18 research outputs found


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    Previously years, database community has committed particular efforts towards extraction of understanding from data. Probably the most important methods for understanding extraction is data mining, which apply automatic calculations to differentiate designs within assortment of huge data. Within our work we concentrate on discovery of behavioural designs of learners in addition to conceptual associations between test products. We describe a technique for discover understanding linked to student activities throughout online tests, that are utilized by tutors to create novel test methods. A manuscript symbolic approach of information visualization was introduced, which is often used inside a Understanding discovery tactic to graphically highlight behavioural designs along with other earlier unknown features connected towards the learners’ activity within online tests

    Scientific work and the usage of digital scientific information - some notes on structures, discrepancies, tendencies, and strategies

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    "The article discusses changes in scientific work (academic and applied) associated with new potentials, but also coercions of information technologies. Background for this interest is the experience gained in several digital library projects that inclinations and willingness to use these technical possibilities is much less common than the developers of these systems, and we all, tended to think in recent years. This seems to be true even in those scientific disciplines which were and are at the forefront of the development, e.g. physics, mathematics, etc. The background for this observation is discussed looking at general economic and social changes, viewing the environments of work in the scientific sphere, the contents and their quantity and quality of supply in scientific IT systems, the user side in their communities of practice, and the technological and organizational basis of scientific information. Some strategic issues to improve the situation are discussed in the final part of the paper." (author's abstract

    Upgrading Academic Scholarship : Challenges and Chances of the Digital Age

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    Purpose: The paper is a discussion of what the beginning of the Internet Age means for the functions and structures of scholarly information and communication by looking at and evaluating today's usability and usage of the digital information infrastructure for and by academic scholarship. Design/methodology/approach: The paper gives an overview of the current state of development of digital information in the scholarly cultures and stresses the importance of data as the crucial - and considerably extended - basis of scholarly work. The central role of the publishing world for the academic rewards system is analyzed to consider continuities and discontinuities in scholarly publication. Findings: The paper advances the thesis first coined by Christine Borgman that today we have an information infrastructure of, but not one for scholarly information. Some ideas and proposals of what should be done to move towards an information infrastructure for scholarly work conclude the paper. Originality/value: The paper tries to bridge the gap between information professionals as producers and scholars as users of information and communication technologies and shows that a joint debate on these issues is necessary

    A visual method for high-dimensional data cluster exploration

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    Visualization is helpful for clustering high dimensional data. The goals of visualization in data mining are exploration, confirmation and presentation of the clustering results. However, the most of visual techniques developed for cluster analysis are primarily focused on cluster presentation rather than cluster exploration. Several techniques have been proposed to explore cluster information by visualization, but most of them depend heavily on the individual user's experience. Inevitably, this incurs subjectivity and randomness in the clustering process. In this paper, we employ the statistical features of datasets as predictions to estimate the number of clusters by a visual technique called HOV3. This approach mitigates the problem of the randomness and subjectivity of the user during the process of cluster exploration by other visual techniques. As a result, our approach provides an effective visual method for cluster exploration. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Upgrading academic scholarship: challenges and chances of the digital age

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss what the beginning of the Internet Age means for the functions and structures of scholarly information and communication by looking at and evaluating today's usability and usage of the digital information infrastructure for and by academic scholarship. Design/ methodology/ approach: The paper gives an overview of the current state of development of digital information in the scholarly cultures and stresses the importance of data as the crucial – and considerably extended – basis of scholarly work. The central role of the publishing world for the academic rewards system is analyzed to consider continuities and discontinuities in scholarly publication. Findings: The paper advances the thesis first coined by Christine Borgman that today we have an information infrastructure of, but not for, scholarly information. Some ideas and proposals of what should be done to move towards an information infrastructure for scholarly work conclude the paper. Originality/ value: The paper tries to bridge the gap between information professionals as producers and scholars as users of information and communication technologies and shows that a joint debate on these issues is necessary

    Netzwerke, Informationstechnologie und Macht

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    Der Beitrag zu dem Untersuchungsgegenstand 'Macht und Technik' untersucht die Transformation der Macht in einer durch Informationstechnologien geprägten kapitalistischen Netzwerkgesellschaft. Netzwerke haben, so die These, erst durch die informationstechnologische Revolution der vergangenen drei Jahrzehnte ihre funktional-technologischen Konnotationen erhalten. Somit geht es um die Frage, in welcher Weise Machstrukturen in der technischen Gestalt der Netzwerke Ausdruck erlangen, sich befestigen und verstetigen können. Die Ausführungen orientieren sich dabei an der in der Informationstechnik geführten Debatte um den Gegensatz von zentralistisch-proprietären und dezentral-offenen Systemarchitekturen. Informationstechnik wird somit als Sozialstruktur und Arena sozialer Konflikte verstanden. Auf diese Weise wird gezeigt, dass und wie wirtschaftliche Machtverhältnisse, Organisationsformen und technologische Strukturen in einem wechselseitigen Bedingungsverhältnis stehen. (ICG2

