33 research outputs found

    Эволюция методик оценки моторной функции лабораторных грызунов, моделирующих нейродегенеративные заболевания

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    This review contains information about different laboratorian rodent′s gait analysis systems. These methods are useful for the assessment of motor function in neurodegenerative models. The following aspects have been considered: ink traces technique, treadmills equipment, and modern gait analysis systems like TreadScan and CatWalk, which allows estimating a set of animals gait parameters. For each technique a detailed description and examples of its use for estimating gait parameters in neurodegenerative diseases are given.В данной статье речь пойдёт о различных методиках оценки походки лабораторных грызунов. Данные методики являются репрезентативными для описания динамики нейродегенеративных заболеваний в рамках поведенческого тестирования на животных моделях. В статье перечислены такие методики как техника чернильных следов, беговые дорожки, а также современные системы TreadScan и CatWalk, позволяющие оценивать множество параметров походки животных. Для каждой из методик дано подробное описание и примеры её использования для оценки параметров походки при нейродегенеративных заболеваниях

    Retinal abnormalities in transgenic mice overexpressing aberrant human FUS[1-359] gene

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    The aim of this work was to assess the structural and functional state of the retina in a murine model of ALS caused by overexpression of the aberrant FUS protein [1-359]. The retinal examination was carried out on 12 transgenic and 13 wild-type mice of 2.5-3 months of age. The study revealed not statistically significant higher level of ophthalmoscopic violations in FUS[1-359] mic

    Behavioural impairments in mice of a novel FUS transgenic line recapitulate features of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

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    Multiple clinical and experimental evidence suggest that ALS and FTLD are members of a disease continuum. Pathological FUS inclusions have been observed in subsets of patients with these diseases but their anatomical distribution is different for two diseases. These structures are present in motor neurons in ALS cases but in cortical neurons in FTLD cases. Expression of a C‐terminally truncated form of human FUS causes an early onset and progressive motor neuron pathology in transgenic mice but only when these neurons express a certain level of this protein. Severe motor dysfunction and early lethality of mice with expression above this level prevent their use for studies of FTLD‐related pathology caused by expression of this form of FUS. In the present study we used another line of mice expressing the same protein but not developing any signs of motor system dysfunction due to substantially lower level of transgene expression in motor neurons. In a set of tests 5‐month old mice displayed certain behavioural abnormalities, including increased impulsivity, decreased anxiety and compromised social interaction, that recapitulate behaviour characteristics typically seen in FTLD patients

    Lipopolysaccharide triggers exacerbated microglial activation, excessive cytokine release and behavioural disturbances in mice with truncated Fused-in-Sarcoma Protein (FUS)

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    CNS inflammation, including microglial activation, in response to peripheral infections are known to contribute to the pathology of both familial and sporadic neurodegenerative disease. The relationship between Fused-in-Sarcoma Protein (FUS)-mediated disease in the transgenic FUS[1–359] animals and the systemic inflammatory response have not been explored. Here, we investigated microglial activation, inflammatory gene expression and the behavioural responses to lipopolysaccharide-induced (LPS; 0.1 mg/kg) systemic inflammation in the FUS[1–359] transgenic mice. The pathology of these mice recapitulates the key features of mutant FUS-associated familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here, pre-symptomatic 8-week-old mutant or wild type controls were challenged with LPS or with saline and sucrose intake, novel cage exploration, marble burying and swimming behaviours were analyzed. The level of pro-inflammatory gene expression was also determined, and microglial activation was evaluated. In chronic experiments, to discover whether the LPS challenge would affect the onset of ALS-like paralysis, animals were evaluated for clinical signs from 5 to 7 weeks post-injection. Compared to controls, acutely challenged FUS[1–359]-tg mice exhibited decreased sucrose intake and increased floating behaviours. The FUS[1–359]-tg mice exhibited an increase in immunoreactivity for Iba1-positive cells in the prefrontal cortex and ventral horn of the spinal cord, which was accompanied by increased expression of interleukin-1β, tumour necrosis factor, cyclooxygenase-(COX)-1 and COX-2. However, the single LPS challenge did not alter the time to development of paralysis in the FUS[1–359]-tg mice. Thus, while the acute inflammatory response was enhanced in the FUS mutant animals, it did not have a lasting impact on disease progression

