182 research outputs found

    Generic Process Transformation Model: Transition to Process-based Organization

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    The competitive global market climate of the new millennium has raised awareness of business processes as the most important management paradigm (Levi, 2002). Consequently, process elements, as well as process-based organizational solutions, have become an emergent need. However, the question is how companies should transform themselves to become more process-oriented? Many attempts under the helm of Business Process Reengineering movement were not successful in reaching benefits of lateral orientation, what additionally emphasizes the delicacy of business process transformation. Concerning the literature, there is a lack of clarity and presence of organizational change models which could provide managers with guidance for process transformation. The models are mostly focused on the transformation generally, and they do not address the specificity of a change from traditional to process paradigm. Furthermore, they are mostly single-oriented, either on the organizational elements or steps which should be taken during the change, thus only partially answering the dilemma. The purpose of the paper is to present an overview of existing transformation models which could be relevant for taking a process journey, as well as propose a Generic Process Transformation Model which should be able to ensure smooth transition, with emphasis on specific problems related to process transformation. Although the proposed model is theoretically and logically based, without empirical evidence, it represents a first step in convergence of process transformation concepts to business world. Ultimately, only its usage in a real world would or would not prove its severity.process transformation, process-based organization, organizational change, transformation models

    Generic Process Transformation Model: Transition to Process-based Organization

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    The competitive global market climate of the new millennium has raised awareness of business processes as the most important management paradigm (Levi, 2002). Consequently, process elements, as well as processbased organizational solutions, have become an emergent need. However, the question is how companies should transform themselves to become more process-oriented? Many attempts under the helm of Business Process Reengineering movement were not successful in reaching benefits of lateral orientation, what additionally emphasizes the delicacy of business process transformation. Concerning the literature, there is a lack of clarity and presence of organizational change models which could provide managers with guidance for process transformation. The models are mostly focused on the transformation generally, and they do not address the specificity of a change from traditional to process paradigm. Furthermore, they are mostly single-oriented, either on the organizational elements or steps which should be taken during the change, thus only partially answering the dilemma. The purpose of the paper is to present an overview of existing transformation models which could be relevant for taking a process journey, as well as propose a Generic Process Transformation Model which should be able to ensure smooth transition, with emphasis on specific problems related to process transformation. Although the proposed model is theoretically and logically based, without empirical evidence, it represents a first step in convergence of process transformation concepts to business world. Ultimately, only its usage in a real world would or would not prove its severity

    The MTO-Framework for Implementation of E-Business Models

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    Venture capitalists typically require that you can explain the business model in the time it takes the lift to get to the tenth floor. Implementation typically takes years. There is a disproportionate large amount of focus on what constitutes an innovative new business model compared to implementation since most e-business failures are attributed to failures in implementation. Obviously, there is a significant lack of knowledge of factors leading to successful implementation among those responsible for practical implementation of e-business models. E-business models or IT-systems for inter-organizational purposes cannot be implemented exclusively following the traditional guidelines in the IS/IT literature. Development methods are very different from earlier, there are many more stakeholders, and the environment is much more dynamic. The paper suggests a framework highlighting important implementation factors derived from four different disciplines; venture capitalist experiences, business process reengineering, diffusion theory and system development. The contribution of the paper is a classification of implementation factors in a framework that identifies the technological, the organizational, and the market related factors relevant for implementation of e-business models

    Introducing process management in E-government and healthcare

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    The public sector has shown that it has, comparedwith other sectors, a relatively underdeveloped information system structure. In this context the importance of reducing costs and streamlining workflows and processes is ever more recognized. However, despite the importance of process management, currently there are internationally very few guidelines provided for introducing process management in public administration. The objective of this paper is to outline a framework for analyzing process management projects. By using this framework we analyze a system in the public administration of Bulgaria as well as an implementation of a healthcare administration system in Ireland. Our analysis revealed some interesting results. The reasons for failure in public administration are rather content and structural in nature then solely project management issues.Відкритий сектор економіки має, у порівнянні з іншими секторами, відносно недостатньо розвинену структуру інформаційних систем. У цьому контексті є сенс вважати важливими зниження витрат та спрямлення робочих потоків. Проте, незважаючи на важливість управління процесами, у теперішній час є дуже мало керівних документів, які допомагають впровадити управління процесами у користувальницьку адміністрацію. Мета цієї роботи – дати огляд можливої інфраструктури для аналізу проектів з управління процесами. Шляхом використання цієї інфраструктури ми аналізуємо систему управління у Болгарії та адміністрування охороною здоров'я у Ірландії. Наш аналіз дав деякі цікаві результати

    Improving Healthcare Logistics Processes

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    Integrated management systems and workflow-based electronic document management: an empirical stud

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    Purpose: Many global organizations have aligned their strategy and operation via the ISO-based framework of integrated management system (IMS) that allows them to merge quality, environment, health and safety management systems. In such context, having a robust electronic document management system (EDMS) is essential, especially at global enterprises where a large amount of documents generated by processes flows through different work cultures. However, there is no "one-size-fits-all" design for EDMS because it depends on organizations' needs, size and resource allocation. This article discusses the interrelation between EDMS and IMS in order to suggest a best practice. Design/methodology/approach: This article methodologically based upon a qualitative, interpretivistic, longitudinal empirical study in a wind turbine factory. Findings and Originality/value: IMS improvement and effectiveness has been overlooking EDMS as a key factor in establishing appropriate technological support of the IMS processes. Rightful application of EDMS can further contribute to organizational learning, precision of documentation and cross-organisational collaboration. Research limitations/implications: Theorising on IMS needs a stronger perspective of the technological limitations and potentials of basing IMS on EDMS. Practical implications: IMS are complex systems involving a large number of administrative functions. EDMS provides a formal representation with automation potentials both heightening and securing document trustworthiness. Social implications: IMS has a tendency to stay with professionals, e.g. line managers and QA/QC/QMS professionals. The EDMS line of discussion suggests a broader inclusion. Originality/value: Researching IMS as a technological implementation is giving a better platform of aligning the IMS with other business processes and is bringing IMS closer to the operational activities within the enterprise.Peer Reviewe

    Measuring the degree of organisational transformation.

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    Abstract: International organisations are increasingly urging governments to support the dissemination of new organisational concepts. Research into the efforts made by the business community in its quest for new organisational concepts and permanent monitoring of the effects of organisational transformation are necessary tools for supporting these policy lines. Since 1980 a variety of organisation surveys have been undertaken in an effort to evaluate the extent and effects of workplace innovation. Comparisons of the findings or results of these major organisation surveys are fraught with major difficulties because the choices of methodology and survey design differ widely. Moreover, little information is currently available about the methodological limitations of these organisation surveys. This paper therefore concentrates on the methodological design of 16 major organisation surveys. The objectives of the paper can be described as follows: (1) comparison of organisation surveys with the aim of making an inventory of 'good practices' at several levels (e.g. sampling method, non-response strategy, etc.), which can strengthen the quality of research into the diffusion and effects of new organisational concepts; (2) charting current 'methodological diversity' with the aim of investigating the possibilities for cross-national research into the spread and effects of new organisational concepts.Complications; Characteristics; International; Effects; Surveys; Strategy;