14,094 research outputs found

    Multi-scale analysis of the roughness effect on lubricated rough contact

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    Determining friction is as equally essential as determining the film thickness in the lubricated contact, and is an important research subject. Indeed, reduction of friction in the automotive industry is important for both the minimization of fuel consumption as well as the decrease in the emissions of greenhouse gases. However, the progress in friction reduction has been limited by the difficulty in understanding the mechanism of roughness effects on friction. It was observed that micro-surface geometry or roughness was one of the major factors that affected the friction coefficient. In the present study, a new methodology coupling the multi-scale decomposition of the surface and the prediction of the friction coefficient by numerical simulation was developed to understand the influence of the scale of roughness in the friction coefficient. In particular, the real surface decomposed in different roughness scale by multi-scale decomposition, based on ridgelets transform was used as input into the model. This model predicts the effect of scale on mixed elastohydroynamic point contact. The results indicate a good influence of the fine scale of surface roughness on the friction coefficient for full-film lubrication as well as a beginning of improvement for mixed lubrication

    Fluid-Structure Interaction with the Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method

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    We propose a novel fluid-structure interaction (FSI) scheme using the entropic multi-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann (KBC) model for the fluid domain in combination with a nonlinear finite element solver for the structural part. We show validity of the proposed scheme for various challenging set-ups by comparison to literature data. Beyond validation, we extend the KBC model to multiphase flows and couple it with FEM solver. Robustness and viability of the entropic multi-relaxation time model for complex FSI applications is shown by simulations of droplet impact on elastic superhydrophobic surfaces

    Evaluation of a permeability-porosity relationship in a low permeability creeping material using a single transient test

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    A method is presented for the evaluation of the permeability-porosity relationship in a low-permeability porous material using the results of a single transient test. This method accounts for both elastic and non-elastic deformations of the sample during the test and is applied to a hardened class G oil well cement paste. An initial hydrostatic undrained loading is applied to the sample. The generated excess pore pressure is then released at one end of the sample while monitoring the pore pressure at the other end and the radial strain in the middle of the sample during the dissipation of the pore pressure. These measurements are back analysed to evaluate the permeability and its evolution with porosity change. The effect of creep of the sample during the test on the measured pore pressure and volume change is taken into account in the analysis. This approach permits to calibrate a power law permeability-porosity relationship for the tested hardened cement paste. The porosity sensitivity exponent of the power-law is evaluated equal to 11 and is shown to be mostly independent of the stress level and of the creep strains

    A numerical tool to integrate biophysical diversity of a large regulated river: hydrobiogeochemical bases. The case of the Garonne River (France)

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    This article presents the bases of a hydrobiogeochemical model of the Garonne River (southwest France) which has been developed to integrate physical and biological processes during summer low-water periods. The physical part of this model is composed of a one-dimensional unsteady hydrodynamic model, allowing the resolution of the Saint-Venant equations, and a transport model which simulates downstream changes in solute concentrations. Biogeochemical processes are considered through the definition of functional compartments which make up the channel bed. These different compartments are defined both by the organisms involved in the solute transformation processes and by the physical and hydraulic characteristics of their habitat. Integration of these functional compartments within the model required investigations at different scales. The scale at which biological processes take place ranges from millimetres to metres. The scale of a reach, at which organization of the functional compartments along the river can be linked to hydrodynamic and morphological characteristics, ranges from 500 m to several kilometres. The regional scale is that at which homogeneous reaches can be integrated. A feedback between numerical results and field experiments has allowed improvements to in situ measurement to increase modelling accuracy. For example, the model allows estimation of variables, such as fluxes, that are difficult to measure in situ. The developed model can integrate various functional compartments and their biogeochemical functioning. Two application examples, focused on dissolved inorganic nitrogen, are presented in order to illustrate the numerical tool functioning: integration of equations on nitrification processes in the water body, and integration of consumption/production terms on epilithic biofilm resulting from in situ experimental mean values. The model we have developed constitutes a promising analytical tool that will be able to integrate previous and future studies

    Mutual influence of cross hatch angle and superficial roughness of honed surfaces on friction in ring-pack tribo-system

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    The cylinder bore surface texture, widely produced by the honing technique, is an essential factor for a good engine performance (friction, oil consumption, running-in, wear etc.). This explains the improvement and development of various new honing techniques. These different honing processes generate surfaces with various texture features characteristics (roughness, valleys depth, cross hatch angle, etc.). This paper addresses a comparison of ring-pack friction for cylinder surfaces produced by plateau honing and helical slide honing. It takes in consideration the mutual effect of superficial plateau roughness amplitude and honing angle. A numerical model is developed to predict friction within the cylinder ring-pack system in mixed lubrication regime. The results show the effectiveness of helical slide honed surface texture in comparison to plateau honed bore surface

    Evaluating Asset Pricing Models in a Fama-French Framework

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    In this work we propose a methodology to compare different stochastic discount factor (SDF) proxies based on relevant market information. The starting point is the work of Fama and French, which evidenced that the asset returns of the U.S. economy could be explained by relative factors linked to characteristics of the firms. In this sense, we construct a Monte Carlo simulation to generate a set of returns perfectly compatible with the Fama and French factors and, then, investigate the performance of different SDF proxies. Some goodness-of-fit statistics and the Hansen and Jagannathan distance are used to compare asset pricing models. An empirical application of our setup is also provided.

    Running-in wear modeling of honed surface for combustion engine cylinder liners

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    The texture change during running-in alters the performance and efficiency of a tribo-mechanical system. During mass production of cylinder liners, a final finishing stage known as ‘‘plateau honing’’ is commonly added to reduce the running-in wear process of the liner surface. The majority of researchers think that this operation improves the engine efficiency and decreases oil consumption. It was believed that there are close links between the surface topography of honed cylinders change and their wear resistance during running-in. However, these interactions have not yet been established. Some running-in wear models were developed in the open literature to predict topographical surface changes without considering the running-in conditions. The present paper thus investigates the various aspects of the wear modeling that caused running- in problems in honed surfaces and its implications on ring-pack friction performance. To illustrate this, plateau honing experiments under different conditions were first carried out on an instrumented vertical honing machine. The plateau honing experiments characterize the surface modifications during running-in wear of cast-iron engine bores using advanced characterization method. Based on the experimental evidence, a running-in wear model was developed. Finally, a numerical extension of the developed model was applied to solve the Reynolds equation by taking into account the real surface topographies of the engine bore. This enables us to predict realistic friction performance within the cylinder ring-pack tribosystem
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