5 research outputs found

    Fundamental limits of failure identifiability by Boolean Network Tomography

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    Boolean network tomography is a powerful tool to infer the state (working/failed) of individual nodes from path-level measurements obtained by egde-nodes. We consider the problem of optimizing the capability of identifying network failures through the design of monitoring schemes. Finding an optimal solution is NP-hard and a large body of work has been devoted to heuristic approaches providing lower bounds. Unlike previous works, we provide upper bounds on the maximum number of identifiable nodes, given the number of monitoring paths and different constraints on the network topology, the routing scheme, and the maximum path length. The proposed upper bounds represent a fundamental limit on the identifiability of failures via Boolean network tomography. This analysis provides insights on how to design topologies and related monitoring schemes to achieve the maximum identifiability under various network settings. Through analysis and experiments we demonstrate the tightness of the bounds and efficacy of the design insights for engineered as well as real network

    A network tomography approach for traffic monitoring in smart cities

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    Various urban planning and managing activities required by a Smart City are feasible because of traffic monitoring. As such, the thesis proposes a network tomography-based approach that can be applied to road networks to achieve a cost-efficient, flexible, and scalable monitor deployment. Due to the algebraic approach of network tomography, the selection of monitoring intersections can be solved through the use of matrices, with its rows representing paths between two intersections, and its columns representing links in the road network. Because the goal of the algorithm is to provide a cost-efficient, minimum error, and high coverage monitor set, this problem can be translated into an optimization problem over a matroid, which can be solved efficiently by a greedy algorithm. Also as supplementary, the approach is capable of handling noisy measurements and a measurement-to-path matching. The approach proves a low error and a 90% coverage with only 20% nodes selected as monitors in a downtown San Francisco, CA topology --Abstract, page iv