5 research outputs found

    GOREWEB framework for goal oriented requirements engineering of web applications

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    In this paper, we propose a framework for modeling goal driven requirements of web applications. Web engineers mostly focus on design aspects only overlooking the real goals and expectations of the user. Goal oriented Requirement Engineering is a popular approach for Information system development but has not been explored much for Web applications. However, in today's times Web is dominating in every business making it imperative that its requirements are analyzed carefully and in profundity. Goal driven requirements analysis helps in capturing stakeholders' goals very finely, by choosing between alternatives and resolving conflicts. Detailed classification of both functional and non-functional requirements specific to web applications is discussed in the presented work. A framework, GOREWEB (Goal oriented Requirements Engineering for Web Applications) is proposed for analyzing goals and translating them into functional and non-functional web requirements

    An ontological view in telemedicine.

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    The verification and validation of information system models impact on the adequacy and appropriateness of using the value of telemedicine services for continuously optimizing healthcare outcomes. We have defined a methodology to help the modeling and rigorous analysis of the requirements of information systems in telemedicine. On one hand, this methodology will be based on a formal representation of requirements (systemic, generic domain, etc.) within a knowledge base that will be a requirements repository. On the other hand, this methodology will use conceptual graphs for the formalization of ontology of activities and the production of arguments related to the formal verification of models built from this ontology. We describe an example illustrating the engagement of conceptual graph procedures to model the contextual situations in the telemedicine development. We also discuss the way in which ethical issues will actually take place in telemedicine applications

    Flexibility in MDE for scaling up from simple applications to real case studies: illustration on a Nuclear Power Plant

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    International audienceModel Driven Engineering provides powerful solutions for the development of User Interfaces. However, concepts and techniques are difficult to master and to apply: the threshold of use is said to be high, making designers and developers reluctant to use it. This paper investigates process model flexibility as a solution. We present three kinds of flexibility for improving design and development process models: (1) variability for equivalent choices, (2) granularability for several levels of details, (3) completeness for possibly optional and pre-defined reusable components. Flexibility decreases the threshold of use by reusability of knowledge, know-how and pieces of code. We illustrate these forms of flexibility on an industrial case study from the nuclear power plant domain. We explain how they are implemented in FlexiLab, a running prototype based on OSGi. The innovation is twofold: on one hand, the operationalization of flexibility; on the other hand, the jump from simple applications to real case studies thanks to flexibility

    Vers un cycle d'amélioration continue pour la capitalisation des connaissances : un cas d'étude à STMicroelectronics

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    At STMicroelectronics, the Business Intelligence team is daily confronted to exploit data and information to create reports about manufacturing activities in order to supervise it. In such an industrial organization, products change regularly and data can quickly become obsolete. Consequently, over time, the number of created reports is highly growing, while knowledge about their creation is lost. This is shown in a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the main part of the STMicroelectronics' knowledge system.As a result, problems related to knowledge obsolescence, duplication, non-centralization and proliferation continuously arise. Therefore, this work addresses the general following research question:How to ensure a continuous expert knowledge capitalization?To answer this question, a continuous improvement cycle for knowledge capitalization is proposed. Its objective is to effectively and continuously capitalize expert knowledge while targeting business needs and providing an evolving solution. It is based on a Business Intelligence for Business Intelligence system (BI4BI). Since knowledge is embedded not only in systems and tools, but also in human minds and practices, our proposed knowledge capitalization solution also involves people and organizations: it proposes to collect users' feedbacks and insights to integrate them in knowledge representation and in our BI4BI tool.À STMicroelectronics, l'équipe de Business Intelligence est confrontée à exploiter quotidiennement des données et des informations pour créer des rapports d'activité afin de superviser la production. Dans une telle organisation industrielle, les produits changent régulièrement et les données peuvent rapidement devenir obsolètes. Par conséquent, au fil du temps, le nombre de rapports crées est de plus en plus important, tandis que les connaissances sur leur création sont perdues. Ceci est illustré dans une évaluation qualitative et quantitative de la partie principale du système de connaissances à STMicroelectronics.Ainsi, des problèmes d'obsolescence, de duplication, de non-centralisation et de prolifération continuent à surgir. Ce travail doit, donc, répondre à la question de recherche générale suivante:Comment assurer une capitalisation continue des connaissances métier?Pour répondre à cette question, un cycle d'amélioration continue pour la capitalisation des connaissances est proposé. Son objectif est de capitaliser efficacement et en permanence les connaissances, tout en ciblant les besoins métier et assurant une solution évolutive. Un système de Business Intelligence pour la Business Intelligence (BI4BI) est proposé. Comme la connaissance est intégrée non seulement dans les systèmes et les outils, mais aussi détenue par les humains et leurs pratiques, notre solution de capitalisation de connaissances proposée implique aussi les utilisateurs et les organisations: elle propose de recueillir les points de vue des utilisateurs pour les intégrer dans la représentation des connaissances et dans notre système BI4BI