77 research outputs found

    Lumbar spine segmentation in MR images: a dataset and a public benchmark

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    This paper presents a large publicly available multi-center lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset with reference segmentations of vertebrae, intervertebral discs (IVDs), and spinal canal. The dataset includes 447 sagittal T1 and T2 MRI series from 218 patients with a history of low back pain. It was collected from four different hospitals and was divided into a training (179 patients) and validation (39 patients) set. An iterative data annotation approach was used by training a segmentation algorithm on a small part of the dataset, enabling semi-automatic segmentation of the remaining images. The algorithm provided an initial segmentation, which was subsequently reviewed, manually corrected, and added to the training data. We provide reference performance values for this baseline algorithm and nnU-Net, which performed comparably. We set up a continuous segmentation challenge to allow for a fair comparison of different segmentation algorithms. This study may encourage wider collaboration in the field of spine segmentation, and improve the diagnostic value of lumbar spine MRI

    Automated detection, labelling and radiological grading of clinical spinal MRIs

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    Spinal magnetic resonance (MR) scans are a vital tool for diagnosing the cause of back pain for many diseases and conditions. However, interpreting clinically useful information from these scans can be challenging, time-consuming and hard to reproduce across different radiologists. In this paper, we alleviate these problems by introducing a multi-stage automated pipeline for analysing spinal MR scans. This pipeline first detects and labels vertebral bodies across several commonly used sequences (e.g. T1w, T2w and STIR) and fields of view (e.g. lumbar, cervical, whole spine). Using these detections it then performs automated diagnosis for several spinal disorders, including intervertebral disc degenerative changes in T1w and T2w lumbar scans, and spinal metastases, cord compression and vertebral fractures. To achieve this, we propose a new method of vertebrae detection and labelling, using vector fields to group together detected vertebral landmarks and a language-modelling inspired beam search to determine the corresponding levels of the detections. We also employ a new transformer-based architecture to perform radiological grading which incorporates context from multiple vertebrae and sequences, as a real radiologist would. The performance of each stage of the pipeline is tested in isolation on several clinical datasets, each consisting of 66 to 421 scans. The outputs are compared to manual annotations of expert radiologists, demonstrating accurate vertebrae detection across a range of scan parameters. Similarly, the model’s grading predictions for various types of disc degeneration and detection of spinal metastases closely match those of an expert radiologist. To aid future research, our code and trained models are made publicly available

    Three-dimensional Segmentation of the Scoliotic Spine from MRI using Unsupervised Volume-based MR-CT Synthesis

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    Vertebral bone segmentation from magnetic resonance (MR) images is a challenging task. Due to the inherent nature of the modality to emphasize soft tissues of the body, common thresholding algorithms are ineffective in detecting bones in MR images. On the other hand, it is relatively easier to segment bones from CT images because of the high contrast between bones and the surrounding regions. For this reason, we perform a cross-modality synthesis between MR and CT domains for simple thresholding-based segmentation of the vertebral bones. However, this implicitly assumes the availability of paired MR-CT data, which is rare, especially in the case of scoliotic patients. In this paper, we present a completely unsupervised, fully three-dimensional (3D) cross-modality synthesis method for segmenting scoliotic spines. A 3D CycleGAN model is trained for an unpaired volume-to-volume translation across MR and CT domains. Then, the Otsu thresholding algorithm is applied to the synthesized CT volumes for easy segmentation of the vertebral bones. The resulting segmentation is used to reconstruct a 3D model of the spine. We validate our method on 28 scoliotic vertebrae in 3 patients by computing the point-to-surface mean distance between the landmark points for each vertebra obtained from pre-operative X-rays and the surface of the segmented vertebra. Our study results in a mean error of 3.41 ±\pm 1.06 mm. Based on qualitative and quantitative results, we conclude that our method is able to obtain a good segmentation and 3D reconstruction of scoliotic spines, all after training from unpaired data in an unsupervised manner.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2021, San Diego, CA. 9 pages, 4 figures in tota

    Medical Image Segmentation with Deep Learning

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    Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the body of a patient for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Healthcare professionals rely heavily on medical images and image documentation for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, manual interpretation and analysis of medical images is time-consuming, and inaccurate when the interpreter is not well-trained. Fully automatic segmentation of the region of interest from medical images have been researched for years to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of understanding such images. With the advance of deep learning, various neural network models have gained great success in semantic segmentation and spark research interests in medical image segmentation using deep learning. We propose two convolutional frameworks to segment tissues from different types of medical images. Comprehensive experiments and analyses are conducted on various segmentation neural networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Furthermore, datasets built for training our networks and full implementations are published

    Medical Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the body of a patient for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Healthcare professionals rely heavily on medical images and image documentation for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, manual interpretation and analysis of medical images are time-consuming, and inaccurate when the interpreter is not well-trained. Fully automatic segmentation of the region of interest from medical images has been researched for years to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of understanding such images. With the advance of deep learning, various neural network models have gained great success in semantic segmentation and sparked research interests in medical image segmentation using deep learning. We propose three convolutional frameworks to segment tissues from different types of medical images. Comprehensive experiments and analyses are conducted on various segmentation neural networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Furthermore, datasets built for training our networks and full implementations are published

