6,926 research outputs found

    Perceived congruence and online loyalty as segmentation variables in multichannel retailing: a comparison between appparel and electronics

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    As the interest of the literature on congruity between offline and online stores is relatively recent, empirical evidence is required to help marketing managers choose the most effective ways of contributing to the formation of consistent offerings as well as their contribution to generate customer loyalty. This study examines whether congruity can help to identify segments of heterogeneous consumers that differ significantly regarding these variables as well as other constructs related to the customer relationship with the retailer. The study attempts to identify which congruity attribute(s) are most relevant for differentiating customers by their loyalty towards the online store, so that retailers can design strategies for improving congruity between physical and online stores, and ultimately, increase online store loyalty

    A conceptual model of channel choice: measuring online and offline shopping value perceptions

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    This study tries to understand how consumers evaluate channels for their purchasing. Specifically, it develops a conceptual model that addresses consumer value perceptions of using the Internet versus the traditional (physical) channel. Previous research showed that perceptions of price, product quality, service quality and risk strongly influence perceived value and purchase intentions in the offline and online channel. Perceptions of online and offline buyers can be analyzed to see how value is constructed in both channels. This model enables comparisons between online and offline shoppers perceptions. As such, it is possible to determine the factors that encourage or prevent consumers to engage in online shopping.


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    The main objective of this study is to empirically test a fourth-order hierarchical model of experiential value in an online book and CD setting. In addition, we provide empirical evidence for the role of hedonic and utilitarian value components in creating attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Finally, we develop an online customer typology, based on the underlying value sources. Based on a sample of 190 visitors of online book and CD retailers, we used PLS to test a third and fourth order hierarchical model of experiential value, emphasizing a hedonic (intrinsic) and utilitarian (extrinsic) value component and the existence of the holistic concept of experiential value. Our results demonstrate that experiential value consists of the third order components hedonic (intrinsic) and utilitarian (extrinsic) value. Both value aspects impact attitudinal loyalty ultimately leading to behavioral loyalty which is also directly affected by utilitarian value. Finally, a nonhierarchical (k-means) cluster analysis identified four segments of online visitors: hedonists, utilitarians, active negativists, and reactive positivists.marketing ;

    Developing trends in showrooming, webrooming, and omnichannel shopping behaviors: Performance analysis, conceptual mapping, and future directions

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    In an omnichannel era, businesses and marketers need insights into the dynamics of customer shopping behaviors, particularly the interplay between omnichannel, showrooming, and webrooming behaviors. This study investigates the evolution and trends of the research and channel shopping behaviors (RCSB) domain, spanning from 1998 to 2022, including the Covid-19 era. The study performed a bibliometric review of 500 papers in the Scopus database. The performance analysis reveals an annual growth rate of nearly 16%, with average citations per document of 44, indicating sustained and growing research interest. Science mapping revealed five distinct cluster themes, including showrooming and webrooming in multi- and omni-channel contexts; consumer behavior in online retail and shopping; customer satisfaction and trust in multi-channel retailing; mobile commerce in a multi-channel environment; and the interplay between online shopping, channel choice, and supply chain management. Furthermore, topics, such as showrooming, e-commerce, retailing, and omnichannel retailing, remain popular before and during the pandemic, as seen in the thematic evolution. Our examination of the thematic maps revealed various topics that gained significance during the pandemic, such as multichannel, channel choice, customer experience, social commerce, purchase behavior, and covid-19. Among these, the thematic maps indicate that customer experience, channel choice, multichannel, and covid-19 are emerging and basic topics. These topics can steer research directions in the RCSB domain toward examining customer experiences using digital innovations, e-commerce (including mobile and social commerce), and omnichannel strategy and management

