10 research outputs found

    Functional synthesis for linear arithmetic and sets

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    Synthesis of program fragments from specifications can make programs easier to write and easier to reason about. To integrate synthesis into programming languages, synthesis algorithms should behave in a predictable way—they should succeed for a well-defined class of specifications. To guarantee correctness and applicability to software (and not just hardware), these algorithms should also support unbounded data types, such as numbers and data structures. To obtain appropriate synthesis algorithms, we propose to generalize decision procedures into predictable and complete synthesis procedures. Such procedures are guaranteed to find the code that satisfies the specification if such code exists. Moreover, we identify conditions under which synthesis will statically decide whether the solution is guaranteed to exist and whether it is unique. We demonstrate our approach by starting from a quantifier elimination decision procedure for Boolean algebra of set with Presburger arithmetic and transforming it into a synthesis procedure. Our procedure also works in the presence of parametric coefficients. We establish results on the size and the efficiency of the synthesized code. We show that such procedures are useful as a language extension with implicit value definitions, and we show how to extend a compiler to support such definitions. Our constructs provide the benefits of synthesis to programmers, without requiring them to learn new concepts, give up a deterministic execution model, or provide code skeleton

    Path-Based Program Repair

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    We propose a path-based approach to program repair for imperative programs. Our repair framework takes as input a faulty program, a logic specification that is refuted, and a hint where the fault may be located. An iterative abstraction refinement loop is then used to repair the program: in each iteration, the faulty program part is re-synthesized considering a symbolic counterexample, where the control-flow is kept concrete but the data-flow is symbolic. The appeal of the idea is two-fold: 1) the approach lazily considers candidate repairs and 2) the repairs are directly derived from the logic specification. In contrast to prior work, our approach is complete for programs with finitely many control-flow paths, i.e., the program is repaired if and only if it can be repaired at the specified fault location. Initial results for small programs indicate that the approach is useful for debugging programs in practice.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2015, arXiv:1503.0437

    On Counterexample Guided Quantifier Instantiation for Synthesis in CVC4

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    We introduce the first program synthesis engine implemented inside an SMT solver. We present an approach that extracts solution functions from unsatisfiability proofs of the negated form of synthesis conjectures. We also discuss novel counterexample-guided techniques for quantifier instantiation that we use to make finding such proofs practically feasible. A particularly important class of specifications are single-invocation properties, for which we present a dedicated algorithm. To support syntax restrictions on generated solutions, our approach can transform a solution found without restrictions into the desired syntactic form. As an alternative, we show how to use evaluation function axioms to embed syntactic restrictions into constraints over algebraic datatypes, and then use an algebraic datatype decision procedure to drive synthesis. Our experimental evaluation on syntax-guided synthesis benchmarks shows that our implementation in the CVC4 SMT solver is competitive with state-of-the-art tools for synthesis

    Deductive Program Repair, Computer Aided Verification

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    We present an approach to program repair and its application to programs with recursive functions over unbounded data types. Our approach formulates program repair in the framework of deductive synthesis that uses existing program structure as a hint to guide synthesis. We introduce a new specification construct for symbolic tests. We rely on such user-specified tests as well as automatically generated ones to localize the fault and speed up synthesis. Our implementation is able to eliminate errors within seconds from a variety of functional programs, including symbolic computation code and implementations of functional data structures. The resulting programs are formally verified by the Leon system

    Counterexample-Guided Quantifier Instantiation for Synthesis in SMT, Computer Aided Verification

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    We introduce the first program synthesis engine implemented inside an SMT solver. We present an approach that extracts solution functions from unsatisfiability proofs of the negated form of synthesis conjectures. We also discuss novel counterexample-guided techniques for quantifier instantiation that we use to make finding such proofs practically feasible. A particularly important class of specifications are single-invocation properties, for which we present a dedicated algorithm. To support syntax restrictions on generated solutions, our approach can transform a solution found without restrictions into the desired syntactic form. As an alternative, we show how to use evaluation function axioms to embed syntactic restrictions into constraints over algebraic datatypes, and then use an algebraic datatype decision procedure to drive synthesis. Our experimental evaluation on syntax-guided synthesis benchmarks shows that our implementation in the CVC4 SMT solver is competitive with state-of-the-art tools for synthesis

    Deductive Synthesis and Repair

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    In this thesis, we explore techniques for the development of recursive functional programs over unbounded domains that are proved correct according to their high-level specifications. We present algorithms for automatically synthesizing executable code, starting from the speci- fication alone. We implement these algorithms in the Leon system. We augment relational specifications with a concise notation for symbolic tests, which are are helpful to characterize fragments of the functionsâ behavior. We build on our synthesis procedure to automatically repair invalid functions by generating alternative implementations. Our approach therefore formulates program repair in the framework of deductive synthesis and uses the existing program structure as a hint to guide synthesis. We rely on user-specified tests as well as automatically generated ones to localize the fault. This localization enables our procedure to repair functions that would otherwise be out of reach of our synthesizer, and ensures that most of the original behavior is preserved. We also investigate multiple ways of enabling Leon programs to interact with external, un- trusted code. For that purpose, we introduce a precise inter-procedural effect analysis for arbitrary Scala programs with mutable state, dynamic object allocation, and dynamic dispatch. We analyzed the Scala standard library containing 58000 methods and classified them into sev- eral categories according to their effects. Our analysis proves that over one half of all methods are pure, identifies a number of conditionally pure methods, and computes summary graphs and regular expressions describing the side effects of non-pure methods. We implement the synthesis and repair algorithms within the Leon system and deploy them as part of a novel interactive development environment available as a web interface. Our implementation is able to synthesize, within seconds, a number of useful recursive functions that manipulate unbounded numbers and data structures. Our repair procedure automatically locates various kinds of errors in recursive functions and fixes them by synthesizing alternative implementations

    Programming with Specifications

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    This thesis explores the use of specifications for the construction of correct programs. We go beyond their standard use as run-time assertions, and present algorithms, techniques and implementations for the tasks of 1) program verification, 2) declarative programming and 3) software synthesis. These results are made possible by our advances in the domains of decision procedure design and implementation. In the first part of this thesis, we present a decidability result for a class of logics that support user-defined recursive function definitions. Constraints in this class can encode expressive properties of recursive data structures, such as sortedness of a list, or balancing of a search tree. As a result, complex verification conditions can be stated concisely and solved entirely automatically. We also present a new decision procedure for a logic to reason about sets and constraints over their cardinalities. The key insight lies in a technique to decompose con- straints according to mutual dependencies. Compared to previous techniques, our algorithm brings significant improvements in running times, and for the first time integrates reasoning about cardinalities within the popular DPLL(T ) setting. We integrated our algorithmic ad- vances into Leon, a static analyzer for functional programs. Leon can reason about constraints involving arbitrary recursive function definitions, and has the desirable theoretical property that it will always find counter-examples to assertions that do not hold. We illustrate the flexibility and efficiency of Leon through experimental evaluation, where we used it to prove detailed correctness properties of data structure implementations. We then illustrate how program specifications can be used as a high-level programming construct ; we present Kaplan, an extension of Scala with first-class logical constraints. Kaplan allows programmers to create, manipulate and combine constraints as they would any other data structure. Our implementation of Kaplan illustrates how declarative programming can be incorporated into an existing mainstream programming language. Moreover, we examine techniques to transform, at compile-time, program specifications into efficient executable code. This approach of software synthesis combines the correctness benefits of declarative programming with the efficiency of imperative or functional programming