572 research outputs found

    Sample-level CNN Architectures for Music Auto-tagging Using Raw Waveforms

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    Recent work has shown that the end-to-end approach using convolutional neural network (CNN) is effective in various types of machine learning tasks. For audio signals, the approach takes raw waveforms as input using an 1-D convolution layer. In this paper, we improve the 1-D CNN architecture for music auto-tagging by adopting building blocks from state-of-the-art image classification models, ResNets and SENets, and adding multi-level feature aggregation to it. We compare different combinations of the modules in building CNN architectures. The results show that they achieve significant improvements over previous state-of-the-art models on the MagnaTagATune dataset and comparable results on Million Song Dataset. Furthermore, we analyze and visualize our model to show how the 1-D CNN operates.Comment: Accepted for publication at ICASSP 201

    Classification of Smartphone Application Reviews Using Small Corpus Based on Bidirectional LSTM Transformer

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    This paper provides the classification of the review texts on a smartphone application posted on social media. We propose a high performance binary classification method (positive/negative) of review texts, which uses the bidirectional long short-term memory (biLSTM) self-attentional Transformer and is based on the distributed representations created by unsupervised learning of a manually labelled small review corpus, dictionary, and an unlabeled large review corpus. The proposed method obtained higher accuracy as compared to the existing methods, such as StarSpace or the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT)

    Introduction to Facial Micro Expressions Analysis Using Color and Depth Images: A Matlab Coding Approach (Second Edition, 2023)

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    The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment. FMER is a subset of image processing and it is a multidisciplinary topic to analysis. So, it requires familiarity with other topics of Artifactual Intelligence (AI) such as machine learning, digital image processing, psychology and more. So, it is a great opportunity to write a book which covers all of these topics for beginner to professional readers in the field of AI and even without having background of AI. Our goal is to provide a standalone introduction in the field of MFER analysis in the form of theorical descriptions for readers with no background in image processing with reproducible Matlab practical examples. Also, we describe any basic definitions for FMER analysis and MATLAB library which is used in the text, that helps final reader to apply the experiments in the real-world applications. We believe that this book is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals alike, who need to develop practical skills, along with a basic understanding of the field. We expect that, after reading this book, the reader feels comfortable with different key stages such as color and depth image processing, color and depth image representation, classification, machine learning, facial micro-expressions recognition, feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment.Comment: This is the second edition of the boo

    Emotion Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence

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    This paper focuses on the interplay between humans and computer system, the ability for these systems to understand and respond to human emotions, including non-verbal communication. Current emotion recognition systems are based solely on either facial or verbal expressions. The limitation of these system is that it requires a large training data-sets. The paper proposes a system for recognizing human emotions that combines both speech and emotion recognition. The system utilizes advanced techniques such as deep learning and image recognition to identify facial expressions and comprehend emotions. The results show that the proposed system, based on combination of facial expression and speech outperforms existing ones, which are based solely either on facial or on verbal expressions. The proposed system detects human emotion with an accuracy of 86%, whereas the existing systems have an accuracy of 70% using verbal expression only and 76% using facial expression only. In this paper the increasing significance and demand for facial recognition technology in emotion recognition is also discussed

    Valvekaameratel põhineva inimseire täiustamine pildi resolutsiooni parandamise ning näotuvastuse abil

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    Due to importance of security in the society, monitoring activities and recognizing specific people through surveillance video camera is playing an important role. One of the main issues in such activity rises from the fact that cameras do not meet the resolution requirement for many face recognition algorithms. In order to solve this issue, in this work we are proposing a new system which super resolve the image. First, we are using sparse representation with the specific dictionary involving many natural and facial images to super resolve images. As a second method, we are using deep learning convulutional network. Image super resolution is followed by Hidden Markov Model and Singular Value Decomposition based face recognition. The proposed system has been tested on many well-known face databases such as FERET, HeadPose, and Essex University databases as well as our recently introduced iCV Face Recognition database (iCV-F). The experimental results shows that the recognition rate is increasing considerably after applying the super resolution by using facial and natural image dictionary. In addition, we are also proposing a system for analysing people movement on surveillance video. People including faces are detected by using Histogram of Oriented Gradient features and Viola-jones algorithm. Multi-target tracking system with discrete-continuouos energy minimization tracking system is then used to track people. The tracking data is then in turn used to get information about visited and passed locations and face recognition results for tracked people