    Critical review of the e-loyalty literature: a purchase-centred framework

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    Over the last few years, the concept of online loyalty has been examined extensively in the literature, and it remains a topic of constant inquiry for both academics and marketing managers. The tremendous development of the Internet for both marketing and e-commerce settings, in conjunction with the growing desire of consumers to purchase online, has promoted two main outcomes: (a) increasing numbers of Business-to-Customer companies running businesses online and (b) the development of a variety of different e-loyalty research models. However, current research lacks a systematic review of the literature that provides a general conceptual framework on e-loyalty, which would help managers to understand their customers better, to take advantage of industry-related factors, and to improve their service quality. The present study is an attempt to critically synthesize results from multiple empirical studies on e-loyalty. Our findings illustrate that 62 instruments for measuring e-loyalty are currently in use, influenced predominantly by Zeithaml et al. (J Marketing. 1996;60(2):31-46) and Oliver (1997; Satisfaction: a behavioral perspective on the consumer. New York: McGraw Hill). Additionally, we propose a new general conceptual framework, which leads to antecedents dividing e-loyalty on the basis of the action of purchase into pre-purchase, during-purchase and after-purchase factors. To conclude, a number of managerial implementations are suggested in order to help marketing managers increase their customers’ e-loyalty by making crucial changes in each purchase stage

    Multichannel Segmentation vs. Demographic Segmentation

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    The aim of this study is to generate a multichannel segmentation model for high involvement products and to compare it to the widely spread demographic segmentation. In addition, the study also aims to identify demographic and psychographic profiles to provide a rich descriptive picture of the new customer segments. The study combines the literature of the multichannel and segmentation fields. Moreover, it builds upon the knowledge of previous multichannel segmentation models, which exclusively focused on specific product categories and industries by investigating the effects of a high product involvement on consumers’ channel preferences and channel selections. To accomplish these aims, the study at hand utilizes a quantitative approach within the frame of a single case study that focuses on IKEA Sweden. The analysis reveals that the multichannel segmentation model entails a unique set of segments when looking at high involvement products. These segments are strongly directed towards offline channels as three out of four segments showed preferences for offline channels while only one segment showed a slight preference for online channels. Furthermore, two segments selected offline channels exclusively. The other two segments display a multichannel behavior as they selected both offline and online channels for purchasing high involvement products, yet these two segments selected offline channels more recently than online channels. Additionally, the multichannel segmentation model might be a more contemporary relevant segmentation model than the traditional demographic segmentation model. Even though these findings are only directly applicable to the previous research, these findings nevertheless support both, theoretically and practically, the relevance and topicality of research in this field. First, this paper provides a theoretical basis for further investigations that focus on product involvement and second, it establishes a valuable practical instrument to segment and categorize customers within a multichannel environment


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    Service-processes of electronic retailers are founded on electronic technologies that provide flexibility to sense and respond online to the dynamic and complex needs of customers. In this paper, we develop a taxonomy of service-processes in electronic retailing and demonstrate their linkage to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The taxonomy is grounded in a conceptual classification scheme that differentiates service-process stages on a continuum of flexibility. Using data on electronic service-processes collected from 255 electronic food retailers, we identified eight configurations for the taxonomy. We also collected and analyzed publicly reported customer satisfaction survey data that were available for 52 electronic food retailers in the study sample. The results of this analysis indicate positive and significant correlation of the ordering of the taxonomy configurations with (i) customer satisfaction with product information, product selection, web site aesthetics, web site navigation, customer support, and ease of return, and (ii) customer loyalty. Taken together, the results of our empirical analyses demonstrate that the taxonomy captures information and variety within and across the electronic service-process configurations in ways that can be related to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.Marketing, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Boost Customer Loyalty With Online Support: The Case Of Mobile Telecomms Providers

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    The paper explores the effect of customer satisfaction with online supporting services on loyalty to providers of an offline core service. Supporting services are provided to customers before, during or after the purchase of a tangible or intangible core product, and have the purpose of enhancing or facilitating the use of this product. The Internet has the potential to dominate all other marketing channels when it comes to the interactive and personalized communication that is considered quintessential for supporting services. Our study shows that the quality of online supporting services powerfully affects satisfaction with the provider and customer loyalty through its effect on online value and enjoyment. Managerial implications are provided.marketing ;