16 research outputs found

    Fully dynamic (2 + epsilon) approximate all-pairs shortest paths with fast query and close to linear update time

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    For any fixed 1 > [epsilon] > 0 we present a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining (2 + [epsilon])-approximate all-pairs shortest paths in undirected graphs with positive edge weights. We use a randomized (Las Vegas) update algorithm (but a deterministic query procedure), so the time given is the expected amortized update time. Our query time O(log log log n). The update time is O[over ~](mnO(1/[sqrt](log n)) log (nR)), where R is the ratio between the heaviest and the lightest edge weight in the graph (so R = 1 in unweighted graphs). Unfortunately, the update time does have the drawback of a super-polynomial dependence on e. it grows as (3/[epsilon])[sqrt]log n/log(3/[epsilon]) = n [sqrt]log (3/[epsilon])/log n. Our algorithm has a significantly faster update time than any other algorithm with sub-polynomial query time. For exact distances, the state of the art algorithm has an update time of O[over ~](n[superscript 2]). For approximate distances, the best previous algorithm has a O(kmn[superscript 1/k]) update time and returns (2 k - 1) stretch paths. Thus, it needs an update time of O(m[sqrt](n)) to get close to our approximation, and it has to return O([sqrt](log n)) approximate distances to match our update time

    Almost Shortest Paths with Near-Additive Error in Weighted Graphs

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    Let G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) be a weighted undirected graph with nn vertices and mm edges, and fix a set of ss sources SVS\subseteq V. We study the problem of computing {\em almost shortest paths} (ASP) for all pairs in S×VS \times V in both classical centralized and parallel (PRAM) models of computation. Consider the regime of multiplicative approximation of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon, for an arbitrarily small constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 . In this regime existing centralized algorithms require Ω(min{Es,nω})\Omega(\min\{|E|s,n^\omega\}) time, where ω<2.372\omega < 2.372 is the matrix multiplication exponent. Existing PRAM algorithms with polylogarithmic depth (aka time) require work Ω(min{Es,nω})\Omega(\min\{|E|s,n^\omega\}). Our centralized algorithm has running time O((m+ns)nρ)O((m+ ns)n^\rho), and its PRAM counterpart has polylogarithmic depth and work O((m+ns)nρ)O((m + ns)n^\rho), for an arbitrarily small constant ρ>0\rho > 0. For a pair (s,v)S×V(s,v) \in S\times V, it provides a path of length d^(s,v)\hat{d}(s,v) that satisfies d^(s,v)(1+ϵ)dG(s,v)+βW(s,v)\hat{d}(s,v) \le (1+\epsilon)d_G(s,v) + \beta \cdot W(s,v), where W(s,v)W(s,v) is the weight of the heaviest edge on some shortest svs-v path. Hence our additive term depends linearly on a {\em local} maximum edge weight, as opposed to the global maximum edge weight in previous works. Finally, our β=(1/ρ)O(1/ρ)\beta = (1/\rho)^{O(1/\rho)}. We also extend a centralized algorithm of Dor et al. \cite{DHZ00}. For a parameter κ=1,2,\kappa = 1,2,\ldots, this algorithm provides for {\em unweighted} graphs a purely additive approximation of 2(κ1)2(\kappa -1) for {\em all pairs shortest paths} (APASP) in time O~(n2+1/κ)\tilde{O}(n^{2+1/\kappa}). Within the same running time, our algorithm for {\em weighted} graphs provides a purely additive error of 2(κ1)W(u,v)2(\kappa - 1) W(u,v), for every vertex pair (u,v)(V2)(u,v) \in {V \choose 2}, with W(u,v)W(u,v) defined as above. On the way to these results we devise a suit of novel constructions of spanners, emulators and hopsets

    Near-Optimal Approximate Shortest Paths and Transshipment in Distributed and Streaming Models

