13 research outputs found

    Dead code elimination based pointer analysis for multithreaded programs

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    This paper presents a new approach for optimizing multitheaded programs with pointer constructs. The approach has applications in the area of certified code (proof-carrying code) where a justification or a proof for the correctness of each optimization is required. The optimization meant here is that of dead code elimination. Towards optimizing multithreaded programs the paper presents a new operational semantics for parallel constructs like join-fork constructs, parallel loops, and conditionally spawned threads. The paper also presents a novel type system for flow-sensitive pointer analysis of multithreaded programs. This type system is extended to obtain a new type system for live-variables analysis of multithreaded programs. The live-variables type system is extended to build the third novel type system, proposed in this paper, which carries the optimization of dead code elimination. The justification mentioned above takes the form of type derivation in our approach.Comment: 19 page

    Partial Redundancy Elimination for Multi-threaded Programs

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    Multi-threaded programs have many applications which are widely used such as operating systems. Analyzing multi-threaded programs differs from sequential ones; the main feature is that many threads execute at the same time. The effect of all other running threads must be taken in account. Partial redundancy elimination is among the most powerful compiler optimizations: it performs loop-invariant code motion and common subexpression elimination. We present a type system with optimization component which performs partial redundancy elimination for multi-threaded programs.Comment: 7 page

    From policies to aspects in KLAIM

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    Revealing the trajectories of KLAIM tuples, statically

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    Klaim (Kernel Language for Agents Interaction and Mobility) has been devised to design distributed applications composed by many components deployed over the nodes of a distributed infrastructure and to offer programmers primitive constructs for communicating, distributing and retrieving data. Data could be sensitive and some nodes could not be secure. As a consequence it is important to track data in their traversal of the network. To this aim, we propose a Control Flow Analysis that over-approximates the behaviour of Klaim processes and tracks how tuple data can move in the network

    A Coordination Language for Databases

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    We present a coordination language for the modeling of distributed database applications. The language, baptized Klaim-DB, borrows the concepts of localities and nets of the coordination language Klaim but re-incarnates the tuple spaces of Klaim as databases. It provides high-level abstractions and primitives for the access and manipulation of structured data, with integrity and atomicity considerations. We present the formal semantics of Klaim-DB and develop a type system that avoids potential runtime errors such as certain evaluation errors and mismatches of data format in tables, which are monitored in the semantics. The use of the language is illustrated in a scenario where the sales from different branches of a chain of department stores are aggregated from their local databases. Raising the abstraction level and encapsulating integrity checks in the language primitives have benefited the modeling task considerably

    Aspects with Program Analysis for Security Policies

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    Modelling Socio-Technical Aspects of Organisational Security

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    Identification of threats to organisations and risk assessment often take into consideration the pure technical aspects, overlooking the vulnerabilities originating from attacks on a social level, for example social engineering, and abstracting away the physical infrastructure. However, attacks on organisations are far from being purely technical. After all, organisations consist of employees. Often the human factor appears to be the weakest point in the security of organisations. It may be easier to break through a system using a social engineering attack rather than a pure technological one. The StuxNet attack is only one of the many examples showing that vulnerabilities of organisations are increasingly exploited on different levels including the human factor. There is an urgent need for integration between the technical and social aspects of systems in assessing their security. Such an integration would close this gap, however, it would also result in complicating the formal treatment and automatic identification of attacks. This dissertation shows that applying a system modelling approach to sociotechnical systems can be used for identifying attacks on organisations, which exploit various levels of the vulnerabilities of the systems. In support of this claim we present a modelling framework, which combines many features. Based on a graph, the framework presents the physical infrastructure of an organisation, where actors and data are modelled as nodes in this graph. Based on the semantics of the underlying process calculus, we develop a formal analytical approach that generates attack trees from the model. The overall goal of the framework is to predict, prioritise and minimise the vulnerabilities in organisations by prohibiting the overall attack or at least increasing the difficulty and cost of fulfilling it. We validate our approach using scenarios from IPTV and Cloud Infrastructure case studies

    From Flow Logic to Static Type Systems for Coordination Languages

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    From Flow Logic to static type systems for coordination languages

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    Coordination languages are often used to describe open-ended systems. This makes it challenging to develop tools for guaranteeing the security of the coordinated systems and the correctness of their interaction. Successful approaches to this problem have been based on type systems with dynamic checks; therefore, the correctness properties cannot be statically enforced. By contrast, static analysis approaches based on Flow Logic usually guarantee properties statically. In this paper, we show how the insights from the Flow Logic approach can be used to construct a type system for statically ensuring secure access to tuple spaces and safe process migration for an extension of the language Klaim