    Upgrading Academic Scholarship : Challenges and Chances of the Digital Age

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    Purpose: The paper is a discussion of what the beginning of the Internet Age means for the functions and structures of scholarly information and communication by looking at and evaluating today's usability and usage of the digital information infrastructure for and by academic scholarship. Design/methodology/approach: The paper gives an overview of the current state of development of digital information in the scholarly cultures and stresses the importance of data as the crucial - and considerably extended - basis of scholarly work. The central role of the publishing world for the academic rewards system is analyzed to consider continuities and discontinuities in scholarly publication. Findings: The paper advances the thesis first coined by Christine Borgman that today we have an information infrastructure of, but not one for scholarly information. Some ideas and proposals of what should be done to move towards an information infrastructure for scholarly work conclude the paper. Originality/value: The paper tries to bridge the gap between information professionals as producers and scholars as users of information and communication technologies and shows that a joint debate on these issues is necessary

    Wissen und Arbeit im "Informational Capitalism"

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    Es wird die These entwickelt, dass die Informatisierung der Arbeit ein wesentliches Merkmal einer Gesellschaft im Umbruch ist. Dieser strukturelle Zusammenhang findet seinen Ausdruck in dem von Manuel Castells geprägten Begriff des "informational capitalism". Zusammen mit einem erweiterten qualitativen Verständnis des Prozesses der Informatisierung als Schaffung einer verdoppelten Welt der "zweiten Natur" kann ein sozialwissenschaftlicher theoretischer Rahmen entwickelt werden: Der gegenwärtige gesellschaftliche Umbruch ist nicht nur mit einer deutlichen quantitativen Ausdehnung der Informationsarbeit verbunden. Spürbarer noch sind die qualitativen Veränderungen, die sich in der Arbeit selbst, in ihren Organisationsformen und auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene zum "social digital divide" (digitale Spaltung der Gesellschaft) beobachten lassen. Informatisierung ist jedoch keine lineare Tendenz, sondern in sich widersprüchlich. Sie bedarf ausgedehnter, sich jeweils neu definierender Zutaten und Interpretationsleistungen, um Information zu Wissen und damit für zielgerichtete Praxis nutzbar zu machen. Die allmähliche Ablösung des Begriffs der "Informationsgesellschaft" durch den der "Wissensgesellschaft" signalisiert das zunehmende Bewusstsein für diese Verschiebung. Information und Wissen, Wissen und Nicht-Wissen bilden eine innere Einheit. Aus dem Spannungsverhältnis von Information und Wissen, von Formalisierung und Subjektivität resultieren schließlich Spielräume für das Subjekt und damit Gestaltungsspielräume für Technik und Organisation. (GB

    Knowledge, work and subject in informational capitalism

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    "With the development of informational capitalism and the network society, globalization and informatization play an increasingly crucial role for understanding technology and society. Informatization describes a qualitative leap in technology development which opens up new dimensions of productivity by information modelling on the one hand, but which demands new forms of knowledge of information workers on the other hand. Work is becoming more flexible, but also more precarious and more polarized socially. These tendencies create a contradictory situation for the subject: formalization and new scopes of autonomy exist side by side. This constellation allows for new approaches to the social shaping of technologies. But they presuppose a fundamental change in attitude by both, system developers and social scientists." (author's abstract

    Informatisierung der Arbeit - Arbeitsforschung im Umbruch? Konzeptionelle Notwendigkeiten einer zukunftsfähigen Arbeitsforschung

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    Es wird gezeigt, dass die in dem Sammelband wiedergegebenen Diskurse der Tagung "Informatisierung der Arbeit - Gesellschaft im Umbruch" in breiter und interdisziplinärer Weise zwei zentrale Ergebnisse des Projekts "Kooperationsnetz Prospektive Arbeitsforschung" bestätigen: Zum einen kann in einem umfassenden - qualitativen und quantitativen - Sinne von einer neuen Qualität der Informatisierung von Arbeit gesprochen werden. Zum anderen wird deutlich, dass mit Blick auf die realen Entwicklungen die Perspektive der Informatisierung eine sinnvolle und notwendige konzeptionelle Erweiterung der Arbeitsforschung darstellt. Mit der neuen Qualität von Informatisierungsprozessen ändert sich der Informatisierungsmodus in der Gesellschaft grundlegend. Arbeitsforschung muss mithin wieder einen stärkeren Bezug zu Ökonomie und Gesamtgesellschaft herstellen. (GB