15 research outputs found

    Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to assess cognitive function in infants in rural Africa

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    Cortical mapping of cognitive function during infancy is poorly understood in low-income countries due to the lack of transportable neuroimaging methods. We have successfully piloted functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as a neuroimaging tool in rural Gambia. Four-to-eight month old infants watched videos of Gambian adults perform social movements, while haemodynamic responses were recorded using fNIRS. We found distinct regions of the posterior superior temporal and inferior frontal cortex that evidenced either visual-social activation or vocally selective activation (vocal > non-vocal). The patterns of selective cortical activation in Gambian infants replicated those observed within similar aged infants in the UK. These are the first reported data on the measurement of localized functional brain activity in young infants in Africa and demonstrate the potential that fNIRS offers for field-based neuroimaging research of cognitive function in resource-poor rural communities

    Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to assess cognitive function in infants in rural Africa

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    Cortical mapping of cognitive function during infancy is poorly understood in low-income countries due to the lack of transportable neuroimaging methods. We have successfully piloted functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as a neuroimaging tool in rural Gambia. Four-to-eight month old infants watched videos of Gambian adults perform social movements, while haemodynamic responses were recorded using fNIRS. We found distinct regions of the posterior superior temporal and inferior frontal cortex that evidenced either visual-social activation or vocally selective activation (vocal > non-vocal). The patterns of selective cortical activation in Gambian infants replicated those observed within similar aged infants in the UK. These are the first reported data on the measurement of localized functional brain activity in young infants in Africa and demonstrate the potential that fNIRS offers for field-based neuroimaging research of cognitive function in resource-poor rural communities

    Kalman estimator- and general linear model-based on-line brain activation mapping by near-infrared spectroscopy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that recently has been developed to measure the changes of cerebral blood oxygenation associated with brain activities. To date, for functional brain mapping applications, there is no standard on-line method for analysing NIRS data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this paper, a novel on-line NIRS data analysis framework taking advantages of both the general linear model (GLM) and the Kalman estimator is devised. The Kalman estimator is used to update the GLM coefficients recursively, and one critical coefficient regarding brain activities is then passed to a <it>t</it>-statistical test. The <it>t</it>-statistical test result is used to update a topographic brain activation map. Meanwhile, a set of high-pass filters is plugged into the GLM to prevent very low-frequency noises, and an autoregressive (AR) model is used to prevent the temporal correlation caused by physiological noises in NIRS time series. A set of data recorded in finger tapping experiments is studied using the proposed framework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The obtained results suggest that the method can effectively track the task related brain activation areas, and prevent the noise distortion in the estimation while the experiment is running. Thereby, the potential of the proposed method for real-time NIRS-based brain imaging was demonstrated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This paper presents a novel on-line approach for analysing NIRS data for functional brain mapping applications. This approach demonstrates the potential of a real-time-updating topographic brain activation map.</p

    Large-Scale Brain Networks Underlying Language Acquisition in Early Infancy

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    A critical issue in human development is that of whether the language-related areas in the left frontal and temporal regions work as a functional network in preverbal infants. Here, we used 94-channel near-infrared spectroscopy to reveal the functional networks in the brains of sleeping 3-month-old infants with and without presenting speech sounds. During the first 3 min, we measured spontaneous brain activation (period 1). After period 1, we provided stimuli by playing Japanese sentences for 3 min (period 2). Finally, we measured brain activation for 3 min without providing the stimulus (period 3), as in period 1. We found that not only the bilateral temporal and temporoparietal regions but also the prefrontal and occipital regions showed oxygenated hemoglobin signal increases and deoxygenated hemoglobin signal decreases when speech sounds were presented to infants. By calculating time-lagged cross-correlations and coherences of oxy-Hb signals between channels, we tested the functional connectivity for the three periods. The oxy-Hb signals in neighboring channels, as well as their homologous channels in the contralateral hemisphere, showed high correlation coefficients in period 1. Similar correlations were observed in period 2; however, the number of channels showing high correlations was higher in the ipsilateral hemisphere, especially in the anterior–posterior direction. The functional connectivity in period 3 showed a close relationship between the frontal and temporal regions, which was less prominent in period 1, indicating that these regions form the functional networks and work as a hysteresis system that has memory of the previous inputs. We propose a hypothesis that the spatiotemporally large-scale brain networks, including the frontal and temporal regions, underlie speech processing in infants and they might play important roles in language acquisition during infancy

    The Developmental Trajectory of Brain-Scalp Distance from Birth through Childhood: Implications for Functional Neuroimaging