    Pose-to-Motion: Cross-Domain Motion Retargeting with Pose Prior

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    Creating believable motions for various characters has long been a goal in computer graphics. Current learning-based motion synthesis methods depend on extensive motion datasets, which are often challenging, if not impossible, to obtain. On the other hand, pose data is more accessible, since static posed characters are easier to create and can even be extracted from images using recent advancements in computer vision. In this paper, we utilize this alternative data source and introduce a neural motion synthesis approach through retargeting. Our method generates plausible motions for characters that have only pose data by transferring motion from an existing motion capture dataset of another character, which can have drastically different skeletons. Our experiments show that our method effectively combines the motion features of the source character with the pose features of the target character, and performs robustly with small or noisy pose data sets, ranging from a few artist-created poses to noisy poses estimated directly from images. Additionally, a conducted user study indicated that a majority of participants found our retargeted motion to be more enjoyable to watch, more lifelike in appearance, and exhibiting fewer artifacts. Project page: https://cyanzhao42.github.io/pose2motionComment: Project page: https://cyanzhao42.github.io/pose2motio

    STV-based Video Feature Processing for Action Recognition

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    In comparison to still image-based processes, video features can provide rich and intuitive information about dynamic events occurred over a period of time, such as human actions, crowd behaviours, and other subject pattern changes. Although substantial progresses have been made in the last decade on image processing and seen its successful applications in face matching and object recognition, video-based event detection still remains one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision research due to its complex continuous or discrete input signals, arbitrary dynamic feature definitions, and the often ambiguous analytical methods. In this paper, a Spatio-Temporal Volume (STV) and region intersection (RI) based 3D shape-matching method has been proposed to facilitate the definition and recognition of human actions recorded in videos. The distinctive characteristics and the performance gain of the devised approach stemmed from a coefficient factor-boosted 3D region intersection and matching mechanism developed in this research. This paper also reported the investigation into techniques for efficient STV data filtering to reduce the amount of voxels (volumetric-pixels) that need to be processed in each operational cycle in the implemented system. The encouraging features and improvements on the operational performance registered in the experiments have been discussed at the end

    On the mechanism of response latencies in auditory nerve fibers

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    Despite the structural differences of the middle and inner ears, the latency pattern in auditory nerve fibers to an identical sound has been found similar across numerous species. Studies have shown the similarity in remarkable species with distinct cochleae or even without a basilar membrane. This stimulus-, neuron-, and species- independent similarity of latency cannot be simply explained by the concept of cochlear traveling waves that is generally accepted as the main cause of the neural latency pattern. An original concept of Fourier pattern is defined, intended to characterize a feature of temporal processing—specifically phase encoding—that is not readily apparent in more conventional analyses. The pattern is created by marking the first amplitude maximum for each sinusoid component of the stimulus, to encode phase information. The hypothesis is that the hearing organ serves as a running analyzer whose output reflects synchronization of auditory neural activity consistent with the Fourier pattern. A combined research of experimental, correlational and meta-analysis approaches is used to test the hypothesis. Manipulations included phase encoding and stimuli to test their effects on the predicted latency pattern. Animal studies in the literature using the same stimulus were then compared to determine the degree of relationship. The results show that each marking accounts for a large percentage of a corresponding peak latency in the peristimulus-time histogram. For each of the stimuli considered, the latency predicted by the Fourier pattern is highly correlated with the observed latency in the auditory nerve fiber of representative species. The results suggest that the hearing organ analyzes not only amplitude spectrum but also phase information in Fourier analysis, to distribute the specific spikes among auditory nerve fibers and within a single unit. This phase-encoding mechanism in Fourier analysis is proposed to be the common mechanism that, in the face of species differences in peripheral auditory hardware, accounts for the considerable similarities across species in their latency-by-frequency functions, in turn assuring optimal phase encoding across species. Also, the mechanism has the potential to improve phase encoding of cochlear implants