15 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Strength of Conventional Cryptosystems

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    Fibrations and Calculi of Fractions

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    Given a fibration E -> B and a class Sigma of arrows of B, one can construct the free fibration (on E over B such that all reindexing functors over elements of Sigma are equivalences. In this work I give an explicit construction of this, and study its properties. For example, the construction preserves the property of being fibrewise discrete, and it commutes up to equivalence with fibrewise exact completions. I show that mathematically interesting situations are examples of this construction. In particular, subtoposes of the effective topos are treated

    PArtially Persistent Data Structures of Bounded Degree with Constant Update Time

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    The problem of making bounded in-degree and out-degree data structures partially persistent is considered. The node copying method of Driscoll et al. is extended so that updates can be performed in worst-case constant time on the pointer machine model. Previously it was only known to be possible in amortised constant time [Driscoll89]. The result is presented in terms of a new strategy for Dietz and Raman's dynamic two player pebble game on graphs. It is shown how to implement the strategy, and the upper bound on the required number of pebbles is improved from 2b + 2d + O(sqrt(b)) to d + 2b, where b is the bound of the in-degree and d the bound of the out-degree. We also give a lower bound that shows that the number of pebbles depends on the out-degree d

    A Compositional Proof System for the Modal mu-Calculus

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    We present a proof system for determining satisfaction between processes in a fairly general process algebra and assertions of the modal mu-calculus. The proof system is compositional in the structure of processes. It extends earlier work on compositional reasoning within the modal mu-calculus and combines it with techniques from work on local model checking. The proof system is sound for all processes and complete for a class of finite-state processes

    Hardness Results for Dynamic Problems by Extensions of Fredman and Saks’ Chronogram Method

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    We introduce new models for dynamic computation based on the cell probe model of Fredman and Yao. We give these models access to nondeterministic queries or the right answer +-1 as an oracle. We prove that for the dynamic partial sum problem, these new powers do not help, the problem retains its lower bound of  Omega(log n/log log n). From these results we easily derive a large number of lower bounds of order Omega(log n/log log n) for conventional dynamic models like the random access machine. We prove lower bounds for dynamic algorithms for reachability in directed graphs, planarity testing, planar point location, incremental parsing, fundamental data structure problems like maintaining the majority of the prefixes of a string of bits and range queries. We characterise the complexity of maintaining the value of any symmetric function on the prefixes of a bit string

    Fully Dynamic Transitive Closure in Plane Dags with One Source and One Sink

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    We give an algorithm for the Dynamic Transitive Closure Problem for planar directed acyclic graphs with one source and one sink. The graph can be updated in logarithmic time under arbitrary edge insertions and deletions that preserve the embedding. Queries of the form `is there a directed path from u to v?' for arbitrary vertices u and v can be answered in logarithmic time. The size of the data structure and the initialisation time are linear in the number of edges. We also give a lower bound of###26 n/ log log n) on the amortised complexity of the problem in the cell probe model with logarithmic word size

    Fully Dynamic Transitive Closure in Plane Dags with one Source and one Sink

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    On provably disjoint NP-pairs

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