    Low level of expression of C-terminally truncated human FUS causes extensive changes in the spinal cord transcriptome of asymptomatic transgenic mice

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    A number of mutations in a gene encoding RNA-binding protein FUS have been linked to the development of a familial form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis known as FUS-ALS. C-terminal truncations of FUS by either nonsense or frameshift mutations lead to the development of FUS-ALS with a particularly early onset and fast progression. However, even in patients bearing these highly pathogenic mutations the function of motor neurons is not noticeably compromised for at least a couple of decades, suggesting that until cytoplasmic levels of FUS lacking its C-terminal nuclear localisation signal reaches a critical threshold, motor neurons are able to tolerate its permanent production.In order to identify how the nervous system responds to low levels of pathogenic variants of FUS we produced and characterised a mouse line, L-FUS[1-359], with a low neuronal expression level of a highly aggregation-prone and pathogenic form of C-terminally truncated FUS. In contrast to mice that express substantially higher level of the same FUS variant and develop severe early onset motor neuron pathology, L-FUS[1-359] mice do not develop any clinical or histopathological signs of motor neuron deficiency even at old age. Nevertheless, we detected substantial changes in the spinal cord transcriptome of these mice compared to their wild type littermates. We suggest that at least some of these changes reflect activation of cellular mechanisms compensating for the potentially damaging effect of pathogenic FUS production. Further studies of these mechanism might reveal effective targets for therapy of FUS-ALS and possibly, other forms of ALS

    ALS-linked cytoplasmic FUS assemblies are compositionally different from physiological stress granules and sequester hnRNPA3, a novel modifier of FUS toxicity

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    Formation of cytoplasmic RNA-protein structures called stress granules (SGs) is a highly conserved cellular response to stress. Abnormal metabolism of SGs may contribute to the pathogenesis of (neuro)degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Many SG proteins are affected by mutations causative of these conditions, including fused in sarcoma (FUS). Mutant FUS variants have high affinity to SGs and also spontaneously form de novo cytoplasmic RNA granule

    In FUS[1−359]‐tg mice O,S-dibenzoyl thiamine reduces muscle atrophy, decreases glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta, and normalizes the metabolome

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    peer reviewedMutations in the gene encoding the RNA/DNA-binding protein Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) have been detected in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. FUS has been found to be a critical component of the oxidative damage repair complex that might explain its role in neurodegeneration. Here, we examined what impact antioxidant treatment with thiamine (vitamine B1), or its more bioavailable derivative O,S- dibenzoylthiamine (DBT), would have on the hallmarks of pathology in the FUS[1− 359]-transgenic mouse model of ALS. From 8-weeks old, in the pre-symptomatic phase of disease, animals received either thiamine, DBT (200 mg/kg/day), or vehicle for 6 weeks. We examined physiological, behavioral, molecular and histological outcomes, as well as the serum metabolome using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The DBT-treated mice displayed improvements in physiological outcomes, motor function and muscle atrophy compared to vehicle, and the treatment normalized levels of brain glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β), GSK-3β mRNA and IL-1β mRNA in the spinal cord. Analysis of the metabolome revealed an increase in the levels of choline and lactate in the vehicle-treated FUS mutants alone, which is also elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of ALS patients, and reduced glucose and lipoprotein concentrations in the FUS[1− 359]-tg mice, which were not the case in the DBT- treated mutants. The administration of thiamine had little impact on the outcome measures, but it did normalize circulating HDL levels. Thus, our study shows that DBT therapy in FUS mutants is more effective than thiamine and highlights how metabolomics may be used to evaluate therapy in this model.PhytoAPP E

    Conformational change of RNA-helicase DHX30 by ALS/FTD-linked FUS induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cytosolic aggregates.

