5 research outputs found

    Full Duplex Communications in 5G Small Cells

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    Implementación del sistema de comunicación inalámbrica y generación de trayectorias a través de entornos dinámicos controlando variables X, Y y ϴ de la plataforma móvil P-MITO (Plataforma Móvil para la Implementación de Técnicas de Odometría)

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    En este proyecto de grado se presenta el proceso de implementación de la comunicación inalámbrica, el desarrollo necesario para lograr un adecuado sistema de control de velocidad de rotación de las ruedas, tratamiento de datos provenientes de sensores y actuadores, sus lecturas confiables mediante softwares como Arduino y MatLab y la adición de características como almacenamiento de datos en tiempo real y su correcta visualización para que se permitan un eficiente y adecuado comportamiento de la plataforma en entornos dinámicos y aleatorios. Todo esto, para el proyecto de grado “P-MITO - Plataforma Móvil para la Implementación de Técnicas de Odometría” realizado por Marlon Andrey Fernández Mesa y Julio Cesar Yepes Valencia

    Physical-Layer Security with Full-Duplex Transceivers and Multiuser Receiver at Eve

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    Full-duplex communication enables simultaneous transmission from both ends of a communication link, thereby promising significant performance gains. Generally, it has been shown that the throughput and delay gains of full-duplex communication are somewhat limited in realistic network settings, leading researchers to study other possible applications that can accord higher gains. The potential of full-duplex communication in improving the physical-layer security of a communication link is investigated in this contribution. We specifically present a thorough analysis of the achievable ergodic secrecy rate and the secrecy degrees of freedom with full-duplex communication in the presence of a half-duplex eavesdropper node, with both single-user decoding and multi-user decoding capabilities. For the latter case, an eavesdropper with successive interference cancellation and joint decoding capabilities is assumed. Irrespective of the eavesdropper capabilities and channel strengths, the ergodic secrecy rate with full-duplex communication is found to grow linearly with the log of the direct channel signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) as opposed to the flattened out secrecy rate with conventional half-duplex communication. Consequently, the secrecy degrees of freedom with full-duplex is shown to be two as opposed to that of zero in half-duplex mode

    Integrated photonics for millimetre wave transmitters and receivers

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    This PhD thesis entitled “Integrated photonics for millimetre wave transmitters and receivers” aimed at investigating the possibility of employing the uni-traveling carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) in millimetre wave (MMW) wireless receivers and, eventually, demonstrating a photonic integrated transceiver, by exploiting the concept of optically-pumped mixing (OPM). Previously, the UTC-PD has been successfully demonstrated as an OPM, by mixing an optically-generated local oscillator (LO) with a high frequency RF signal to generate a replica of the RF signal at a low intermediate frequency (IF), defined by the difference between the LO and the RF signal. This concept forms the foundation of this PhD thesis. The principal idea is to deploy the UTC-PD mixer in MMW wireless receivers to down-convert the high frequency data signal into a low frequency IF, where it can be easily processed and recovered. The main challenge to this approach is the low conversion efficiency of the UTC-PD mixer. For example, a conversion loss of 32 dB has been reported at 100 GHz. Also, the detection bandwidth in previous demonstrations was very narrow (around 100 Hz), which is too narrow to be useful in high-speed data communications. Consequently, a significant effort was made, in this thesis, to improve these parameters before the implementation in wireless receivers. The characterization and optimization works done in this thesis on the input parameters to the UTC-PD mixer have advanced the state of the art significantly. For example, conversion losses as low as 22 dB have been reported here. Also, the detection bandwidth has been increased to up to 10 GHz, allowing for multi-Gbps communication links. Based on these promising results, proof of concept wireless data transmission experiments were successfully conducted at different carrier frequencies (33 GHz, 35 GHz, and 60 GHz) using separate non-integrated UTC-PDs at the receiver with speeds of up to 5 Gbps. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the UTC-PD at the receiver. Upon these successful demonstrations, further research was done on a photonic integrated circuit, which comprises UTC-PDs, lasers, optical amplifiers and modulators. The outcome of this research was the first demonstration of a photonic integrated transceiver. This transceiver is suitable for short distance communications and could find interesting applications in 5G and future networks, including: high definition (HD) video streaming, file transfer, and wireless backhaul