914 research outputs found

    Non-contact Multimodal Indoor Human Monitoring Systems: A Survey

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    Indoor human monitoring systems leverage a wide range of sensors, including cameras, radio devices, and inertial measurement units, to collect extensive data from users and the environment. These sensors contribute diverse data modalities, such as video feeds from cameras, received signal strength indicators and channel state information from WiFi devices, and three-axis acceleration data from inertial measurement units. In this context, we present a comprehensive survey of multimodal approaches for indoor human monitoring systems, with a specific focus on their relevance in elderly care. Our survey primarily highlights non-contact technologies, particularly cameras and radio devices, as key components in the development of indoor human monitoring systems. Throughout this article, we explore well-established techniques for extracting features from multimodal data sources. Our exploration extends to methodologies for fusing these features and harnessing multiple modalities to improve the accuracy and robustness of machine learning models. Furthermore, we conduct comparative analysis across different data modalities in diverse human monitoring tasks and undertake a comprehensive examination of existing multimodal datasets. This extensive survey not only highlights the significance of indoor human monitoring systems but also affirms their versatile applications. In particular, we emphasize their critical role in enhancing the quality of elderly care, offering valuable insights into the development of non-contact monitoring solutions applicable to the needs of aging populations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Radar and RGB-depth sensors for fall detection: a review

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    This paper reviews recent works in the literature on the use of systems based on radar and RGB-Depth (RGB-D) sensors for fall detection, and discusses outstanding research challenges and trends related to this research field. Systems to detect reliably fall events and promptly alert carers and first responders have gained significant interest in the past few years in order to address the societal issue of an increasing number of elderly people living alone, with the associated risk of them falling and the consequences in terms of health treatments, reduced well-being, and costs. The interest in radar and RGB-D sensors is related to their capability to enable contactless and non-intrusive monitoring, which is an advantage for practical deployment and users’ acceptance and compliance, compared with other sensor technologies, such as video-cameras, or wearables. Furthermore, the possibility of combining and fusing information from The heterogeneous types of sensors is expected to improve the overall performance of practical fall detection systems. Researchers from different fields can benefit from multidisciplinary knowledge and awareness of the latest developments in radar and RGB-D sensors that this paper is discussing

    Magnetic and radar sensing for multimodal remote health monitoring

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    With the increased life expectancy and rise in health conditions related to aging, there is a need for new technologies that can routinely monitor vulnerable people, identify their daily pattern of activities and any anomaly or critical events such as falls. This paper aims to evaluate magnetic and radar sensors as suitable technologies for remote health monitoring purpose, both individually and fusing their information. After experiments and collecting data from 20 volunteers, numerical features has been extracted in both time and frequency domains. In order to analyse and verify the validation of fusion method for different classifiers, a Support Vector Machine with a quadratic kernel, and an Artificial Neural Network with one and multiple hidden layers have been implemented. Furthermore, for both classifiers, feature selection has been performed to obtain salient features. Using this technique along with fusion, both classifiers can detect 10 different activities with an accuracy rate of approximately 96%. In cases where the user is unknown to the classifier, an accuracy of approximately 92% is maintained

    Accurate Long-Term Multiple People Tracking Using Video and Body-Worn IMUs

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    Most modern approaches for video-based multiple people tracking rely on human appearance to exploit similarities between person detections. Consequently, tracking accuracy degrades if this kind of information is not discriminative or if people change apparel. In contrast, we present a method to fuse video information with additional motion signals from body-worn inertial measurement units (IMUs). In particular, we propose a neural network to relate person detections with IMU orientations, and formulate a graph labeling problem to obtain a tracking solution that is globally consistent with the video and inertial recordings. The fusion of visual and inertial cues provides several advantages. The association of detection boxes in the video and IMU devices is based on motion, which is independent of a person's outward appearance. Furthermore, inertial sensors provide motion information irrespective of visual occlusions. Hence, once detections in the video are associated with an IMU device, intermediate positions can be reconstructed from corresponding inertial sensor data, which would be unstable using video only. Since no dataset exists for this new setting, we release a dataset of challenging tracking sequences, containing video and IMU recordings together with ground-truth annotations. We evaluate our approach on our new dataset, achieving an average IDF1 score of 91.2%. The proposed method is applicable to any situation that allows one to equip people with inertial sensors. © 1992-2012 IEEE

    Person Re-ID by Fusion of Video Silhouettes and Wearable Signals for Home Monitoring Applications

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    The use of visual sensors for monitoring people in their living environments is critical in processing more accurate health measurements, but their use is undermined by the issue of privacy. Silhouettes, generated from RGB video, can help towards alleviating the issue of privacy to some considerable degree. However, the use of silhouettes would make it rather complex to discriminate between different subjects, preventing a subject-tailored analysis of the data within a free-living, multi-occupancy home. This limitation can be overcome with a strategic fusion of sensors that involves wearable accelerometer devices, which can be used in conjunction with the silhouette video data, to match video clips to a specific patient being monitored. The proposed method simultaneously solves the problem of Person ReID using silhouettes and enables home monitoring systems to employ sensor fusion techniques for data analysis. We develop a multimodal deep-learning detection framework that maps short video clips and accelerations into a latent space where the Euclidean distance can be measured to match video and acceleration streams. We train our method on the SPHERE Calorie Dataset, for which we show an average area under the ROC curve of 76.3% and an assignment accuracy of 77.4%. In addition, we propose a novel triplet loss for which we demonstrate improving performances and convergence speed

    From data acquisition to data fusion : a comprehensive review and a roadmap for the identification of activities of daily living using mobile devices

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    This paper focuses on the research on the state of the art for sensor fusion techniques, applied to the sensors embedded in mobile devices, as a means to help identify the mobile device user’s daily activities. Sensor data fusion techniques are used to consolidate the data collected from several sensors, increasing the reliability of the algorithms for the identification of the different activities. However, mobile devices have several constraints, e.g., low memory, low battery life and low processing power, and some data fusion techniques are not suited to this scenario. The main purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the state of the art to identify examples of sensor data fusion techniques that can be applied to the sensors available in mobile devices aiming to identify activities of daily living (ADLs)