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    Genetic mutations in fused in sarcoma (FUS) cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Although mitochondrial dysfunction and stress granule have been crucially implicated in FUS proteinopathy, the molecular basis remains unclear. Here, we show that DHX30, a component of mitochondrial RNA granules required for mitochondrial ribosome assembly, interacts with FUS, and plays a crucial role in ALS-FUS. WT FUS did not affect mitochondrial localization of DHX30, but the mutant FUS lowered the signal of mitochondrial DHX30 and promoted the colocalization of cytosolic FUS aggregates and stress granule markers. The immunohistochemistry of the spinal cord from an ALS-FUS patient also confirmed the colocalization, and the immunoelectron microscope demonstrated decreased mitochondrial DHX30 signal in the spinal motor neurons. Subcellular fractionation by the detergent-solubility and density-gradient ultracentrifugation revealed that mutant FUS also promoted cytosolic mislocalization of DHX30 and aggregate formation. Interestingly, the mutant FUS disrupted the DHX30 conformation with aberrant disulfide formation, leading to impaired mitochondrial translation. Moreover, blue-native gel electrophoresis revealed an OXPHOS assembly defect caused by the FUS mutant, which was similar to that caused by DHX30 knockdown. Collectively, our study proposes DHX30 as a pivotal molecule in which disulfide-mediated conformational change mediates mitochondrial dysfunction and cytosolic aggregate formation in ALS-FUS

    ALS/FTD-associated FUS activates GSK-3 to disrupt the VAPB-PTPIP51 interaction and ER-mitochondria associations

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    Defective FUS metabolism is strongly associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia (ALS/FTD), but the mechanisms linking FUS to disease are not properly understood. However, many of the functions disrupted in ALS/FTD are regulated by signalling between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. This signalling is facilitated by close physical associations between the two organelles that are mediated by binding of the integral ER protein VAPB to the outer mitochondrial membrane protein PTPIP51, which act as molecular scaffolds to tether the two organelles. Here, we show that FUS disrupts the VAPB–PTPIP51 interaction and ER–mitochondria associations. These disruptions are accompanied by perturbation of Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria following its release from ER stores, which is a physiological read‐out of ER–mitochondria contacts. We also demonstrate that mitochondrial ATP production is impaired in FUS‐expressing cells; mitochondrial ATP production is linked to Ca2+ levels. Finally, we demonstrate that the FUS‐induced reductions to ER–mitochondria associations and are linked to activation of glycogen synthase kinase‐3β (GSK‐3β), a kinase already strongly associated with ALS/FTD

    Fused in sarcoma (FUS) protein lacking nuclear localization signal (NLS) and major RNA binding motifs triggers proteinopathy and severe motor phenotype in transgenic mice

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    Dysfunction of two structurally and functionally related proteins, FUS and TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43), implicated in crucial steps of cellular RNA metabolism can cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and certain other neurodegenerative diseases. The proteins are intrinsically aggregate-prone and form non-amyloid inclusions in the affected nervous tissues, but the role of these proteinaceous aggregates in disease onset and progression is still uncertain. To address this question, we designed a variant of FUS, FUS 1–359, which is predominantly cytoplasmic, highly aggregate-prone, and lacks a region responsible for RNA recognition and binding. Expression of FUS 1–359 in neurons of transgenic mice, at a level lower than that of endogenous FUS, triggers FUSopathy associated with severe damage of motor neurons and their axons, neuroinflammatory reaction, and eventual loss of selective motor neuron populations. These pathological changes cause abrupt development of a severe motor phenotype at the age of 2.5–4.5 months and death of affected animals within several days of onset. The pattern of pathology in transgenic FUS 1–359 mice recapitulates several key features of human ALS with the dynamics of the disease progression compressed in line with shorter mouse lifespan. Our data indicate that neuronal FUS aggregation is sufficient to cause ALS-like phenotype in transgenic mice