood vessels image to obtain the exact location of the macula. The proposed method applied on 1349 images of STARE, DRIVE, MESSIDOR, and DIARETDB1 databases and achieved the average sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predicted value, F1 score, and area under curve of 97.79 %, 97.65 %, 97.60 %, 97.38 %, 97.57 %, and 96.97 %, respectively. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method attains better performance, in terms of visual quality and enriched quantitative analysis, in comparison with eminent state-of-the-art methods

    Development of in-field data acquisition systems and machine learning-based data processing and analysis approaches for turfgrass quality rating and peanut flower detection

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    Digital image processing and machine vision techniques provide scientists with an objective measure of crop quality that adds to the validity of study results without burdening the evaluation process. This dissertation aimed to develop in-field data acquisition systems and supervised machine learning-based data processing and analysis approaches for turfgrass quality classification and peanut flower detection. The new 3D Scanner App for Apple iPhone 12 Pro's camera with a LiDAR sensor provided high resolution of rendered turfgrass images. The battery life lasted for the entire time of data acquisition for an experimental field (49 m × 15 m size) that had 252 warm-season turfgrass plots. The utilized smartphone as an image acquisition tool at the same time achieved a similar outcome to the traditional image acquisition methods described in other studies. Experiments were carried out on turfgrass quality classification grouped into two classes (“Poor”, “Acceptable”) and four classes (“Very poor,” “Poor,” “Acceptable,” “High”) using supervised machine learning techniques. Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) feature extractor with Random Forest classifier achieved the highest accuracy rate (81%) for the testing dataset for two classes. For four classes, Gabor filter was the best feature extractor and performed the best with Support Vector Machine (SVM) and XGBoost classifiers achieving 82% accuracy rates. The presented method will further assist researchers to develop a smartphone application for turfgrass quality rating. The study also applied deep learning-based features to feed machine learning classifiers. ResNet-101 deep feature extractor with SVM classifier achieved accuracy rate of 91% for two classes. ResNet-152 deep feature extractor with the SVM classifier achieved 86% accuracy rate for four classes. YOLOX-L and YOLOX-X models were compared with different data augmentation configurations to find the best YOLOX object detector for peanut flower detection. Peanut flowers were detected from images collected from a research field. YOLOX-X with weak data augmentation configurations achieved the highest mean average precision result at the Intersection over Union threshold of 50%. The presented method will further assist researchers in developing a counting method on flowers in images. The presented detection technique with required minor modifications can be implemented for other crops or flowers

    Development of Machine Learning Based Analytical Tools for Pavement Performance Assessment and Crack Detection

