2,806 research outputs found

    On a theory of the bb-function in positive characteristic

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    We present a theory of the bb-function (or Bernstein-Sato polynomial) in positive characteristic. Let ff be a non-constant polynomial with coefficients in a perfect field kk of characteristic p>0.p>0. Its bb-function bfb_f is defined to be an ideal of the algebra of continuous kk-valued functions on Zp.\mathbb{Z}_p. The zero-locus of the bb-function is thus naturally interpreted as a subset of Zp,\mathbb{Z}_p, which we call the set of roots of bf.b_f. We prove that bfb_f has finitely many roots and that they are negative rational numbers. Our construction builds on an earlier work of Musta\c{t}\u{a} and is in terms of DD-modules, where DD is the ring of Grothendieck differential operators. We use the Frobenius to obtain finiteness properties of bfb_f and relate it to the test ideals of f.f.Comment: Final versio

    Unitary local systems, multiplier ideals, and polynomial periodicity of Hodge numbers

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    The space of unitary local systems of rank one on the complement of an arbitrary divisor in a complex projective algebraic variety can be described in terms of parabolic line bundles. We show that multiplier ideals provide natural stratifications of this space. We prove a structure theorem for these stratifications in terms of complex tori and convex rational polytopes, generalizing to the quasi-projective case results of Green-Lazarsfeld and Simpson. As an application we show the polynomial periodicity of Hodge numbers of congruence covers in any dimension, generalizing results of E. Hironaka and Sakuma. We extend the structure theorem and polynomial periodicity to the setting of cohomology of unitary local systems. In particular, we obtain a generalization of the polynomial periodicity of Betti numbers of unbranched congruence covers due to Sarnak-Adams. We derive a geometric characterization of finite abelian covers, which recovers the classic one and the one of Pardini. We use this, for example, to prove a conjecture of Libgober about Hodge numbers of abelian covers.Comment: final version, to appear in Adv. Mat

    Bernstein-Sato polynomials in positive characteristic

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    In characteristic zero, the Bernstein-Sato polynomial of a hypersurface can be described as the minimal polynomial of the action of an Euler operator on a suitable D-module. We consider the analogous D-module in positive characteristic, and use it to define a sequence of Bernstein-Sato polynomials (corresponding to the fact that we need to consider also divided powers Euler operators). We show that the information contained in these polynomials is equivalent to that given by the F-jumping exponents of the hypersurface, in the sense of Hara and Yoshida.Comment: 26 pages; v.2: new section added, treating the decomposition of an arbitrary D-module under the Euler operators; v.3: final version, to appear in Journal of Algebr

    Statistical Mechanics of 2+1 Gravity From Riemann Zeta Function and Alexander Polynomial:Exact Results

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    In the recent publication (Journal of Geometry and Physics,33(2000)23-102) we demonstrated that dynamics of 2+1 gravity can be described in terms of train tracks. Train tracks were introduced by Thurston in connection with description of dynamics of surface automorphisms. In this work we provide an example of utilization of general formalism developed earlier. The complete exact solution of the model problem describing equilibrium dynamics of train tracks on the punctured torus is obtained. Being guided by similarities between the dynamics of 2d liquid crystals and 2+1 gravity the partition function for gravity is mapped into that for the Farey spin chain. The Farey spin chain partition function, fortunately, is known exactly and has been thoroughly investigated recently. Accordingly, the transition between the pseudo-Anosov and the periodic dynamic regime (in Thurston's terminology) in the case of gravity is being reinterpreted in terms of phase transitions in the Farey spin chain whose partition function is just a ratio of two Riemann zeta functions. The mapping into the spin chain is facilitated by recognition of a special role of the Alexander polynomial for knots/links in study of dynamics of self homeomorphisms of surfaces. At the end of paper, using some facts from the theory of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds (initiated by Bianchi in 1892), we develop systematic extension of the obtained results to noncompact Riemannian surfaces of higher genus. Some of the obtained results are also useful for 3+1 gravity. In particular, using the theorem of Margulis, we provide new reasons for the black hole existence in the Universe: black holes make our Universe arithmetic. That is the discrete Lie groups of motion are arithmetic.Comment: 69 pages,11 figures. Journal of Geometry and Physics (in press
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