99,142 research outputs found

    OCRIS : online catalogue and repository interoperability study. Final report

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    The aims and objectives of OCRIS were to: • Survey the extent to which repository content is in scope for institutional library OPACs, and the extent to which it is already recorded there; • Examine the interoperability of OPAC and repository software for the exchange of metadata and other information; • List the various services to institutional managers, researchers, teachers and learners offered respectively by OPACs and repositories; • Identify the potential for improvements in the links (e.g. using link resolver technology) from repositories and/or OPACs to other institutional services, such as finance or research administration; • Make recommendations for the development of possible further links between library OPACs and institutional repositories, identifying the benefits to relevant stakeholder groups

    DCU linking runs at MediaEval 2012: search and hyperlinking task

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    We describe Dublin City University (DCU)'s participation in the Hyperlinking sub-task of the MediaEval 2012 Search and Hyperlinking Task. Our strategy involves combining textual metadata, automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcripts, and visual content analysis to create anchor summaries for each video segment available for linking. Two categories of fusion strategy, score-based and rank-based methods, were used to combine scores from different modalities to produce potential inter-item links

    UTwente does Brave New Tasks for MediaEval 2012: Searching and Hyperlinking

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    In this paper we report our experiments and results for the brave new searching and hyperlinking tasks for the MediaEval Benchmark Initiative 2012. The searching task involves nding target video segments based on a short natural language sentence query and the hyperlinking task involves nding links from the target video segments to other related video segments in the collection using a set of anchor segments in the videos that correspond to the textual search queries. To nd the starting points in the video, we only used speech transcripts and metadata as evidence source, however, other visual features (for e.g., faces, shots and keyframes) might also aect results for a query. We indexed speech transcripts and metadata, furthermore, the speech transcripts were indexed at speech segment level and at sentence level to improve the likelihood of nding jump-in-points. For linking video segments, we computed k-nearest neighbours of video segments using euclidean distance

    eBank UK: linking research data, scholarly communication and learning

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    This paper includes an overview of the changing landscape of scholarly communication and describes outcomes from the innovative eBank UK project, which seeks to build links from e-research through to e-learning. As introduction, the scholarly knowledge cycle is described and the role of digital repositories and aggregator services in linking data-sets from Grid-enabled projects to e-prints through to peer-reviewed articles as resources in portals and Learning Management Systems, are assessed. The development outcomes from the eBank UK project are presented including the distributed information architecture, requirements for common ontologies, data models, metadata schema, open linking technologies, provenance and workflows. Some emerging challenges for the future are presented in conclusion

    Full-Text Downloads and Metadata Page Hits for 2015-01-01 through 2015-12-31 for Scholars\u27 Mine

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    This report shows how often visitors have downloaded an item published to the repository and/or viewed the metadata page for an item. Most hits will come directly from full-text downloads, however some readers interact with the repository by browsing and searching the site, typing a URL from a citation, or clicking links in search results. These actions are reflected in the number of metadata page hits an item receives

    HaIRST: Harvesting Institutional Resources in Scotland Testbed. Final Project Report

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    The HaIRST project conducted research into the design, implementation and deployment of a pilot service for UK-wide access of autonomously created institutional resources in Scotland, the aim being to investigate and advise on some of the technical, cultural, and organisational requirements associated with the deposit, disclosure, and discovery of institutional resources in the JISC Information Environment. The project involved a consortium of Scottish higher and further education institutions, with significant assistance from the Scottish Library and Information Council. The project investigated the use of technologies based on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), including the implementation of OAI-compatible repositories for metadata which describe and link to institutional digital resources, the use of the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH) to automatically copy the metadata from multiple repositories to a central repository, and the creation of a service to search and identify resources described in the central repository. An important aim of the project was to identify issues of metadata interoperability arising from the requirements of individual institutional repositories and their impact on services based on the aggregation of metadata through harvesting. The project also sought to investigate issues in using these technologies for a wide range of resources including learning, teaching and administrative materials as well as the research and scholarly communication materials considered by many of the other projects in the JISC Focus on Access to Institutional Resources (FAIR) Programme, of which HaIRST was a part. The project tested and implemented a number of open source software packages supporting OAI, and was successful in creating a pilot service which provides effective information retrieval of a range of resources created by the project consortium institutions. The pilot service has been extended to cover research and scholarly communication materials produced by other Scottish universities, and administrative materials produced by a non-educational institution in Scotland. It is an effective testbed for further research and development in these areas. The project has worked extensively with a new OAI standard for 'static repositories' which offers a low-barrier, low-cost mechanism for participation in OAI-based consortia by smaller institutions with a low volume of resources. The project identified and successfully tested tools for transforming pre-existing metadata into a format compliant with OAI standards. The project identified and assessed OAI-related documentation in English from around the world, and has produced metadata for retrieving and accessing it. The project created a Web-based advisory service for institutions and consortia. The OAI Scotland Information Service (OAISIS) provides links to related standards, guidance and documentation, and discusses the findings of HaIRST relating to interoperability and the pilot harvesting service. The project found that open source packages relating to OAI can be installed and made to interoperate to create a viable method of sharing institutional resources within a consortium. HaIRST identified issues affecting the interoperability of shared metadata and suggested ways of resolving them to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of shared information retrieval environments based on OAI. The project demonstrated that application of OAI technologies to administrative materials is an effective way for institutions to meet obligations under Freedom of Information legislation

    Low Latency Previews for Links Embedded in Documents

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    This disclosure describes surfacing metadata within link bubbles in documents to enable reduction in user context switching and improve reading efficiency. Per techniques of this disclosure, when a user links to another file or external link from within a document, a link bubble is provided that includes metadata such as the title of the linked document or folder. The link bubble includes a thumbnail image and preview text and provides the user a quick preview of the linked document. Forward caching is utilized to improve response time for retrieval of the linked document. Cached link metadata information can be displayed in the link bubble when a request for the metadata information is made within a threshold time of a previous request for link metadata information. This reduces latency on duplicate requests and faster response and avoids link metadata staleness

    Academic Library and Publisher Collaboration: Utilizing an Institutional Repository to Maximize the Visibility and Impact of Articles by University Authors

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    The George A. Smathers Libraries (Libraries) (http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/) at the University of Florida (UF) (http://www.ufl.edu/) and Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.com) have embarked on a pilot project to maximize visibility, impact, and dissemination of articles by UF researchers who have published in Elsevier journals. Article links and metadata are automatically delivered to UF’s Institutional Repository, the IR@UF (http://ufdc.ufl.edu/ir), in the IR@UF-Elsevier Collection (http://ufdc.ufl.edu/ielsevier). The metadata, with links for approximately 31,000 articles by UF authors, is made possible through integration of the IR@UF with the ScienceDirect application programming interfaces (APIs) (https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/sciencedirect/support/institutional-repository) that are freely available to libraries. Access to the full text on ScienceDirect is available for all institutional repository users affiliated with a subscribing institution. In the next phase users without subscriptions will be able to access the manuscripts of articles published from 2013 forward. This will be done by embedding metadata and links to accepted manuscripts available on ScienceDirect into the IR@UF. We will conduct user and usability testing of this cross-platform user experience. This article provides an overview of the project’s current status, how it works, what it delivers, and next steps expanding the project to include articles by UF authors from other publishers. It concludes with strategic considerations, future developments, and reflections on the value of library/publisher collaboration