7 research outputs found

    A haar wavelet series solution of heat equation with involution

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    It is well known that the wavelets have widely applied to solve mathematical problems connected with the differential and integral equations. The application of the wavelets possess several important properties, such as orthogonality, compact support, exact representation of polynomials at certain degree and the ability to represent functions on different levels of resolution. In this paper, new methods based on wavelet expansion are considered to solve problems arising in approximation of the solution of heat equation with involution. We have developed new numerical techniques to solve heat equation with involution and obtained new approximative representation for solution of heat equations

    Integrodifferential equations for multiscale wavelet shrinkage : the discrete case

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    We investigate the relations between wavelet shrinkage and integrodifferential equations for image simplification and denoising in the discrete case. Previous investigations in the continuous one-dimensional setting are transferred to the discrete multidimentional case. The key observation is that a wavelet transform can be understood as derivative operator in connection with convolution with a smoothing kernel. In this paper, we extend these ideas to the practically relevant discrete formulation with both orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets. In the discrete setting, the behaviour of the smoothing kernels for different scales is more complicated than in the continuous setting and of special interest for the understanding of the filters. With the help of tensor product wavelets and special shrinkage rules, the approach is extended to more than one spatial dimension. The results of wavelet shrinkage and related integrodifferential equations are compared in terms of quality by numerical experiments

    Integrodifferential Equations for Multiscale Wavelet Shrinkage: The Discrete Case

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    We investigate the relations between wavelet shrinkage and integrodifferential equations for image simplification and denoising in the discrete case. Previous investigations in the continuous one-dimensional setting are transferred to the discrete multidimentional case. The key observation is that a wavelet transform can be understood as a derivative operator in connection with convolution with a smoothing kernel. In this paper, we extend these ideas to a practically relevant discrete formulation with both orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets. In the discrete setting, the behaviour of smoothing kernels for different scales is more complicated than in the continuous setting and of special interest for the understanding of the filters. With the help of tensor product wavelets and special shrinkage rules, the approach is extended to more than one spatial dimension. The results of wavelet shrinkage and related integrodifferential equations are compared in terms of quality by numerical experiments

    From two-dimensional nonlinear diffusion to coupled haar wavelet shrinkage

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    This paper studies the connections between discrete two-dimensional schemes for shift-invariant Haar wavelet shrinkage on one hand, and nonlinear diffusion on the other. We show that using a single iteration on a single scale, the two methods can be made equivalent by the choice of the nonlinearity which controls each method: the shrinkage function, or the diffusivity function, respectively. In the two-dimensional setting, this diffusion–wavelet connection shows an important novelty compared to the one-dimensional framework or compared to classical 2-D wavelet shrinkage: The structure of two-dimensional diffusion filters suggests to use a coupled, synchronised shrinkage of the individual wavelet coefficient channels. This coupling enables to design Haar wavelet filters with good rotation invariance at a low computational cost. Furthermore, by transferring the channel coupling of vector- and matrix-valued nonlinear diffusion filters to the Haar wavelet setting, we obtain well-synchronised shrinkage methods for colour and tensor images. Our experiments show that these filters perform significantly better than conventional shrinkage methods that process all wavelets independently.

    Correspondence between Multiwavelet Shrinkage/Multiple Wavelet Frame Shrinkage and Nonlinear Diffusion

