13 research outputs found

    Learning Sensor Feedback Models from Demonstrations via Phase-Modulated Neural Networks

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    In order to robustly execute a task under environmental uncertainty, a robot needs to be able to reactively adapt to changes arising in its environment. The environment changes are usually reflected in deviation from expected sensory traces. These deviations in sensory traces can be used to drive the motion adaptation, and for this purpose, a feedback model is required. The feedback model maps the deviations in sensory traces to the motion plan adaptation. In this paper, we develop a general data-driven framework for learning a feedback model from demonstrations. We utilize a variant of a radial basis function network structure --with movement phases as kernel centers-- which can generally be applied to represent any feedback models for movement primitives. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we test it on the task of scraping on a tilt board. In this task, we are learning a reactive policy in the form of orientation adaptation, based on deviations of tactile sensor traces. As a proof of concept of our method, we provide evaluations on an anthropomorphic robot. A video demonstrating our approach and its results can be seen in https://youtu.be/7Dx5imy1KcwComment: 8 pages, accepted to be published at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Learning Feedback Terms for Reactive Planning and Control

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    With the advancement of robotics, machine learning, and machine perception, increasingly more robots will enter human environments to assist with daily tasks. However, dynamically-changing human environments requires reactive motion plans. Reactivity can be accomplished through replanning, e.g. model-predictive control, or through a reactive feedback policy that modifies on-going behavior in response to sensory events. In this paper, we investigate how to use machine learning to add reactivity to a previously learned nominal skilled behavior. We approach this by learning a reactive modification term for movement plans represented by nonlinear differential equations. In particular, we use dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) to represent a skill and a neural network to learn a reactive policy from human demonstrations. We use the well explored domain of obstacle avoidance for robot manipulation as a test bed. Our approach demonstrates how a neural network can be combined with physical insights to ensure robust behavior across different obstacle settings and movement durations. Evaluations on an anthropomorphic robotic system demonstrate the effectiveness of our work.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to be published at ICRA 2017 conferenc

    Learning Externally Modulated Dynamical Systems

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    Dynamical Systems (DS) are often used to represent motion, with the advantage of being easy to learn from demonstrations. We present a method to modulate DS depending on an external signal, extending our previous work on Locally Modulated DS (LMDS, Kronander 2017). We present two applications of our system, which would not have been possible to achieve without taking external sensing into account in the DS motion formulation. The first application is a task of localization and grasping of objects, using our previous work on compliant tactile exploration. We successfully localize and grasp objects whose position is unknown, using touch in a simulated environment. In the second application, we teach a robot how to react to collisions in order to navigate between obstacles while reaching

    Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning of Feedback Models for Reactive Behaviors: Tactile Feedback Testbed

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    Robots need to be able to adapt to unexpected changes in the environment such that they can autonomously succeed in their tasks. However, hand-designing feedback models for adaptation is tedious, if at all possible, making data-driven methods a promising alternative. In this paper we introduce a full framework for learning feedback models for reactive motion planning. Our pipeline starts by segmenting demonstrations of a complete task into motion primitives via a semi-automated segmentation algorithm. Then, given additional demonstrations of successful adaptation behaviors, we learn initial feedback models through learning from demonstrations. In the final phase, a sample-efficient reinforcement learning algorithm fine-tunes these feedback models for novel task settings through few real system interactions. We evaluate our approach on a real anthropomorphic robot in learning a tactile feedback task.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research. Paper length is 21 pages (including references) with 12 figures. A video overview of the reinforcement learning experiment on the real robot can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDq1rcupVM0. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1710.0855

