421 research outputs found

    Coarse-grained complexity for dynamic algorithms

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    To date, the only way to argue polynomial lower bounds for dynamic algorithms is via fine-grained complexity arguments. These arguments rely on strong assumptions about specific problems such as the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) and the Online Matrix-Vector Multiplication Conjecture (OMv). While they have led to many exciting discoveries, dynamic algorithms still miss out some benefits and lessons from the traditional “coarse-grained” approach that relates together classes of problems such as P and NP. In this paper we initiate the study of coarse-grained complexity theory for dynamic algorithms. Below are among questions that this theory can answer

    On Fully Dynamic Graph Sparsifiers

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    We initiate the study of dynamic algorithms for graph sparsification problems and obtain fully dynamic algorithms, allowing both edge insertions and edge deletions, that take polylogarithmic time after each update in the graph. Our three main results are as follows. First, we give a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a (1±ϵ) (1 \pm \epsilon) -spectral sparsifier with amortized update time poly(logn,ϵ1)poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1}). Second, we give a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a (1±ϵ) (1 \pm \epsilon) -cut sparsifier with \emph{worst-case} update time poly(logn,ϵ1)poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1}). Both sparsifiers have size npoly(logn,ϵ1) n \cdot poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1}). Third, we apply our dynamic sparsifier algorithm to obtain a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation to the value of the maximum flow in an unweighted, undirected, bipartite graph with amortized update time poly(logn,ϵ1)poly(\log{n}, \epsilon^{-1})

    Distributed Edge Connectivity in Sublinear Time

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    We present the first sublinear-time algorithm for a distributed message-passing network sto compute its edge connectivity λ\lambda exactly in the CONGEST model, as long as there are no parallel edges. Our algorithm takes O~(n11/353D1/353+n11/706)\tilde O(n^{1-1/353}D^{1/353}+n^{1-1/706}) time to compute λ\lambda and a cut of cardinality λ\lambda with high probability, where nn and DD are the number of nodes and the diameter of the network, respectively, and O~\tilde O hides polylogarithmic factors. This running time is sublinear in nn (i.e. O~(n1ϵ)\tilde O(n^{1-\epsilon})) whenever DD is. Previous sublinear-time distributed algorithms can solve this problem either (i) exactly only when λ=O(n1/8ϵ)\lambda=O(n^{1/8-\epsilon}) [Thurimella PODC'95; Pritchard, Thurimella, ACM Trans. Algorithms'11; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14] or (ii) approximately [Ghaffari, Kuhn, DISC'13; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14]. To achieve this we develop and combine several new techniques. First, we design the first distributed algorithm that can compute a kk-edge connectivity certificate for any k=O(n1ϵ)k=O(n^{1-\epsilon}) in time O~(nk+D)\tilde O(\sqrt{nk}+D). Second, we show that by combining the recent distributed expander decomposition technique of [Chang, Pettie, Zhang, SODA'19] with techniques from the sequential deterministic edge connectivity algorithm of [Kawarabayashi, Thorup, STOC'15], we can decompose the network into a sublinear number of clusters with small average diameter and without any mincut separating a cluster (except the `trivial' ones). Finally, by extending the tree packing technique from [Karger STOC'96], we can find the minimum cut in time proportional to the number of components. As a byproduct of this technique, we obtain an O~(n)\tilde O(n)-time algorithm for computing exact minimum cut for weighted graphs.Comment: Accepted at 51st ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2019

    Recent Advances in Fully Dynamic Graph Algorithms

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    In recent years, significant advances have been made in the design and analysis of fully dynamic algorithms. However, these theoretical results have received very little attention from the practical perspective. Few of the algorithms are implemented and tested on real datasets, and their practical potential is far from understood. Here, we present a quick reference guide to recent engineering and theory results in the area of fully dynamic graph algorithms

    Average-case analysis of dynamic graph algorithms

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    We present a model for edge updates with restricted randomness in dynamic graph algorithms and a general technique for analyzing the expected running time of an update operation. This model is able to capture the average case in many applications, since (1) it allows restrictions on the set of edges which can be used for insertions and (2) the type (insertion or deletion) of each update operation is arbitrary, i.e., not random. We use our technique to analyze existing and new dynamic algorithms for the following problems: maximum cardinality matching, minimum spanning forest, connectivity, 2- edge connectivity, k-edge connectivity, k-vertex connectivity, and bipartiteness. Given a random graph G with m0 edges and n vertices and a sequence of l update operations such that the graph contains mi edges after operation i, the expected time for performing the updates for any l is O(l log(n) + sum(i=1 to l) n/sqrt(m_i)) in the case of minimum spanning forests, connectivity, 2-edge connectivity, and bipartiteness. The expected time per update operation is O(n) in the case of maximum matching. We also give improved bounds for k-edge and k-vertex connectivity. Additionally we give an insertions-only algorithm for maximum cardinality matching with worst- case O(n) amortized time per insertion