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    We present a method for solving the transshipment problem - also known as uncapacitated minimum cost flow - up to a multiplicative error of 1+ε1 + \varepsilon in undirected graphs with non-negative edge weights using a tailored gradient descent algorithm. Using O~()\tilde{O}(\cdot) to hide polylogarithmic factors in nn (the number of nodes in the graph), our gradient descent algorithm takes O~(ε2)\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}) iterations, and in each iteration it solves an instance of the transshipment problem up to a multiplicative error of polylogn\operatorname{polylog} n. In particular, this allows us to perform a single iteration by computing a solution on a sparse spanner of logarithmic stretch. Using a randomized rounding scheme, we can further extend the method to finding approximate solutions for the single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem. As a consequence, we improve upon prior work by obtaining the following results: (1) Broadcast CONGEST model: (1+ε)(1 + \varepsilon)-approximate SSSP using O~((n+D)ε3)\tilde{O}((\sqrt{n} + D)\varepsilon^{-3}) rounds, where D D is the (hop) diameter of the network. (2) Broadcast congested clique model: (1+ε)(1 + \varepsilon)-approximate transshipment and SSSP using O~(ε2)\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-2}) rounds. (3) Multipass streaming model: (1+ε)(1 + \varepsilon)-approximate transshipment and SSSP using O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space and O~(ε2)\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-2}) passes. The previously fastest SSSP algorithms for these models leverage sparse hop sets. We bypass the hop set construction; computing a spanner is sufficient with our method. The above bounds assume non-negative edge weights that are polynomially bounded in nn; for general non-negative weights, running times scale with the logarithm of the maximum ratio between non-zero weights.Comment: Accepted to SIAM Journal on Computing. Preliminary version in DISC 2017. Abstract shortened to fit arXiv's limitation to 1920 character

    On Efficient Distributed Construction of Near Optimal Routing Schemes

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    Given a distributed network represented by a weighted undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) on nn vertices, and a parameter kk, we devise a distributed algorithm that computes a routing scheme in (n1/2+1/k+D)no(1)(n^{1/2+1/k}+D)\cdot n^{o(1)} rounds, where DD is the hop-diameter of the network. The running time matches the lower bound of Ω~(n1/2+D)\tilde{\Omega}(n^{1/2}+D) rounds (which holds for any scheme with polynomial stretch), up to lower order terms. The routing tables are of size O~(n1/k)\tilde{O}(n^{1/k}), the labels are of size O(klog2n)O(k\log^2n), and every packet is routed on a path suffering stretch at most 4k5+o(1)4k-5+o(1). Our construction nearly matches the state-of-the-art for routing schemes built in a centralized sequential manner. The previous best algorithms for building routing tables in a distributed small messages model were by \cite[STOC 2013]{LP13} and \cite[PODC 2015]{LP15}. The former has similar properties but suffers from substantially larger routing tables of size O(n1/2+1/k)O(n^{1/2+1/k}), while the latter has sub-optimal running time of O~(min{(nD)1/2n1/k,n2/3+2/(3k)+D})\tilde{O}(\min\{(nD)^{1/2}\cdot n^{1/k},n^{2/3+2/(3k)}+D\})

    Deterministic Algorithms for Decremental Approximate Shortest Paths: Faster and Simpler

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    In the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem, we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with n=V,m=En = |V|, m = |E|, undergoing edge deletions, and a distinguished source sVs \in V, and we are asked to process edge deletions efficiently and answer queries for distance estimates dist~G(s,v)\widetilde{\mathbf{dist}}_G(s,v) for each vVv \in V, at any stage, such that distG(s,v)dist~G(s,v)(1+ϵ)distG(s,v)\mathbf{dist}_G(s,v) \leq \widetilde{\mathbf{dist}}_G(s,v) \leq (1+ \epsilon)\mathbf{dist}_G(s,v). In the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate All-Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) problem, we are asked to answer queries for distance estimates dist~G(u,v)\widetilde{\mathbf{dist}}_G(u,v) for every u,vVu,v \in V. In this article, we consider the problems for undirected, unweighted graphs. We present a new \emph{deterministic} algorithm for the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate SSSP problem that takes total update time O(mn0.5+o(1))O(mn^{0.5 + o(1)}). Our algorithm improves on the currently best algorithm for dense graphs by Chechik and Bernstein [STOC 2016] with total update time O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) and the best existing algorithm for sparse graphs with running time O~(n1.25m)\tilde{O}(n^{1.25}\sqrt{m}) [SODA 2017] whenever m=O(n1.5o(1))m = O(n^{1.5 - o(1)}). In order to obtain this new algorithm, we develop several new techniques including improved decremental cover data structures for graphs, a more efficient notion of the heavy/light decomposition framework introduced by Chechik and Bernstein and the first clustering technique to maintain a dynamic \emph{sparse} emulator in the deterministic setting. As a by-product, we also obtain a new simple deterministic algorithm for the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate APSP problem with near-optimal total running time O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde{O}(mn /\epsilon) matching the time complexity of the sophisticated but rather involved algorithm by Henzinger, Forster and Nanongkai [FOCS 2013].Comment: Appeared in SODA'2