28,825 research outputs found

    Coherent Resonant Tunneling Through an Artificial Molecule

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    Coherent resonant tunneling through an artificial molecule of quantum dots in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is investigated using an extended Hubbard model. Both the multiterminal conductance of an array of quantum dots and the persistent current of a quantum dot molecule embedded in an Aharanov-Bohm ring are calculated. The conductance and persistent current are calculated analytically for the case of a double quantum dot and numerically for larger arrays using a multi-terminal Breit-Wigner type formula, which allows for the explicit inclusion of inelastic processes. Cotunneling corrections to the persistent current are also investigated, and it is shown that the sign of the persistent current on resonance may be used to determine the spin quantum numbers of the ground state and low-lying excited states of an artificial molecule. An inhomogeneous magnetic field is found to strongly suppress transport due to pinning of the spin-density-wave ground state of the system, and giant magnetoresistance is predicted to result from the ferromagnetic transition induced by a uniform external magnetic field.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator

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    Controllable, coherent many-body systems can provide insights into the fundamental properties of quantum matter, enable the realization of new quantum phases and could ultimately lead to computational systems that outperform existing computers based on classical approaches. Here we demonstrate a method for creating controlled many-body quantum matter that combines deterministically prepared, reconfigurable arrays of individually trapped cold atoms with strong, coherent interactions enabled by excitation to Rydberg states. We realize a programmable Ising-type quantum spin model with tunable interactions and system sizes of up to 51 qubits. Within this model, we observe phase transitions into spatially ordered states that break various discrete symmetries, verify the high-fidelity preparation of these states and investigate the dynamics across the phase transition in large arrays of atoms. In particular, we observe robust manybody dynamics corresponding to persistent oscillations of the order after a rapid quantum quench that results from a sudden transition across the phase boundary. Our method provides a way of exploring many-body phenomena on a programmable quantum simulator and could enable realizations of new quantum algorithms.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Demonstration of hyper-programming in Java

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    We demonstrate the use of a hyper-programming system to build persistent Java applications in PJama, an orthogonally persistent version of Java. This allows program representations to contain type-safe links to persistent objects embedded directly within the source code. The potential benefits include greater potential for static program checking, improved efficiency, and reduced programming effort.Postprin

    Quantitative Decoding of Interactions in Tunable Nanomagnet Arrays Using First Order Reversal Curves

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    To develop a full understanding of interactions in nanomagnet arrays is a persistent challenge, critically impacting their technological acceptance. This paper reports the experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of interactions in arrays of Co nanoellipses using the first-order reversal curve (FORC) technique. A mean-field analysis has revealed the physical mechanisms giving rise to all of the observed features: a shift of the non-interacting FORC-ridge at the low-Hc_c end off the local coercivity Hc_c axis; a stretch of the FORC-ridge at the high-Hc_c end without shifting it off the Hc_c axis; and a formation of a tilted edge connected to the ridge at the low-Hc_c end. Changing from flat to Gaussian coercivity distribution produces a negative feature, bends the ridge, and broadens the edge. Finally, nearest neighbor interactions segment the FORC-ridge. These results demonstrate that the FORC approach provides a comprehensive framework to qualitatively and quantitatively decode interactions in nanomagnet arrays.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. 9 page supplemental material including 3 figure
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