421 research outputs found

    Snow Leopard Permutations and Their Even and Odd Threads

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    Caffrey, Egge, Michel, Rubin and Ver Steegh recently introduced snow leopard permutations, which are the anti-Baxter permutations that are compatible with the doubly alternating Baxter permutations. Among other things, they showed that these permutations preserve parity, and that the number of snow leopard permutations of length 2nβˆ’12n-1 is the Catalan number CnC_n. In this paper we investigate the permutations that the snow leopard permutations induce on their even and odd entries; we call these the even threads and the odd threads, respectively. We give recursive bijections between these permutations and certain families of Catalan paths. We characterize the odd (resp. even) threads which form the other half of a snow leopard permutation whose even (resp. odd) thread is layered in terms of pattern avoidance, and we give a constructive bijection between the set of permutations of length nn which are both even threads and odd threads and the set of peakless Motzkin paths of length n+1n+1.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Version 3 is modified to use standard Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science but is otherwise unchange

    Riordan Paths and Derangements

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    Riordan paths are Motzkin paths without horizontal steps on the x-axis. We establish a correspondence between Riordan paths and (321,31Λ‰42)(321,3\bar{1}42)-avoiding derangements. We also present a combinatorial proof of a recurrence relation for the Riordan numbers in the spirit of the Foata-Zeilberger proof of a recurrence relation on the Schr\"oder numbers.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Restricted Motzkin permutations, Motzkin paths, continued fractions, and Chebyshev polynomials

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    We say that a permutation Ο€\pi is a Motzkin permutation if it avoids 132 and there do not exist a<ba<b such that Ο€a<Ο€b<Ο€b+1\pi_a<\pi_b<\pi_{b+1}. We study the distribution of several statistics in Motzkin permutations, including the length of the longest increasing and decreasing subsequences and the number of rises and descents. We also enumerate Motzkin permutations with additional restrictions, and study the distribution of occurrences of fairly general patterns in this class of permutations.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    The excedances and descents of bi-increasing permutations

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    Starting from some considerations we make about the relations between certain difference statistics and the classical permutation statistics we study permutations whose inversion number and excedance difference coincide. It turns out that these (so-called bi-increasing) permutations are just the 321-avoiding ones. The paper investigates their excedance and descent structure. In particular, we find some nice combinatorial interpretations for the distribution coefficients of the number of excedances and descents, respectively, and their difference analogues over the bi-increasing permutations in terms of parallelogram polyominoes and 2-Motzkin paths. This yields a connection between restricted permutations, parallelogram polyominoes, and lattice paths that reveals the relations between several well-known bijections given for these objects (e.g. by Delest-Viennot, Billey-Jockusch-Stanley, Francon-Viennot, and Foata-Zeilberger). As an application, we enumerate skew diagrams according to their rank and give a simple combinatorial proof for a result concerning the symmetry of the joint distribution of the number of excedances and inversions, respectively, over the symmetric group.Comment: 36 page

    Counting Dyck paths by area and rank

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    The set of Dyck paths of length 2n2n inherits a lattice structure from a bijection with the set of noncrossing partitions with the usual partial order. In this paper, we study the joint distribution of two statistics for Dyck paths: \emph{area} (the area under the path) and \emph{rank} (the rank in the lattice). While area for Dyck paths has been studied, pairing it with this rank function seems new, and we get an interesting (q,t)(q,t)-refinement of the Catalan numbers. We present two decompositions of the corresponding generating function: one refines an identity of Carlitz and Riordan; the other refines the notion of Ξ³\gamma-nonnegativity, and is based on a decomposition of the lattice of noncrossing partitions due to Simion and Ullman. Further, Biane's correspondence and a result of Stump allow us to conclude that the joint distribution of area and rank for Dyck paths equals the joint distribution of length and reflection length for the permutations lying below the nn-cycle (12...n)(12...n) in the absolute order on the symmetric group.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Connections with work of C. Stump (arXiv:0808.2822v2) eliminated the need for 5 pages of proof in the first draf

    Continued fractions for permutation statistics

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    We explore a bijection between permutations and colored Motzkin paths that has been used in different forms by Foata and Zeilberger, Biane, and Corteel. By giving a visual representation of this bijection in terms of so-called cycle diagrams, we find simple translations of some statistics on permutations (and subsets of permutations) into statistics on colored Motzkin paths, which are amenable to the use of continued fractions. We obtain new enumeration formulas for subsets of permutations with respect to fixed points, excedances, double excedances, cycles, and inversions. In particular, we prove that cyclic permutations whose excedances are increasing are counted by the Bell numbers.Comment: final version formatted for DMTC

    Old and young leaves on plane trees

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    A leaf of a plane tree is called an old leaf if it is the leftmost child of its parent, and it is called a young leaf otherwise. In this paper we enumerate plane trees with a given number of old leaves and young leaves. The formula is obtained combinatorially by presenting two bijections between plane trees and 2-Motzkin paths which map young leaves to red horizontal steps, and old leaves to up steps plus one. We derive some implications to the enumeration of restricted permutations with respect to certain statistics such as pairs of consecutive deficiencies, double descents, and ascending runs. Finally, our main bijection is applied to obtain refinements of two identities of Coker, involving refined Narayana numbers and the Catalan numbers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Lattice Paths and Pattern-Avoiding Uniquely Sorted Permutations

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    Defant, Engen, and Miller defined a permutation to be uniquely sorted if it has exactly one preimage under West's stack-sorting map. We enumerate classes of uniquely sorted permutations that avoid a pattern of length three and a pattern of length four by establishing bijections between these classes and various lattice paths. This allows us to prove nine conjectures of Defant.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, new version with updated abstract and reference
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