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    There are numerous methodologies for signal and image denoising. Wavelet, wavelet frame shrinkage, and nonlinear diffusion are effective ways for signal and image denoising. Also, multiwavelet transforms and multiple wavelet frame transforms have been used for signal and image denoising. Multiwavelets have important property that they can possess the orthogonality, short support, good performance at the boundaries, and symmetry simultaneously. The advantage of multiwavelet transform for signal and image denoising was illustrated by Bui et al. in 1998. They showed that the evaluation of thresholding on a multiwavelet basis has produced good results. Further, Strela et al. have showed that the decimated multiwavelet denoising provides superior results than decimated conventional (scalar) wavelet denoising. Mrazek, Weickert, and Steidl in 2003 examined the association between one-dimensional nonlinear diffusion and undecimated Haar wavelet shrinkage. They proved that nonlinear diffusion could be presented by using wavelet shrinkage. High-order nonlinear diffusion in terms of one-dimensional frame shrinkage and two-dimensional frame shrinkage were presented in 2012 by Jiang, and in 2013 by Dong, Jiang, and Shen, respectively. They obtained that the correspondence between both approaches leads to a different form of diffusion equation that mixes benefits from both approaches. The objective of this dissertation is to study the correspondence between one-dimensional multiwavelet shrinkage and high-order nonlinear diffusion, and to study high-order nonlinear diffusion in terms of one-dimensional multiple frame shrinkage also well. Further, this dissertation formulates nonlinear diffusion in terms of 2D multiwavelet shrinkage and 2D multiple wavelet frame shrinkage. From the experiment results, it can be inferred that nonlinear diffusion in terms of multiwavelet shrinkage/multiple frame shrinkage gives better results than a scalar case. On the whole, this dissertation expands nonlinear diffusion in terms of wavelet shrinkage and nonlinear diffusion in terms of frame shrinkage from the scalar wavelets and frames to the multiwavelets and multiple frames

    Denoising and enhancement of digital images : variational methods, integrodifferential equations, and wavelets

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    The topics of this thesis are methods for denoising, enhancement, and simplification of digital image data. Special emphasis lies on the relations and structural similarities between several classes of methods which are motivated from different contexts. In particular, one can distinguish the methods treated in this thesis in three classes: For variational approaches and partial differential equations, the notion of the derivative is the tool of choice to model regularity of the data and the desired result. A general framework for such approaches is proposed that involve all partial derivatives of a prescribed order and experimentally are capable of leading to piecewise polynomial approximations of the given data. The second class of methods uses wavelets to represent the data which makes it possible to understand the filtering as very simple pointwise application of a nonlinear function. To view these wavelets as derivatives of smoothing kernels is the basis for relating these methods to integrodifferential equations which are investigated here. In the third case, values of the image in a neighbourhood are averaged where the weights of this averaging can be adapted respecting different criteria. By refinement of the pixel grid and transfer to scaling limits, connections to partial differential equations become visible here, too. They are described in the framework explained before. Numerical aspects of the simplification of images are presented with respect to the NDS energy function, a unifying approach that allows to model many of the aforementioned methods. The behaviour of the filtering methods is documented with numerical examples.Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit sind Verfahren zum Entrauschen, qualitativen Verbessern und Vereinfachen digitaler Bilddaten. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf den Beziehungen und der strukturellen Ähnlichkeit zwischen unterschiedlich motivierten Verfahrensklassen. Insbesondere lassen sich die hier behandelten Methoden in drei Klassen einordnen: Bei den Variationsansätzen und partiellen Differentialgleichungen steht der Begriff der Ableitung im Mittelpunkt, um Regularität der Daten und des gewünschten Resultats zu modellieren. Hier wird ein einheitlicher Rahmen für solche Ansätze angegeben, die alle partiellen Ableitungen einer vorgegebenen Ordnung involvieren und experimentell auf stückweise polynomielle Approximationen der gegebenen Daten führen können. Die zweite Klasse von Methoden nutzt Wavelets zur Repräsentation von Daten, mit deren Hilfe sich Filterung als sehr einfache punktweise Anwendung einer nichtlinearen Funktion verstehen lässt. Diese Wavelets als Ableitungen von Glättungskernen aufzufassen bildet die Grundlage für die hier untersuchte Verbindung dieser Verfahren zu Integrodifferentialgleichungen. Im dritten Fall werden Werte des Bildes in einer Nachbarschaft gemittelt, wobei die Gewichtung bei dieser Mittelung adaptiv nach verschiedenen Kriterien angepasst werden kann. Durch Verfeinern des Pixelgitters und Übergang zu Skalierungslimites werden auch hier Verbindungen zu partiellen Differentialgleichungen sichtbar, die in den vorher dargestellten Rahmen eingeordnet werden. Numerische Aspekte beim Vereinfachen von Bildern werden anhand der NDS-Energiefunktion dargestellt, eines einheitlichen Ansatzes, mit dessen Hilfe sich viele der vorgenannten Methoden realisieren lassen. Das Verhalten der einzelnen Filtermethoden wird dabei jeweils durch numerische Beispiele dokumentiert