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    Pavement Management System (PMS) analytical tools mainly consist of pavement condition investigation and evaluation tools, pavement condition rating and assessment tools, pavement performance prediction tools, treatment prioritizations and implementation tools. The effectiveness of a PMS highly depends on the efficiency and reliability of its pavement condition evaluation tools. Traditionally, pavement condition investigation and evaluation practices are based on manual distress surveys and performance level assessments, which have been blamed for low efficiency low reliability. Those kinds of manually surveys are labor intensive and unsafe due to proximity to live traffic conditions. Meanwhile, the accuracy can be lower due to the subjective nature of the evaluators. Considering these factors, semiautomated and automated pavement condition evaluation tools had been developed for several years. In current years, it is undoubtable that highly advanced computerized technologies have resulted successful applications in diverse engineering fields. Therefore, these techniques can be successfully incorporated into pavement condition evaluation distress detection, the analytical tools can improve the performance of existing PMSs. Hence, this research aims to bridge the gaps between highly advanced Machine Learning Techniques (MLTs) and the existing analytical tools of current PMSs. The research outputs intend to provide pavement condition evaluation tools that meet the requirement of high efficiency, accuracy, and reliability. To achieve the objectives of this research, six pavement damage condition and performance evaluation methodologies are developed. The roughness condition of pavement surface directly influences the riding quality of the users. International Roughness Index (IRI) is used worldwide by research institutions, pavement condition evaluation and management agencies to evaluate the roughness condition of the pavement. IRI is a time-dependent variable which generally tends to increase with the increase of the pavement service life. In this consideration, a multi-granularity fuzzy time series analysis based IRI prediction model is developed. Meanwhile, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method is used for model optimization to obtain satisfactory IRI prediction results. Historical IRI data extracted from the InfoPave website have been used for training and testing the model. Experiment results proved the effectiveness of this method. Automated pavement condition evaluation tools can provide overall performance indices, which can then be used for treatment planning. The calculations of those performance indices are required for surface distress level and roughness condition evaluations. However, pavement surface roughness conditions are hard to obtain from surface image indicators. With this consideration, an image indicators-based pavement roughness and the overall performance prediction tools are developed. The state-of-the-art machine learning technique, XGBoost, is utilized as the main method in model training, validating and testing. In order to find the dominant image indicators that influence the pavement roughness condition and the overall performance conditions, the comprehensive pavement performance evaluation data collected by ARAN 900 are analyzed. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is used to develop the performance prediction models. On this basis, the mean important values (MIVs) for each input factor are calculated to evaluate the contributions of the input indicators. It has been observed that indicators of the wheel path cracking have the highest MIVs, which emphasizes the importance of cracking-focused maintenance treatments. The same issue is also found that current automated pavement condition evaluation systems only include the analysis of pavement surface distresses, without considering the structural capacity of the actual pavement. Hence, the structural performance analysis-based pavement performance prediction tools are developed using the Support Vector Machines (SVMs). To guarantee the overall performance of the proposed methodologies, heuristic methods including Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are selected to optimize the model. The experiments results show a promising future of machine learning based pavement structural performance prediction. Automated pavement condition analyzers usually detect pavement surface distress through the collected pavement surface images. Then, distress types, severities, quantities, and other parameters are calculated for the overall performance index calculation. Cracks are one of the most important pavement surface distresses that should be quantified. Traditional approaches are less accurate and efficient in locating, counting and quantifying various types of cracks initialed on the pavement surface. An integrated Crack Deep Net (CrackDN) is developed based on deep learning technologies. Through model training, validation and testing, it has proved that CrackDN can detect pavement surface cracks on complex background with high accuracy. Moreover, the combination of box-level pavement crack locating, and pixel-level crack calculation can achieve comprehensive crack analysis. Thereby, more effective maintenance treatments can be assigned. Hence, a methodology regarding pixel-level crack detection which is called CrackU-net, is proposed. CrackU-net is composed of several convolutional, maxpooling, and up-convolutional layers. The model is developed based on the innovations of deep learning-based segmentation. Pavement crack data are collected by multiple devices, including automated pavement condition survey vehicles, smartphones, and action cameras. The proposed CrackU-net is tested on a separate crack image set which has not been used for training the model. The results demonstrate a promising future of use in the PMSs. Finally, the proposed toolboxes are validated through comparative experiments in terms of accuracy (precision, recall, and F-measure) and error levels. The accuracies of all those models are higher than 0.9 and the errors are lower than 0.05. Meanwhile, the findings of this research suggest that the wheel path cracking should be a priority when conducting maintenance activity planning. Benefiting from the highly advanced machine learning technologies, pavement roughness condition and the overall performance levels have a promising future of being predicted by extraction of the image indicators. Moreover, deep learning methods can be utilized to achieve both box-level and pixel-level pavement crack detection with satisfactory performance. Therefore, it is suggested that those state-of-the-art toolboxes be integrated into current PMSs to upgrade their service levels

    Development of Machine Learning Based Analytical Tools for Pavement Performance Assessment and Crack Detection

