72,634 research outputs found

    Effects of Replication on the Duration of Failure in Distributed Databases

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    Replicating data objects has been suggested as a means of increasing the performance of a distributed database system in a network subject to link and site failures. Since a network may partition as a consequence of such failures, a data object may become unavailable from a given site for some period of time. In this paper we study duration failure, which we define as the length of time, once the object becomes unavailable from a particular site, that the object remains unavailable. We show that, for networks composed of highly-reliable components, replication does not substantially reduce the duration of failure. We model a network as a collection of sites and links, each failing and recovering independently according to a Poisson process. Using this model, we demonstrate via simulation that the duration of failure incurred using a non-replicated data object is nearly as short as that incurred using a replicated object and a replication control protocol, including an unrealizable protocol which is optimal with respect to availability. We then examine analytically a simplified system in which the sites but not the links are subject to failure. We prove that if each site operates with probability p, then the optimal replication protocol, Available Copies [5,26], reduces the duration of failure by at most a factor of 1-p/1+p. Lastly, we present bounds for general systems, those in which both the sites and the communications between the sites may fail. We prove, for example, that if sites are 95% reliable and a communications failure is sufficiently short (either infallible or satisfying a function specified in the paper) then replication can improve the duration of failure by at most 2.7% of that experienced using a single copy. These results show that replication has only a small effect of the duration of failure in present-day partitionable networks comprised of realistically reliable components

    An Examination of Multi-Tier Designs for Legacy Data Access

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    This work examines the application of Java and the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) to support access to remote databases via the Internet. The research applies these software technologies to assist an Air Force distance learning provider in improving the capabilities of its World Wide Web-based correspondence system. An analysis of the distance learning provider\u27s operation revealed a strong dependency on a non-collocated legacy relational database. This dependency limits the distance learning provider\u27s future web-based capabilities. A recommendation to improve operation by data replication is proposed, and the implementation details are provided for two alternative test systems that support data replication between heterogeneous relational database management systems. The first test system incorporates a two-tier architecture design using Java, and the second system employs a three-tier architecture design using Java and CORBA. Data on replication times for the two-tier and three-tier designs are presented, revealing a greater performance consistency from the three-tier design over the two-tier design for varying client platforms and communications channels. Discussion of a small-scale proof-of-concept system based on the three-tier design is provided, along with a presentation of the potential for the technologies applied in this system to benefit Air Force web-based distance learning

    Unification of Transactions and Replication in Three-Tier Architectures Based on CORBA

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    In this paper, we describe a software infrastructure that unifies transactions and replication in three-tier architectures and provides data consistency and high availability for enterprise applications. The infrastructure uses transactions based on the CORBA object transaction service to protect the application data in databases on stable storage, using a roll-backward recovery strategy, and replication based on the fault tolerant CORBA standard to protect the middle-tier servers, using a roll-forward recovery strategy. The infrastructure replicates the middle-tier servers to protect the application business logic processing. In addition, it replicates the transaction coordinator, which renders the two-phase commit protocol nonblocking and, thus, avoids potentially long service disruptions caused by failure of the coordinator. The infrastructure handles the interactions between the replicated middle-tier servers and the database servers through replicated gateways that prevent duplicate requests from reaching the database servers. It implements automatic client-side failover mechanisms, which guarantee that clients know the outcome of the requests that they have made, and retries aborted transactions automatically on behalf of the clients

    Object level physics data replication in the Grid

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    To support distributed physics analysis on a scale as foreseen by the LHC experiments, 'Grid' systems are needed that manage and streamline data distribution, replication, and synchronization. We report on the development of a tool that allows large physics datasets to be managed and replicated at the granularity level of single objects. Efficient and convenient support for data extraction and replication at the level of individual objects and events will enable for types of interactive data analysis that would be too inconvenient or costly to perform with tools that work on a file level only. Our tool development effort is intended as both a demonstrator project for various types of existing Grid technology, and as a research effort to develop Grid technology further. The basic use case supported by our tool is one in which a physicist repeatedly selects some physics objects located at a central repository, and replicates them to a local site. The selection can be done using 'tag' or 'ntuple' analysis at the local site. The tool replicates the selected objects, and merges all replicated objects into a single single coherent 'virtual' dataset. This allows all objects to be used together seamlessly, even if they were replicated at different times or from different locations. The version of the tool that is reported on in this paper replicates ORCA based physics data created by CMS in its ongoing high level trigger design studies. The basic capabilities and limitations of the tool are discussed, together with some performance results. Some tool internals are also presented. Finally we will report on experiences so far and on future plans

    An empirical study evaluating depth of inheritance on the maintainability of object-oriented software

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    This empirical research was undertaken as part of a multi-method programme of research to investigate unsupported claims made of object-oriented technology. A series of subject-based laboratory experiments, including an internal replication, tested the effect of inheritance depth on the maintainability of object-oriented software. Subjects were timed performing identical maintenance tasks on object-oriented software with a hierarchy of three levels of inheritance depth and equivalent object-based software with no inheritance. This was then replicated with more experienced subjects. In a second experiment of similar design, subjects were timed performing identical maintenance tasks on object-oriented software with a hierarchy of five levels of inheritance depth and the equivalent object-based software. The collected data showed that subjects maintaining object-oriented software with three levels of inheritance depth performed the maintenance tasks significantly quicker than those maintaining equivalent object-based software with no inheritance. In contrast, subjects maintaining the object-oriented software with five levels of inheritance depth took longer, on average, than the subjects maintaining the equivalent object-based software (although statistical significance was not obtained). Subjects' source code solutions and debriefing questionnaires provided some evidence suggesting subjects began to experience diffculties with the deeper inheritance hierarchy. It is not at all obvious that object-oriented software is going to be more maintainable in the long run. These findings are sufficiently important that attempts to verify the results should be made by independent researchers

    Software engineering and middleware: a roadmap (Invited talk)

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    The construction of a large class of distributed systems can be simplified by leveraging middleware, which is layered between network operating systems and application components. Middleware resolves heterogeneity and facilitates communication and coordination of distributed components. Existing middleware products enable software engineers to build systems that are distributed across a local-area network. State-of-the-art middleware research aims to push this boundary towards Internet-scale distribution, adaptive and reconfigurable middleware and middleware for dependable and wireless systems. The challenge for software engineering research is to devise notations, techniques, methods and tools for distributed system construction that systematically build and exploit the capabilities that middleware deliver
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