    IMUs: validation, gait analysis and system’s implementation

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)Falls are a prevalent problem in actual society. The number of falls has been increasing greatly in the last fifteen years. Some falls result in injuries and the cost associated with their treatment is high. However, this is a complex problem that requires several steps in order to be tackled. Namely, it is crucial to develop strategies that recognize the mode of locomotion, indicating the state of the subject in various situations, namely normal gait, step before fall (pre-fall) and fall situation. Thus, this thesis aims to develop a strategy capable of identifying these situations based on a wearable system that collects information and analyses the human gait. The strategy consists, essentially, in the construction and use of Associative Skill Memories (ASMs) as tools for recognizing the locomotion modes. Consequently, at an early stage, the capabilities of the ASMs for the different modes of locomotion were studied. Then, a classifier was developed based on a set of ASMs. Posteriorly, a neural network classifier based on deep learning was used to classify, in a similar way, the same modes of locomotion. Deep learning is a technique actually widely used in data classification. These classifiers were implemented and compared, providing for a tool with a good accuracy in recognizing the modes of locomotion. In order to implement this strategy, it was previously necessary to carry out extremely important support work. An inertial measurement units’ (IMUs) system was chosen due to its extreme potential to monitor outpatient activities in the home environment. This system, which combines inertial and magnetic sensors and is able to perform the monitoring of gait parameters in real time, was validated and calibrated. Posteriorly, this system was used to collect data from healthy subjects that mimicked Fs. Results have shown that the accuracy of the classifiers was quite acceptable, and the neural networks based classifier presented the best results with 92.71% of accuracy. As future work, it is proposed to apply these strategies in real time in order to avoid the occurrence of falls.As quedas são um problema predominante na sociedade atual. O número de quedas tem aumentado bastante nos últimos quinze anos. Algumas quedas resultam em lesões e o custo associado ao seu tratamento é alto. No entanto, trata-se de um problema complexo que requer várias etapas a serem abordadas. Ou seja, é crucial desenvolver estratégias que reconheçam o modo de locomoção, indicando o estado do sujeito em várias situações, nomeadamente, marcha normal, passo antes da queda (pré-queda) e situação de queda. Assim, esta tese tem como objetivo desenvolver uma estratégia capaz de identificar essas situações com base num sistema wearable que colete informações e analise a marcha humana. A estratégia consiste, essencialmente, na construção e utilização de Associative Skill Memories (ASMs) como ferramenta para reconhecimento dos modos de locomoção. Consequentemente, numa fase inicial, foram estudadas as capacidades das ASMs para os diferentes modos de locomoção. Depois, foi desenvolvido um classificador baseado em ASMs. Posteriormente, um classificador de redes neuronais baseado em deep learning foi utilizado para classificar, de forma semelhante, os mesmos modos de locomoção. Deep learning é uma técnica bastante utilizada em classificação de dados. Estes classificadores foram implementados e comparados, fornecendo a uma ferramenta com uma boa precisão no reconhecimento dos modos de locomoção. Para implementar esta estratégia, era necessário realizar previamente um trabalho de suporte extremamente importante. Um sistema de unidades de medição inercial (IMUs), foi escolhido devido ao seu potencial extremo para monitorizar as atividades ambulatórias no ambiente domiciliar. Este sistema que combina sensores inerciais e magnéticos e é capaz de efetuar a monitorização de parâmetros da marcha em tempo real, foi validado e calibrado. Posteriormente, este Sistema foi usado para adquirir dados da marcha de indivíduos saudáveis que imitiram quedas. Os resultados mostraram que a precisão dos classificadores foi bastante aceitável e o classificador baseado em redes neuronais apresentou os melhores resultados com 92.71% de precisão. Como trabalho futuro, propõe-se a aplicação destas estratégias em tempo real de forma a evitar a ocorrência de quedas

    Interpretable task planning and learning for autonomous robotic surgery with logic programming

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    This thesis addresses the long-term goal of full (supervised) autonomy in surgery, characterized by dynamic environmental (anatomical) conditions, unpredictable workflow of execution and workspace constraints. The scope is to reach autonomy at the level of sub-tasks of a surgical procedure, i.e. repetitive, yet tedious operations (e.g., dexterous manipulation of small objects in a constrained environment, as needle and wire for suturing). This will help reducing time of execution, hospital costs and fatigue of surgeons during the whole procedure, while further improving the recovery time for the patients. A novel framework for autonomous surgical task execution is presented in the first part of this thesis, based on answer set programming (ASP), a logic programming paradigm, for task planning (i.e., coordination of elementary actions and motions). Logic programming allows to directly encode surgical task knowledge, representing emph{plan reasoning methodology} rather than a set of pre-defined plans. This solution introduces several key advantages, as reliable human-like interpretable plan generation, real-time monitoring of the environment and the workflow for ready adaptation and failure recovery. Moreover, an extended review of logic programming for robotics is presented, motivating the choice of ASP for surgery and providing an useful guide for robotic designers. In the second part of the thesis, a novel framework based on inductive logic programming (ILP) is presented for surgical task knowledge learning and refinement. ILP guarantees fast learning from very few examples, a common drawback of surgery. Also, a novel action identification algorithm is proposed based on automatic environmental feature extraction from videos, dealing for the first time with small and noisy datasets collecting different workflows of executions under environmental variations. This allows to define a systematic methodology for unsupervised ILP. All the results in this thesis are validated on a non-standard version of the benchmark training ring transfer task for surgeons, which mimics some of the challenges of real surgery, e.g. constrained bimanual motion in small space