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    Pavement Management System (PMS) analytical tools mainly consist of pavement condition investigation and evaluation tools, pavement condition rating and assessment tools, pavement performance prediction tools, treatment prioritizations and implementation tools. The effectiveness of a PMS highly depends on the efficiency and reliability of its pavement condition evaluation tools. Traditionally, pavement condition investigation and evaluation practices are based on manual distress surveys and performance level assessments, which have been blamed for low efficiency low reliability. Those kinds of manually surveys are labor intensive and unsafe due to proximity to live traffic conditions. Meanwhile, the accuracy can be lower due to the subjective nature of the evaluators. Considering these factors, semiautomated and automated pavement condition evaluation tools had been developed for several years. In current years, it is undoubtable that highly advanced computerized technologies have resulted successful applications in diverse engineering fields. Therefore, these techniques can be successfully incorporated into pavement condition evaluation distress detection, the analytical tools can improve the performance of existing PMSs. Hence, this research aims to bridge the gaps between highly advanced Machine Learning Techniques (MLTs) and the existing analytical tools of current PMSs. The research outputs intend to provide pavement condition evaluation tools that meet the requirement of high efficiency, accuracy, and reliability. To achieve the objectives of this research, six pavement damage condition and performance evaluation methodologies are developed. The roughness condition of pavement surface directly influences the riding quality of the users. International Roughness Index (IRI) is used worldwide by research institutions, pavement condition evaluation and management agencies to evaluate the roughness condition of the pavement. IRI is a time-dependent variable which generally tends to increase with the increase of the pavement service life. In this consideration, a multi-granularity fuzzy time series analysis based IRI prediction model is developed. Meanwhile, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method is used for model optimization to obtain satisfactory IRI prediction results. Historical IRI data extracted from the InfoPave website have been used for training and testing the model. Experiment results proved the effectiveness of this method. Automated pavement condition evaluation tools can provide overall performance indices, which can then be used for treatment planning. The calculations of those performance indices are required for surface distress level and roughness condition evaluations. However, pavement surface roughness conditions are hard to obtain from surface image indicators. With this consideration, an image indicators-based pavement roughness and the overall performance prediction tools are developed. The state-of-the-art machine learning technique, XGBoost, is utilized as the main method in model training, validating and testing. In order to find the dominant image indicators that influence the pavement roughness condition and the overall performance conditions, the comprehensive pavement performance evaluation data collected by ARAN 900 are analyzed. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is used to develop the performance prediction models. On this basis, the mean important values (MIVs) for each input factor are calculated to evaluate the contributions of the input indicators. It has been observed that indicators of the wheel path cracking have the highest MIVs, which emphasizes the importance of cracking-focused maintenance treatments. The same issue is also found that current automated pavement condition evaluation systems only include the analysis of pavement surface distresses, without considering the structural capacity of the actual pavement. Hence, the structural performance analysis-based pavement performance prediction tools are developed using the Support Vector Machines (SVMs). To guarantee the overall performance of the proposed methodologies, heuristic methods including Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are selected to optimize the model. The experiments results show a promising future of machine learning based pavement structural performance prediction. Automated pavement condition analyzers usually detect pavement surface distress through the collected pavement surface images. Then, distress types, severities, quantities, and other parameters are calculated for the overall performance index calculation. Cracks are one of the most important pavement surface distresses that should be quantified. Traditional approaches are less accurate and efficient in locating, counting and quantifying various types of cracks initialed on the pavement surface. An integrated Crack Deep Net (CrackDN) is developed based on deep learning technologies. Through model training, validation and testing, it has proved that CrackDN can detect pavement surface cracks on complex background with high accuracy. Moreover, the combination of box-level pavement crack locating, and pixel-level crack calculation can achieve comprehensive crack analysis. Thereby, more effective maintenance treatments can be assigned. Hence, a methodology regarding pixel-level crack detection which is called CrackU-net, is proposed. CrackU-net is composed of several convolutional, maxpooling, and up-convolutional layers. The model is developed based on the innovations of deep learning-based segmentation. Pavement crack data are collected by multiple devices, including automated pavement condition survey vehicles, smartphones, and action cameras. The proposed CrackU-net is tested on a separate crack image set which has not been used for training the model. The results demonstrate a promising future of use in the PMSs. Finally, the proposed toolboxes are validated through comparative experiments in terms of accuracy (precision, recall, and F-measure) and error levels. The accuracies of all those models are higher than 0.9 and the errors are lower than 0.05. Meanwhile, the findings of this research suggest that the wheel path cracking should be a priority when conducting maintenance activity planning. Benefiting from the highly advanced machine learning technologies, pavement roughness condition and the overall performance levels have a promising future of being predicted by extraction of the image indicators. Moreover, deep learning methods can be utilized to achieve both box-level and pixel-level pavement crack detection with satisfactory performance. Therefore, it is suggested that those state-of-the-art toolboxes be integrated into current PMSs to upgrade their service levels

    Learning-based Wavelet-like Transforms For Fully Scalable and Accessible Image Compression

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    The goal of this thesis is to improve the existing wavelet transform with the aid of machine learning techniques, so as to enhance coding efficiency of wavelet-based image compression frameworks, such as JPEG 2000. In this thesis, we first propose to augment the conventional base wavelet transform with two additional learned lifting steps -- a high-to-low step followed by a low-to-high step. The high-to-low step suppresses aliasing in the low-pass band by using the detail bands at the same resolution, while the low-to-high step aims to further remove redundancy from detail bands by using the corresponding low-pass band. These two additional steps reduce redundancy (notably aliasing information) amongst the wavelet subbands, and also improve the visual quality of reconstructed images at reduced resolutions. To train these two networks in an end-to-end fashion, we develop a backward annealing approach to overcome the non-differentiability of the quantization and cost functions during back-propagation. Importantly, the two additional networks share a common architecture, named a proposal-opacity topology, which is inspired and guided by a specific theoretical argument related to geometric flow. This particular network topology is compact and with limited non-linearities, allowing a fully scalable system; one pair of trained network parameters are applied for all levels of decomposition and for all bit-rates of interest. By employing the additional lifting networks within the JPEG2000 image coding standard, we can achieve up to 17.4% average BD bit-rate saving over a wide range of bit-rates, while retaining the quality and resolution scalability features of JPEG2000. Built upon the success of the high-to-low and low-to-high steps, we then study more broadly the extension of neural networks to all lifting steps that correspond to the base wavelet transform. The purpose of this comprehensive study is to understand what is the most effective way to develop learned wavelet-like transforms for highly scalable and accessible image compression. Specifically, we examine the impact of the number of learned lifting steps, the number of layers and the number of channels in each learned lifting network, and kernel support in each layer. To facilitate the study, we develop a generic training methodology that is simultaneously appropriate to all lifting structures considered. Experimental results ultimately suggest that to improve the existing wavelet transform, it is more profitable to augment a larger wavelet transform with more diverse high-to-low and low-to-high steps, rather than developing deep fully learned lifting structures

    Fusion High-and-Low-Level Features via Ridgelet and Convolutional Neural Networks for Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Classification

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