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    Measurements of human brain function in children are of increasing interest in cognitive neuroscience. Many techniques for brain mapping used in children, including functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), use probes placed on or near the scalp. The distance between the scalp and the brain is a key variable for these techniques because optical, electrical and magnetic signals are attenuated by distance. However, little is known about how scalp-brain distance differs between different cortical regions in children or how it changes with development. We investigated scalp-brain distance in 71 children, from newborn to age 12 years, using structural T1-weighted MRI scans of the whole head. Three-dimensional reconstructions were created from the scalp surface to allow for accurate calculation of brain-scalp distance. Nine brain landmarks in different cortical regions were manually selected in each subject based on the published fNIRS literature. Significant effects were found for age, cortical region and hemisphere. Brain-scalp distances were lowest in young children, and increased with age to up to double the newborn distance. There were also dramatic differences between brain regions, with up to 50% differences between landmarks. In frontal and temporal regions, scalp-brain distances were significantly greater in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere. The largest contributors to developmental changes in brain-scalp distance were increases in the corticospinal fluid (CSF) and inner table of the cranium. These results have important implications for functional imaging studies of children: age and brain-region related differences in fNIRS signals could be due to the confounding factor of brain-scalp distance and not true differences in brain activity

    In Vivo Diffuse Optical Tomography and Fluorescence Molecular Tomography

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    Prototype d'imagerie cérébrale multicanal portable par spectroscopie proche-infrarouge et électroencéphalographie

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    RÉSUMÉ Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente l'implémentation et la validation d'une instrumentation d'acquisition de biosignaux issus des technologies d'imagerie cérébrale que sont l'électroencéphalographie (EEG) et la spectroscopie proche-infrarouge (SPIR ou NIRS : Near-infrared spectroscopy). La première des techniques mesure directement l'activité électrique au niveau du scalp, tandis que la seconde est sensible aux variations d'oxygénation du sang, variations qui peuvent être reliées à l'activité cérébrale. Contrairement aux autres techniques d'imagerie cérébrale, celles-ci peuvent être portables, peu coûteuses, à haute résolution temporelle, et permettent d'imager tout le cortex en temps réel. Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'une collaboration interdisciplinaire du groupe IMAGINC, dont une des missions est de développer un système d'acquisition temps réel de signaux SPIR et EEG, non invasif, portable, communiquant avec un ordinateur par un lien sans fil, avec 32 canaux d'EEG, 32 sources et 32 détecteurs de lumière afin d'imager tout le cortex, les appareils existants ne rassemblant pas tous ces critères. Le prototype construit répond pleinement à ces attentes : comportant un casque pour maintenir sur le scalp l'ensemble des électrodes et optodes, le système peut être porté à la ceinture et transmettre à une interface usager l'ensemble des données issues des 128 canaux SPIR et 32 canaux EEG, ainsi que des modules supplémentaires comme un accéléromètre ou des circuits d'acquisition de canaux auxiliaires, utiles dans un contexte clinique. L'instrument a étée valid sur une quarantaine de sujets à ce jour, lors de tests cognitifs qui ont permis d'observer l'activité neuronale induite sur les donnéees acquises, à travers le calcul des modifications hémodynamiques, semblables à celles décrites par la littérature. Des études de comparaisons statistiques à un appareil commercial et de calcul de reproductibilité du signal sont prévues pour confirmer les validations qualitatives. L'appareil permettra par la suite d'effectuer la surveillance de patients épileptiques sur de longues durées, en améliorant leur confort, pour des études préopératoires, ou celle de patients lors d'opérations à coeur ouvert, dont l'oxygénation cérébrale doit être contrôlée, les appareils existants étant difficilement intégrables en salle d'opération.----------ABSTRACT This master thesis describes the implementation and validation of a novel instrumentation able to acquire biosignals from two brain imaging technologies: electroencephalography (EEG) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The rst one directly measures electrical variations on scalp, while the other one can detect the blood oxygenation variations, which can be correlated with cerebral activities. Contrary to others brain imaging modalities, the both described here have potential to be portable, relatively inexpensive, with high temporal resolution and allow to image the whole cortex in real time. This work is part of a multidisciplinary team collaboration within the IMAGINC research group, one of the goals being the development of a real-time, noninvasive and portable NIRSEEG signal acquisition system, able to communicate wirelessly with a computer, gathering data from 32 EEG channels, 32 light sources and 32 light detectors, to image the whole cortex. Existing commercial or research devices do not gather all of these features. The built prototype fully meets the expected characteristics: composed of a helmet able to maintain every optodes and electrodes on scalp, the wireless system can be attached to the belt and transmit to an user interface the data provided by 128 NIRS and 32 EEG channels, as well as additional modules like an accelerometer or auxiliary channel acquisition circuits, useful in a clinical context. The instrument has been validated on around forty subjects, during cognitive tests, the results of which showed expected induced brain activities on acquired data, through the calculation of haemodynamic variations, similar to those described in literature. We are also conducting studies to statistically compare the prototype and evaluate the reproductibility of biosignals, to conrm the qualitative validation developed here. In the future, the device should allow to monitor epileptic patients on long periods of time, while improving comfort, for preoperative studies, or patients undergoing open heart surgery, procedure in which the cerebral oxygenation needs to be controlled, but no existing commercial devices currently is operating-room friendly