18 research outputs found

    Identifying effective multiple spreaders by coloring complex networks

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    How to identify influential nodes in social networks is of theoretical significance, which relates to how to prevent epidemic spreading or cascading failure, how to accelerate information diffusion, and so on. In this Letter, we make an attempt to find \emph{effective multiple spreaders} in complex networks by generalizing the idea of the coloring problem in graph theory to complex networks. In our method, each node in a network is colored by one kind of color and nodes with the same color are sorted into an independent set. Then, for a given centrality index, the nodes with the highest centrality in an independent set are chosen as multiple spreaders. Comparing this approach with the traditional method, in which nodes with the highest centrality from the \emph{entire} network perspective are chosen, we find that our method is more effective in accelerating the spreading process and maximizing the spreading coverage than the traditional method, no matter in network models or in real social networks. Meanwhile, the low computational complexity of the coloring algorithm guarantees the potential applications of our method.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Reader Scheduling for Tag Access in RFID Systems

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    International audience"Reader'' and "Tag'' type devices are utilized in the Radio-Frequency IDentification technology for identification and tracking of objects.A tag can be "read'' by a reader when the tag is within the reader's sensing range. However, when tags are present in the intersection area of the sensing ranges of two or more readers, simultaneous activation of the readers may cause "reader collision''. In order to ensure collision-free reading, a scheduling scheme is needed to read tags in the shortest possible time. We study this scheduling problem in a stationary setting and the reader minimization problem in a mobile setting. We show that the optimal schedule construction problem is NP-complete and provide an approximation algorithm that we evaluate our techniques through simulation

    Zenbat kolorerekin margotu daiteke Autonomia Erkidegoko eskualdeen mapa?

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    Artikulu honek grafo-teoría jorratzen du, zehatz-mehatz grafoen koloreztamenduak, hau da, grafo baten erpinei koloreak emateko moduak, lotuta dauden erpinak kolore desberdinekin koloreztatuz. Gaur egun, grafo-teoría ikerketa arlo bizi-bizia da, eta grafoen koloreztamenduek arreta handia jaso zuten hogeigarren mendean, 1976an Lau Koloreen Teoremaren frogarekin gorenera iritsiz. Lan honetan, Lau Koloreen Teoremaren aipamen historikoa ematen da, eta baita ere frogaren ideia nagusien inguruko iradokizun batzuk. Helburu hon·etarako, beharrezkoak ditugun grafo-teoriako kontzeptuak definitzen eta urratzen ditugu. Azkenik, grafoen koloreztamenduak erabilganiak diren zertarako batzuk ere aipatuko dira

    Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective

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    Efficient networking has a substantial economic and societal impact in a broad range of areas including transportation systems, wired and wireless communications and a range of Internet applications. As transportation and communication networks become increasingly more complex, the ever increasing demand for congestion control, higher traffic capacity, quality of service, robustness and reduced energy consumption require new tools and methods to meet these conflicting requirements. The new methodology should serve for gaining better understanding of the properties of networking systems at the macroscopic level, as well as for the development of new principled optimization and management algorithms at the microscopic level. Methods of statistical physics seem best placed to provide new approaches as they have been developed specifically to deal with non-linear large scale systems. This paper aims at presenting an overview of tools and methods that have been developed within the statistical physics community and that can be readily applied to address the emerging problems in networking. These include diffusion processes, methods from disordered systems and polymer physics, probabilistic inference, which have direct relevance to network routing, file and frequency distribution, the exploration of network structures and vulnerability, and various other practical networking applications.Comment: (Review article) 71 pages, 14 figure

    Design, Analysis and Computation in Wireless and Optical Networks

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    abstract: In the realm of network science, many topics can be abstracted as graph problems, such as routing, connectivity enhancement, resource/frequency allocation and so on. Though most of them are NP-hard to solve, heuristics as well as approximation algorithms are proposed to achieve reasonably good results. Accordingly, this dissertation studies graph related problems encountered in real applications. Two problems studied in this dissertation are derived from wireless network, two more problems studied are under scenarios of FIWI and optical network, one more problem is in Radio- Frequency Identification (RFID) domain and the last problem is inspired by satellite deployment. The objective of most of relay nodes placement problems, is to place the fewest number of relay nodes in the deployment area so that the network, formed by the sensors and the relay nodes, is connected. Under the fixed budget scenario, the expense involved in procuring the minimum number of relay nodes to make the network connected, may exceed the budget. In this dissertation, we study a family of problems whose goal is to design a network with “maximal connectedness” or “minimal disconnectedness”, subject to a fixed budget constraint. Apart from “connectivity”, we also study relay node problem in which degree constraint is considered. The balance of reducing the degree of the network while maximizing communication forms the basis of our d-degree minimum arrangement(d-MA) problem. In this dissertation, we look at several approaches to solving the generalized d-MA problem where we embed a graph onto a subgraph of a given degree. In recent years, considerable research has been conducted on optical and FIWI networks. Utilizing a recently proposed concept “candidate trees” in optical network, this dissertation studies counting problem on complete graphs. Closed form expressions are given for certain cases and a polynomial counting algorithm for general cases is also presented. Routing plays a major role in FiWi networks. Accordingly to a novel path length metric which emphasizes on “heaviest edge”, this dissertation proposes a polynomial algorithm on single path computation. NP-completeness proof as well as approximation algorithm are presented for multi-path routing. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology is extensively used at present for identification and tracking of a multitude of objects. In many configurations, simultaneous activation of two readers may cause a “reader collision” when tags are present in the intersection of the sensing ranges of both readers. This dissertation ad- dresses slotted time access for Readers and tries to provide a collision-free scheduling scheme while minimizing total reading time. Finally, this dissertation studies a monitoring problem on the surface of the earth for significant environmental, social/political and extreme events using satellites as sensors. It is assumed that the impact of a significant event spills into neighboring regions and there will be corresponding indicators. Careful deployment of sensors, utilizing “Identifying Codes”, can ensure that even though the number of deployed sensors is fewer than the number of regions, it may be possible to uniquely identify the region where the event has taken place.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201