11 research outputs found

    Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs

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    We present a framework for obtaining fully polynomial time approximation schemes (FPTASs) for stochastic univariate dynamic programs with either convex or monotone single-period cost functions. This framework is developed through the establishment of two sets of computational rules, namely, the calculus of K-approximation functions and the calculus of K-approximation sets. Using our framework, we provide the first FPTASs for several NP-hard problems in various fields of research such as knapsack models, logistics, operations management, economics, and mathematical finance. Extensions of our framework via the use of the newly established computational rules are also discussed

    Approximating the Nonlinear Newsvendor and Single-Item Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problems When Data Is Given by an Oracle

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    The single-item stochastic lot-sizing problem is to find an inventory replenishment policy in the presence of discrete stochastic demands under periodic review and finite time horizon. A closely related problem is the single-period newsvendor model. It is well known that the newsvendor problem admits a closed formula for the optimal order quantity whenever the revenue and salvage values are linear increasing functions and the procurement (ordering) cost is fixed plus linear. The optimal policy for the single-item lot-sizing model is also well known under similar assumptions. In this paper we show that the classical (single-period) newsvendor model with fixed plus linear ordering cost cannot be approximated to any degree of accuracy when either the demand distribution or the cost functions are given by an oracle. We provide a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the nonlinear single-item stochastic lot-sizing problem, when demand distribution is given by an oracle, procurement costs are provided as nondecreasing oracles, holding/backlogging/disposal costs are linear, and lead time is positive. Similar results exist for the nonlinear newsvendor problem. These approximation schemes are designed by extending the technique of K-approximation sets and functions.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract CMMI-0758069)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N000141110056

    Energy Management System for Smart Homes:Modeling, Control, Performance and Profit Assessment

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    A Computationally Efficient FPTAS for Convex Stochastic Dynamic Programs

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    We propose a computationally efficient fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) to compute an approximation with arbitrary precision of the value function of convex stochastic dynamic programs, using the technique of K-approximation sets and functions introduced by Halman et al. [Math. Oper. Res., 34, (2009), pp. 674-685]. This paper deals with the convex case only, and it has the following contributions. First, we improve on the worst-case running time given by Halman et al. Second, we design and implement an FPTAS with excellent computational performance and show that it is faster than an exact algorithm even for small problem instances and small approximation factors, becoming orders of magnitude faster as the problem size increases. Third, we show that with careful algorithm design, the errors introduced by floating point computations can be bounded, so that we can provide a guarantee on the approximation factor over an exact infinite-precision solution. We provide an extensive computational evaluation based on randomly generated problem instances coming from applications in supply chain management and finance. The running time of the FPTAS is both theoretically and experimentally linear in the size of the uncertainty set

    Improved Approximation Results for Stochastic Knapsack Problems

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    Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs

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    We develop a framework for obtaining Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes (FPTASs) for stochastic univariate dynamic programs with either convex or monotone single-period cost functions. Using our framework, we give the first FPTASs for several NP-hard problems in various fields of research such as knapsack-related problems, logistics, operations management, economics, and mathematical finance