    Automatic Labeling of Vertebral Levels Using a Robust Template-Based Approach

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    Context. MRI of the spinal cord provides a variety of biomarkers sensitive to white matter integrity and neuronal function. Current processing methods are based on manual labeling of vertebral levels, which is time consuming and prone to user bias. Although several methods for automatic labeling have been published; they are not robust towards image contrast or towards susceptibility-related artifacts. Methods. Intervertebral disks are detected from the 3D analysis of the intensity profile along the spine. The robustness of the disk detection is improved by using a template of vertebral distance, which was generated from a training dataset. The developed method has been validated using T1- and T2-weighted contrasts in ten healthy subjects and one patient with spinal cord injury. Results. Accuracy of vertebral labeling was 100%. Mean absolute error was 2.1 ± 1.7 mm for T2-weighted images and 2.3 ± 1.6 mm for T1-weighted images. The vertebrae of the spinal cord injured patient were correctly labeled, despite the presence of artifacts caused by metallic implants. Discussion. We proposed a template-based method for robust labeling of vertebral levels along the whole spinal cord for T1- and T2-weighted contrasts. The method is freely available as part of the spinal cord toolbox

    AI MSK clinical applications: spine imaging

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    Recent investigations have focused on the clinical application of artificial intelligence (AI) for tasks specifically addressing the musculoskeletal imaging routine. Several AI applications have been dedicated to optimizing the radiology value chain in spine imaging, independent from modality or specific application. This review aims to summarize the status quo and future perspective regarding utilization of AI for spine imaging. First, the basics of AI concepts are clarified. Second, the different tasks and use cases for AI applications in spine imaging are discussed and illustrated by examples. Finally, the authors of this review present their personal perception of AI in daily imaging and discuss future chances and challenges that come along with AI-based solutions

    VertXNet: an ensemble method for vertebral body segmentation and identification from cervical and lumbar spinal X-rays

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    Accurate annotation of vertebral bodies is crucial for automating the analysis of spinal X-ray images. However, manual annotation of these structures is a laborious and costly process due to their complex nature, including small sizes and varying shapes. To address this challenge and expedite the annotation process, we propose an ensemble pipeline called VertXNet. This pipeline currently combines two segmentation mechanisms, semantic segmentation using U-Net, and instance segmentation using Mask R-CNN, to automatically segment and label vertebral bodies in lateral cervical and lumbar spinal X-ray images. VertXNet enhances its effectiveness by adopting a rule-based strategy (termed the ensemble rule) for effectively combining segmentation outcomes from U-Net and Mask R-CNN. It determines vertebral body labels by recognizing specific reference vertebral instances, such as cervical vertebra 2 (‘C2’) in cervical spine X-rays and sacral vertebra 1 (‘S1’) in lumbar spine X-rays. Those references are commonly relatively easy to identify at the edge of the spine. To assess the performance of our proposed pipeline, we conducted evaluations on three spinal X-ray datasets, including two in-house datasets and one publicly available dataset. The ground truth annotations were provided by radiologists for comparison. Our experimental results have shown that the proposed pipeline outperformed two state-of-the-art (SOTA) segmentation models on our test dataset with a mean Dice of 0.90, vs. a mean Dice of 0.73 for Mask R-CNN and 0.72 for U-Net. We also demonstrated that VertXNet is a modular pipeline that enables using other SOTA model, like nnU-Net to further improve its performance. Furthermore, to evaluate the generalization ability of VertXNet on spinal X-rays, we directly tested the pre-trained pipeline on two additional datasets. A consistently strong performance was observed, with mean Dice coefficients of 0.89 and 0.88, respectively. In summary, VertXNet demonstrated significantly improved performance in vertebral body segmentation and labeling for spinal X-ray imaging. Its robustness and generalization were presented through the evaluation of both in-house clinical trial data and publicly available datasets

    Multiclass Bone Segmentation of PET/CT Scans for Automatic SUV Extraction

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    In this thesis I present an automated framework for segmentation of bone structures from dual modality PET/CT scans and further extraction of SUV measurements. The first stage of this framework consists of a variant of the 3D U-Net architecture for segmentation of three bone structures: vertebral body, pelvis, and sternum. The dataset for this model consists of annotated slices from the CT scans retrieved from the study of post-HCST patients and the 18F-FLT radiotracer, which are undersampled volumes due to the low-dose radiation used during the scanning. The mean Dice scores obtained by the proposed model are 0.9162, 0.9163, and 0.8721 for the vertebral body, pelvis, and sternum class respectively. The next step of the proposed framework consists of identifying the individual vertebrae, which is a particularly difficult task due to the low resolution of the CT scans in the axial dimension. To address this issue, I present an iterative algorithm for instance segmentation of vertebral bodies, based on anatomical priors of the spine for detecting the starting point of a vertebra. The spatial information contained in the CT and PET scans is used to translate the resulting masks to the PET image space and extract SUV measurements. I then present a CNN model based on the DenseNet architecture that, for the first time, classifies the spatial distribution of SUV within the marrow cavities of the vertebral bodies as normal engraftment or possible relapse. With an AUC of 0.931 and an accuracy of 92% obtained on real patient data, this method shows good potential as a future automated tool to assist in monitoring the recovery process of HSCT patients
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